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The Merchant of New Borealis Ch. 6 (Original)

  • Stay and help these people because it's the right thing to do. 3
  • Stay and help because you can't disappoint Chrysalis. 6
  • Stay and help because you want/need the money. 1
  • Leave town as soon as Yuya gets better. 0
  • 2019-09-26
  • —2019-09-29
  • 10 votes
{'title': 'The Merchant of New Borealis Ch. 6 (Original)', 'choices': [{'text': "Stay and help these people because it's the right thing to do.", 'votes': 3}, {'text': "Stay and help because you can't disappoint Chrysalis.", 'votes': 6}, {'text': 'Stay and help because you want/need the money.', 'votes': 1}, {'text': 'Leave town as soon as Yuya gets better.', 'votes': 0}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 9, 29, 18, 0, 14, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 9, 26, 19, 25, 26, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 10}


 $1 - $5 = 1 vote, $9 to $15 = 2 votes. Anything above $15 = 3 votes 

Summary: You tell the girls what it is you sell, before you head off to the next town. Unfortunately, there's a lot of problems going on in Undercliff... Includes: No Smut, Action Scenes


“Well, I sell a little bit of everything.”

That causes both girls to raise their brows, and you explain.

“I sell armor, toys, even some food. I sell all sorts of stuff.” You smile at the girls, feeling a bit of pride in your heart. “Whatever people are looking for, I bet I have.”

“So you sell a bunch of random junk?” Yuya asked, and you frown at that, glaring at her.

“Well, I think it’s great! You have everything a person could need! Cum for Miss Succubus-!” Chrysalis gestures to Yuya, who rolls her eyes. “And a friend for me!” She quickly latches onto you, squeezing you as she smiles. “I love you, friend!” 

“Oh, uh… T-thank you, Chrysalis,” you reply, patting her head. 

“My pleasure! I can’t wait to sell stuff with you!” 

You smile at her enthusiasm, but that does bring a question to your mind. You look at the two girls. “Hey, I have a question. Can you two even come into town with me?”

“You’re not from New Borealis, are you?” Yuya chuckles. You shake your head, and she begins to explain. “Well, Demi acceptance varies from town to town, city to city, region to region. Some places are willing to allow some Demis to walk around, others are the kill on sight kind of town, and that includes killing the humans who dare align themselves with the Demi.”

You gulp, suddenly wondering if you were now a traitor to your race. Chrysalis whimpers, hugging your leg. 

“The kingdom’s government doesn’t have an official stance on Demis yet. They barely have any proper ruling, and their government doesn’t even really have teeth,” Yuya adds. 

It makes sense, you realize. The New Borealis Government only popped up a few months ago. As soon as the colonies rebelled against their founding nation, the Atuvian Empire, they declared themselves a new kingdom. 

They opened their borders up to anyone who would want to come see their beautiful kingdom, but they were an infant compared to other countries. 

You briefly wonder if coming here was a wise choice, but one hug from Chrysalis reminds you that, yes. It was. 

“Well, do you know how the other town takes Demis?”

“Beats me, but don’t worry. If they attack, I’ll protect you,” she grins, patting her naked chest.

“And me?” Chrysalis asks, peeking out from behind you.

Yuya glances at the Greenworm, and Chrysalis shivered under her sharp eyes. “Yeah, sure,” she mumbles, looking away as her cheeks blush a dark purple. 


“I really would like it if you didn’t kill anyone,” you sigh.

“I probably won’t. Unless I really want to.”

You sigh, before blinking. “Wait, our deal was only for the forest, wasn’t it?” 

Yuya’s eyes widen and there’s a moment of silence as she avoids your eyes. Chrysalis breaks the smile with a giggle as Yuya dramatically points a finger at you. “I have altered our deal! Pray I don’t alter it further!” she shouts, before sinking into the water. 

She vanishes under it as Chrysalis giggles again. “I like her.”


You let out a sigh of relief as you walk out of the forest. You, Yuya, and Chrysalis walk out of the forest and into the light of the sun as you all bask in the glow of the sun.  

“Finally out of there,” you sigh in relief. 

“Ah, that feels nice,” Yuya moans, stroking her chest. 

