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Summary: Naoto Shirogane and Yu Narukami enjoy their night together at the Amagi Inn, when Naoto's demons begin to weigh down on her. Thankfully her boyfriend is ready and willing to help her. Includes: Romantic smut.


“Ah… It’s so good to be back in Inaba,” Yu sighed. He laid on his and Naoto’s bed, eyes closed as his girlfriend walked around him.

“It is rather nice to be back. I’m glad Rise’s grandmother hasn’t changed her recipe since we were last here.”

“Tell me about. Wish Rise could cook half that good.” 

“Well, our group wouldn’t be the same without all the little quirks we’ve amassed,” Naoto replied with an earnest chuckle. “Though perhaps I should give Rise that cookbook we were considering…”

“Should probably give it to all three of them,” Yu replied, before he sat up with a smile. “Man. I love that I ended up with a woman like you.”

Naoto’s eyes widened at the comment, and her cheeks glowed a not so subtle shade of red as she stuttered. “W-what on Earth do you mean by t-that?!”

“Oh, you know. You just got it all. I mean, you’re smart, beautiful, talented… And you got a great body. I mean, you knowing how to cook is just icing on this already perfect cake,” Yu smoothly declared, grinning as every compliment drove Naoto’s face hotter and hotter.

“T-that’s… D-don’t say such things! Especially out of nowhere!” 

“What things? The part about how I think you’re talented? The part about how lucky I am to have you? The part about your hot body?” he inquired, playing innocent at first, before winking at her.

“All of it!”

“That’s okay. I have other stuff I can bring up. Your soft hair, your even softer skin, your kissable, plump li-”

“S-Senpai, please!” Naoto groaned, closing her eyes as she stomped her foot down. There was a moment of silence as the detective’s eyes opened, and her face burned even hotter. 

“That was so cute,” he sighed, shaking his head. “My heart. I don’t know if I can take much more.” 

“You are… just incorrigible,” Naoto muttered, turning away from her boyfriend.

“Would you want me any other way?” He had her there, unfortunately. She really wouldn’t… Naoto shook her head, leaving to change in the bathroom as her boyfriend chuckled.

“Any idea what you want to do tomorrow?”

“Perhaps we can visit Master Daidara?” Naoto suggested from the other side of the door.

“Sounds good to me.” 

Naoto looked at her clothes before she took her old ones off. She had bought a simple set of pajamas recently in Okina City with Rise. The two had gone shopping together, something they did semi-frequently nowadays.

While it may not have always seemed like it, Naoto and Rise were close. Perhaps in an imaginary ranking, Rise was just below her Senpai as her most trusted confidante. There was a small part of Naoto that hoped Rise had the same feelings towards her.

They simply began spending time together while Naoto was on a case in the same town Rise was performing in. They had always been friends, but now it was undeniable that they were close friends, perhaps even best friends. 

The thought of having someone like Rise in her life made Naoto blush as she continued to stare a hole through her PJs. It was easy to accept the clothes as simple nightwear, but Naoto remembered what Rise had gotten last time they went shopping together.

A rather risque nightie, one Rise planned on using to seduce her boyfriend, Kanji.

Naoto hoped Rise was okay… Hopefully warmed up and cuddled against her lover as couples tended to do.

The nightie Rise bought was so revealing on her body, and the detective was almost scared Rise would try to convince her to buy the same. Thankfully, Rise hadn’t.

A benefit of best friends, perhaps. Rise enjoyed teasing Naoto, just like Yu-senpai, but Rise still knew Naoto. Knew how she thought and what to avoid with the detective. While Naoto was more comfortable with herself, she was nowhere near the level of confidence Rise exuded. 

Of course, Rise couldn’t ignore the chance to tease Naoto, a trait she and Yu shared.

Naoto still remembered how clear Rise made her intentions. There was a mischievous smile mixing with the idol’s subtly red cheeks. Naoto tried tuning her out quickly, though she could still understand just what the woman was planning…

Naoto sighed, trying to ignore the faint warmth on her face as she pulled on the long pants and button up shirt. The clothes covered her limbs in dark navy blue. She stared at her limbs as she reminded herself she’d be sleeping alone with her boyfriend tonight.

Nanako was sleeping with Yukiko in the latter’s room. No doubt the woman wanted to just spend time with the younger girl, but Nanako seemed happy to spend the night with Yukiko. Looking back, Naoto realized something about the way Nanako smiled at her when she left with Yukiko to her room.

Yu’s ‘little sister’ and Naoto’s as well, all things considered, no doubt wanted to give them some privacy. She might not have truly understood why most young couples wanted privacy, but she knew it was polite to make sure a couple had it. 

After getting dressed, Naoto stepped out of the bathroom and greeted her boyfriend with a shy smile and a wave of her hand. She immediately felt like a spotlight was on her, and Yu could see her nervousness. He broke the tension with a smile and a joke, whistling.

“Looking good, Naoto. You always look good in blue…” Yu stood up from the bed and approached her, and her cheeks burned as he leaned in for a kiss. Before their lips met, he added, “But you look best when you’re smiling.” 

The compliment made her just do that, just before their lips met in a quick, chaste kiss. The two found each other’s hand and they walked to bed together, falling onto it as they relaxed. 