“Whoa… I-it’s so… so open out here,” Chrysalis comments. You blink, and look around.

There are mountains in the distance, in the same direction as the town you’re going to, but other than that, you understand what Chrysalis means. Wide, open fields of green. Farmhouses and farmlands decorate the path to the town as you feel a weight lift off of you.

Being in that forest for a day was suffocating. You can’t imagine how painful it must be to spend your life there. You look at Chrysalis and she almost seems scared. Her eyes look to the sky as she shakes.

“I-is the sky supposed to be that open? I-I’ve never seen it without trees…” 

“Have you ever left that forest?” Yuya asks, raising her brow.

“No… The only time I did, some travelers saw me as I was walking out. They… called me a monster and ran away from me.” She looks down as her voice shakes. “I… I didn’t really feel like wanting to leave after that.”

“Hey.” You place a hand on her head, and ruffle up her hair for a moment. “You’re no monster to me. You’re my friend.”

The smile on her face warms your heart as tears pool in her eyes. “I love you, friend…” She nuzzles her head against your hand as Yuya watches the two of you. 

“Hm. We should get going,” she mutters. 

“Right, but uh…” Your eyes glance at a nearby farm. You don’t see anyone outside, but that can change quickly. “You two might need some disguises.”


“Well, if the people of this area don’t like Demis, it might just be easier if you two look like regular people.”

“Yay! Disguises! I can make my butt look like my face!” Chrysalis quickly turns around and lays on her chest. Her caterpillar half points to you and Yuya, and you realize that she has two yellow spots on her ‘butt’ to vaguely resemble a face.  

“Hi, everyone! I’m a normal giant caterpillar! Don’t mind me!” Chrysalis deepens her voice, imitating what she might imagine a giant caterpillar to sound like. “I sure do love eating giant leaves!”

“...Seriously, you want her on our team?” Yuya whispers. You elbow her boob again and she frowns as you speak.

“That’s… nice, Chrysalis, but maybe we should disguise you two as humans.”

“Oh… I like that idea too!” 

“It might not be easy with all of-”

“Your junk in your trunk,” Yuya snickers.

“But I’m sure we’ll manage,” you glare at Yuya who raises her hands up as she lands on the ground.

“Hey, calm down there, scowly. Besides, watch this.” 

Yuya closes her eyes and focuses. Her purple skin begins to change color, turning a dark shade of brown. Her hair becomes black as her eyes, but almost immediately her eyes turn a normal white, with hazel pupils. Her horns vanish from her head, just like her wings. 

In a few seconds, she actually looks like a normal human woman, granted, one with a very large bust, ass, and in risque clothing. 

“Tada! Us Succubus can look like any kind of regular, lame-ass human! Makes it great for seducing little humans.”

“Great,” you reply, rolling your eyes at the insult and reasoning. “Well, can you change your clothes?”

“What’s wrong with the way I dress?!” Yuya huffs. 

“I’ve only known you for like three days, and I’ve seen your nipples slip out like ten times.”

“Who says those are accidents?”

You blush at the question, before reaching into your bag. “I’m not letting you get arrested for public indecency laws. Here. Put some clothes on.” You’re firm as you hand her some clothes, and she takes them with a small frown.

She gets dressed right in front of you as you hand some clothes to Chrysalis. The two girls get dressed, with Chrysalis putting on a long robe. You tell her to stand on her back legs and lean onto you, and she obeys. 

She can barely stand upright. She needs the support of all her back legs, but thankfully you quickly catch her, letting her lean onto you. She’s almost your height now. You pull the hood onto her head, hiding her antenna as her little hand nubs are hidden in long sleeves. 

“Whoa! Whoa!” 

“I got you, I got you.”

“If the village is fine with monster girls, we’re all going to look like idiots,” Yuya huffs. 

“Rather look like idiots than be attacked,” you reply.

“Whatever…” You listen to Yuya get dressed as you help Chrysalis not fall over. “Um… D-do I have to wear… all… of this?”

“What do you mean-?” You turn to Yuya, and you look her over.

She’s wearing a well made sundress that covers her from her shoulders, down to her knees. She’s even put on a pair of shoes you handed to her, covering her feet. She also has a coat on her body, covering her arms. She looks at her body, shaking under the clothes as she swallows down spit.

“I-I… T-these clothes are… They’re covering my whole body.”


“She’s breathing funny,” Chrysalis comments. 

“Oh, oh fuck…” Yuya hugs herself, shaking as her face grows hot. “N-no one can see any of my beautiful body. You can’t even see my curves, o-or my cleavage. You can’t see my ass if I bend forward, you can’t… can’t… Ahhh!” 

She looks like she’s going to cum on the spot, but she holds back as she turns to look at you. “D-do you have some mittens I can wear too?”

“No. I-I think you’re good.”

Yuya doesn’t say anything in return. She just closes her eyes and bites her lower lip, swaying her hips back and forth as the clothes cover her body. “These kinds of clothes… They’d be so naughty where I’m from. E-everyone would look at me, a-and now I like to cover myself. That I’d only let my soulmate see my naked body. M-my...ahh!” 

“Please don’t do that when we’re in town…”


Thankfully Yuya eventually calms down, though you can still see her writhing under her clothes. You definitely won’t be taking those clothes back...

The three of you keep moving, coming closer and closer to the town. You read a large sign on the way to the town and learn that the next town over is called ‘Undercliff.’ 

“‘The Unluckiest Town in the Land,’” you read. “Not exactly a good tagline…”

“That’s a bad sign. Wanna see a worse one?” Yuya asks, pointing ahead.

“Huh?” You follow her finger, and your eyes widen as you see smoke rising out from one of the town buildings. You can hear screams being carried by the wind, and you gulp as you can see strange creatures in the distance. 

Monsters. Monster girls, to be exact. You see all manner of creatures at work, attacking the town and her people. Ones that fly, ones that crawl, ones that you can’t even describe, all running around and attacking innocent people.

Your first thought is to turn and run, but Chrysalis pushes herself away from you and runs forward on her small legs. “Those people are in danger!” 

“H-hey, wait!” Yuya tries to grab her, but she misses, and their loud shouts seem to get the attention of one of the monsters. 

It moves insanely fast, charging at you three like a bull. She covers several feet in the time it would take you to cover one as you get a better look at her. A human torso, arms, and head sit on a spider body, and the spider half is covered entirely in hair, like tarantula. Her long legs slam into the ground, kicking up dirt as she roars, revealing gleaming, sharp teeth that you can see even at a distance. Not to mention the long, twisted horns that adorn her head. 

She has large, monsterous black hands covered in a dark fur that spreads to her elbows, and her hair is long and wild. You barely notice the mundane eyepatch over one of her eyes considering her bizarre, wild appearance. She’s like some kind of barbarian you’d see in a fable, but very real, and so much worse. She screams at you, before rearing her head back and firing several long threads at Chrysalis, right out of her mouth. 

It was like the web you saw from that spider, only concentrated into several beams. They hit Chrysalis, and she screams, struggling to escape as the web begins to coat her body.

“Oh not again,” Yuya groans. “Please tell me we can just abandon he-and you’re already running.” 

You rush over to protect Chrysalis, and the spider monster bites down on the webs in her mouth, cutting them and leaving Chrysalis in the small, sticky nest of web. The spider woman spits more webs at you, and you react quickly, holding up your bag. 

The thread shoots into your bag’s open mouth and you concentrate as you hold it in your hands. She thinks its an ordinary bag, and she pulls her head back to pull you closer, but you had a plan in mind. You just hope it works…

A Bag of Holding is a unique item. It can hold just about anything inside it, and then the wielder only needs to concentrate to pull out their desired item. Of course, the spider woman doesn’t know just what your bag is, so you concentrate instead on what she’ll pull out.

It works. A large wok suddenly flies out of your bag and it slams into the spider’s face, knocking her over. She’s stunned!

You turn to the girls, and find Yuya trying to cut Chrysalis free with her long, sharp nails. “We need to go!” you yell.

“Yeah, no shit! I’m try-Ow!” Yuya cries out in pain as something hits her arm. She holds her arm in pain as blood seeps out of the wind. “What…?” She blinks, and places a hand against her head. “Whoa… Woozy,” she chuckles, swaying to and fro.

“Crap.” You look around, and see someone blocking your exit. They’re walking towards you on the same path you came into town, and they don’t look friendly. 

Pale blue skin covers their thin, slender frame. The tattered remains of a dark robe cling to her womanly body as she stares at you blankly, her eyes slowly narrowing in on their target. You. What terrifies you more than the sword on the woman’s body is her physical appearance. 

Her left arm is a skeleton. Literally just bones connected to each other sticking out of her fleshy torso. In fact, her entire body looks like it was dug out of a battlefield. Cuts and scars, you can even see some exposed muscle from between broken parts of her flesh. Blood stains her body and clothes as she marches forward like a...a… well, a zombie. 

That’s the only word you can think of. She’s some kind of undead monster as she walks towards you, throwing knife in hand.

“Hey… You wanna hold hands, Bug?” Yuya asks, leaning down to nuzzle Chrysalis’ face. 

“Uh… I don’t have hands.”

“No, but you got lips…” And with that, Yuya kisses Chrysalis’ lips, sucking face with te Greenworm as you glare at them.

“Hey! Focus!” Normally you’d love the sight of them kissing, but not when there’s a literal zombie warrior woman walking towards you. You catch her pull her arm back and you hold up your bag as she throws a knife at you. 

The bag catches the knife, and you sigh in relief, only to gasp as the zombie leaps into the air, high above you. She draws her sword as you think, ‘Zombies can’t jump!’

The undead woman doesn’t seem to care what you think, as she aims her sword downard to impale you on her blade. You scream, panic, and swing your bag at her. Your open bag catches her sword in it, and when you pull your bag back towards you, the zombie loses their sword to your bottomless bag. Your eyes widen for a moment. You cannot believe how lucky that was, before the zombie lands on you, pinning you down onto the ground.

The back of your head hits something hard, while the front of your face hits something soft. Or rather it hits you. Either way, you realize your face is between her breasts as she lays on top of you. The only thing keeping your skin from touching are the thin, blood-stained bandages she wears around her chest. You’re not quite sure how to respond at first, as the woman’s legs suddenly trap you below her and she sits up.

Her cold, dead eyes stare at you as she pulls back her fist and brings it down. She narrowly misses your head as you move out of the way just in time. Her knuckles shake the ground as she readies herself to try again, only to suddenly by hit by...Chrysalis? 

To be precise, Chrysalis being thrown at her by Yuya. “That’s for… spitting webs on me. That’s… gross,” she slowly mutters, swaying in place. She turns to you, eyes blinking one at a time. “Hey… I… I think that lady drugged me!” 

You blink, wondering if you pissed off some god or something. That would explain your bad luck. You stare at Yuya blankly as Chrysalis cries out.

“I’ve got her pinned, friend! Don’t worry, I got her!” The zombie woman stood up, lifting Chrysalis in her arms. “I don’t got her! I don’t got her! Please help!” 

You watch as the zombie lifts Chrysalis over her head and glares at you. Yuya snickers behind you.

“You are so fuuuucked. That’s a Ochimusha, and they’re gonna either fuck you, or fuck you up!”

You have to move quick. Adrenaline pumps through you as you reach into your bag and throw the first thing you can at the woman. She tosses Chrysalis at you, and the Greenworm hits you, knocking you to the ground as you throw something back at the… whatever Yuya called it.

You’re not even sure what you threw. All you hear is a splat. You quickly roll Chrysalis off of you as gently, but quickly, as you can. You sit up and see the Ochimusha rubbing her face from the open can of paint you threw at her. 

What luck! She’s blinded! Now you can run!” 

“Oops, I guess I’m being kidnapped now. Bye...!” You spin around and find another monster in the middle of taking Yuya. 

Another Demi swoops in, a woman with red scales over most of her body. Her hands and feet end in large, monstrous claws, and you realize her arms have long bat-like wings attached to them. Her large, red tail swings back and forth, before wrapping around Yuya’s body. She begins to fly, taking Yuya with her. 

“Oh no!” Chrysalis gasps. 

You run forward, leaping up and grabbing Yuya’s legs. Your feet drag along the ground as Chrysalis falls onto your legs, biting into your pants. The added weight of you and the Greenworm force the monster girl to crash, knocking her onto the ground. 

You and Chrysalis slowly get up as Yuya lets out a slow, slurred giggle. The winged monster girl snarls, glaring at you as you look into her eyes. She has reptile eyes, gold in color with a black slit in each eye. Her hair is pink in color, yet styled wildly, a curly bang hanging between her eyes.

She glares at you with rage. She roars, charging at you, claws swinging. You scream, falling back and barely dodging her strikes. You fall onto the ground as the monster lifts up her hand to strike at you again.

“Friend!” Chrysalis slams her head into the lizard girl’s stomach, knocking her back. “Get away from my friend!” 

The lizard roars, her large fangs bared as she raises a hand again. You grab Chrysalis and push her behind you as the monster swings her claws again. She gets your shoulder, ripping off some of your clothes, but thankfully not drawing blood.

You and Chrysalis fall on the ground. You hold the Greenworm against you as the winged monster raises her hand. She’s ready to claw you both apart as you quickly reach into your bag, but there’s no time. Her claws swing down to hit you… only to come to a stop. 


The monster stands there, shaking in place. She can’t move, even as her scowl grows deeper and deeper. You see something begin to glow, and you see a symbol on her forehead slowly appear. 

It resembled a stylized heart, but with several gashes cutting into it, and drawn to resemble blood dripping out of it. It glows a purple tone as the monster shakes.

“N-no…!” A tear falls from her eye as she continues to just stand there.

“Uh…” You glance at Chrysalis, who is just as confused as you are. 

“Rah!” Yuya suddenly tackles the woman, knocking her down. The Succubus stands there in her dirt stained dress, frowning. “That was for my dress.” Her legs give out under her, and she falls to the ground. 

You and Chrysalis quickly rush over to help her, when you realize something. The lizard woman, the undead woman, and the spider woman are all approaching you. They’ve got you surrounded, and you realize the same symbol is glowing on different parts of their body.

The lizard has the mark on her forehead, the spider has it just over her left breast, and the undead woman has it on her neck. Each of their symbols glow as they surround you and your friends. 

They surround you, before each of them turns their head in the same direction, as if hearing a loud cry. They stare off into the distance, before they all begin to leave. The lizard flaps her arms and flies into the air as the zombie and spider run past you, avoiding you as they, and the other monsters attacking the town, begin to leave. 

You and the others stare as the monsters leave, Chrysalis bundled up against you, and Yuya laying at your feet. The monsters leave the town, and you three find yourself on an empty street.

“Um… What just happened?” you ask no one in particular.

“I saw what friend saw,” Chrysalis commented. “But I have less idea that you do probably…”

“Hey!” You turn your head and look to a nearby house. There’s a man sticking his head out, looking at you. “Is it clear? A-are they gone?”

“Um… Yeah! They’re gone.”

Your answer seems to wake up the people of this town. They begin stepping out of their homes and their various hiding places, walking out into the sun to stare at you and your friends. You glance at Yuya, making sure none of her Succubus parts are exposed, before looking at Chrysalis. She presses herself against you, either out of fear of these people or to better hide herself. 

Either way, a man approaches you with a confused look in his eyes. “You new here? I don’t recognize you…”

You introduce yourself, and your friends, hoping their unique names won’t stir up any confusion. Thankfully the townspeople don’t catch on as you explain yourself.

“A merchant? Well, your services will be needed here, my friend.”

“Yeah, so… those monsters?”

“Ah, yes…” The man strokes his grey beard as he sighs. “A band of Demis have been attacking our town for the last few weeks. They’ve trapped us in here, captured anyone who tries to leave. They attack our town at random, taking people with them…” The man sighs again. “It has not been easy.”

Your jaw drops, before you bite the inside of your cheek. You’re not sure how to react to this as the man shakes his head. “Where are my manners? As mayor of this town, let me welcome you. We have food and drink for you and your compatriots. You can stay at the inn for as long as you want... “ His expression turns sad and sympathetic as he looks at you. “I’m afraid those Demis will not let you leave now that you have come to our town.”

What the hell is wrong with your luck?

“What about Yuya?!” Chrysalis asks, looking at her friend. 

“Your friend has been drugged. We’ve all seen it before. It makes capturing people easier. She’ll be fine. Her body will fight it off in about a day. Please, go to the inn and rest. There’s food and water there, and a bed for your friend to sleep on.”

You nod your head, needing time to think and figure out your next move. 

At the very least, the townspeople are kind. Two of them offer to help carry Yuya as they lead you to the town’s inn. As you walk with Chrysalis, helping her stand upright, the mayor promises to meet with you later and help explain things further. As he walks away, other townspeople crowd you.

“You’re a merchant? Please, do you have medicine?! My son has a fever!”

“W-what about alcohol? The damn innkeeper’s keeping me on a limit!” 

“Hey, hey, do you have any weapons? We need to defend ourselves!” 

The answer to all those questions is yes, and it’s obvious you can make a pretty penny from this town… If you can deal with all the Demis attacking it. You’re led to the inn and brought inside to where several other people are hiding inside. They don’t pay you much mind as you are led into a room to stay at. 

“We’ll bring you some food right away,” the citizen tells you, before he and his friend leave you, Yuya, and Chrysalis alone. “And some warm towels for your friend. Don’t worry, she’ll be okay.”

They leave you alone, and you sigh as you fall on the bed. Chrysalis moves on her little feet to Yuya, who is quietly sleeping on a bed. Quietest you’ve ever heard her sleep. You’d think that’d been nice, but it actually just worries you. 

You sigh as the Greenworm kisses the sleeping Yuya’s hand. “Wake up soon, friend… I miss you. I miss your weird moans, and your insults, and… and I miss you.” She kisses her hand again, before looking at you. 

“We have to help these people. They’re in danger!” 

Oh boy… You look at Chrysalis, not sure just what to say. She looks at you, expecting you to rush in and save these people like you saved her, but there’s a difference, right? There’s a difference between answering one person’s call for help and rescuing a whole town. 

Those monsters could have killed you and your friends. The only reason you’re alive right now is luck and because they wanted you alive. 

“We have to save them.”

You could run. You glance at Yuya, and she’d probably agree. She’d want you to turn and red and get out of this town. 

But what about the Demis? The Mayor said they capture anyone who tries to escape. But you got lucky once, maybe you can get lucky again? Once Yuya’s better, the three of you can get out of here.

Of course… There are a lot of factors to consider. The money you could earn from staying here, you could probably even overcharge some of your products. Then there’s Chrysalis. 

Despite what you said, she sees you as this big hero. This Champion of Good. She expects you to save these people, because to her, you’re a hero. If you abandon these people, let’s face it, you’re probably gonna break her heart. She’ll probably still stick with you, but who knows?

And Yuya… She’d probably want you to get out of here. Will she be upset if you decide to stay? That’s only if she gets better…

And the people of this town... They do seem nice. They seem like they could really use the help. They're trapped here, attacked by monsters, with some of their loved ones missing. Who knows what those monsters are doing with them...?

So many options. What are you going to do?



Two things, the first two options seem the same to me, and, when you say exotic trader selling random goods, I do hope you make a destinction between truly random junk, like the lint from his best pair of pants, and say the type of merchant who might just happened to have a slightly dirty and scuffed old oil lamp from a far away land


The first two are different because it helps me steer the character in the future. If the first one is picked, I'll have the MC act more heroic in the future. If the second, then the MC will be a bit more focused on Chrysalis. I think it's fun slowly building up a bit of personality through the various choices the character makes. Also, I imagine the merchant is a Jack of All Trades type. They sell a lot of different stuff, some that can be labelled as junk. More the latter in your example. Down the line, that Jack of All Trade style will gain them an Exotic Lover though. If people vote for it.


Very interesting use of the Bag of Holding for self defense. On the one hand, this situation is much more dangerous, on the other, it's hard to let Chrysalis down and abandon the townsfolk. Not like dangerous and reckless have stopped our decisions before.


I'm a fan of dangerous and reckless. People, continue to throw yourself into (sexy) danger.