“Seriously, what did I do to deserve a girl as perfect as you?” he wondered aloud as he held her in his arms. Her back was pressed against his body as she avoided facing him. She believed they were… spooning. A typical thing young couples did…

Naoto’s face burned up as Yu chuckled, wrapping his arms around her. His hands rested on her stomach as he pulled her closer, pressing their bodies together.

“Well… You did save the world,” Naoto muttered.

“I guess that is bound to earn me some good karma, but you saved it too. And all you got was some cheesy boyfriend… That’s hardly fair.”

“You are much more than a cheesy boyfriend.” 

Her hand touched his, squeezing his fingers. For a moment, Naoto feared that her boyfriend was facing his own demons. He always seemed so calm, cool, and collected, but Naoto had seen her boyfriend struggle, probably better than anyone else. 

She saw him when Nanako passed away, she saw him when he, for a moment, considered killing Namatame. She saw him break down when the group had dispersed for the night, and it was only him and her. 

Naoto was quick to rush to her boyfriend’s support, squeezing his hand. “You are the man who saved my life and soul. You gave me the chance to be happy again, you gave me a life with friends and family, and words will never express how much I owe you… or how much I love you.”

“Naoto…” Yu’s eyes widened behind her, before he squeezed her even tighter. “Chalk another reason for why I love you!”

The detective blushed at his embrace, hiding her scarlet face in her pillow as he laughed. He kissed the back of her head as the two continued to talk about this and that. Simple bed talk that Naoto found relaxing and soothing for her tired soul. 

She laid in his arms as the conversation eventually steered itself to their new friends. “You know Ann’s a model. Apparently a pretty good one.”


“Yeah. I heard her asking Rise if she’d join her to model for a cover of her agency. Rise said she’d talk to her people about it.”

“Hmm…” Naoto was beginning to drift off into the land of sleep, the day’s events slowly taking their toll on her, but what her boyfriend said next made her eyes widen. 

“Maybe you should join them.”


Yu chuckled, squeezing Naoto again. “I’m just saying. I think you’re prettier than both of them.”

He meant the statement with every ounce of honesty in his body, yet Naoto found herself frowning at the words. “You don’t have to say that, Yu. I know it’s not true.”


Yu loved showering his girlfriend with compliments and affections. Partly to see her blushing face, and partly to remind her how amazing she was, but it was different when he compared her to something she could see. 

She had seen how beautiful Ann was. She knew how gorgeous Rise was. For Naoto, being compared to them was a losing battle. It was just a simple fact that she wasn’t as beautiful as them.


“It’s alright, Senpai.” She tried to speak firmly, refusing to let him hear the quiver in her voice. “You don’t need to try and convince me.” Now that she thought about it, she couldn’t help but compare herself to her new female friends.

Ann was a gorgeous model, Haru was the very embodiment of feminine beauty, Futaba was a young genius who was clearly still very attractive, possibly even smarter than Naoto in this modern, digital age, and Makoto seemed to have all of these traits and more. 

“I’m not as pretty as them…”

Yu frowned as he held his girlfriend against him. He hated seeing her like this, but he knew that her battle was one that may never end He knew that the moment he realized he loved her. He knew that no matter how smart Naoto was, or how strong she was, or how many times he complimented her, she may always wrestle with questions of her worth…

“Naoto, that’s not true. Hell, you’re better than those girls. You’re Naoto Shirogane!” He sat up on the bed, sitting by her as his hand stroked her figure. “Besides, you’re a woman. They’re just girls.”

“Haru isn’t. She’s in college, and she is stunningly beautiful. Makoto is the same age, and she practically stands on the balance beam between beautiful and strong.” Naoto’s fingers twitched, and her hand balled into a small fist. “And Sae… She seems to have her life completely under her control. She commands respect, she earns her authority, I…” 

Naoto was sinking lower and lower in the pit of her own mind. Feelings she had hoped were gone forever bubbled in her chest, rising to the surface of her mind and heart, and when those feelings prodded her mind, she only began to hate herself more.

She thought she had conquered this part of her. She thought herself too strong to be weighed down by childish insecurities. She was wrong, and that just drove her deeper into the well of depression. 

“Even among the girls my age, I pale in comparison. Chie’s stronger than me, Yukiko and Rise far more beautiful, and Marie… I’m nothing special, especially after I’ve started actually dressing like a girl. I suppose wearing boys’ clothes was the only interesting thing about me…”


Yu felt his heart crack. He knew his girlfriend battled with her self-worth. He had seen her fight and conquer it time after time, but that didn’t make seeing her like this any easier.

Yu placed his hands on his girlfriend’s body and gently lifted her up. She obeyed, sitting on the bed with him as her eyes fell to the ground. Yu placed his hands on Naoto’s cheeks and leaned forward, kissing her lips. Her eyes widened, turning towards him, before they slowly fell shut as his lips nibbled on her own. 

Depressed or not, there was something about Yu’s kisses that melted the world around Naoto. She moaned into his lips as he stroked her face, before moving his hand to caress her long, blue hair. She trembled against him, moaning again as his tongue slipped out from his mouth and brushed against her lips. 

He embraced Naoto, holding her in his arms as he kissed her. Eventually she took his tongue into her mouth, and their tongues wrestled and danced with one another as Naoto’s breasts pushed against his chest. He pulled back his lips, leaving her mouth parted open as he spoke.

“You’re beautiful.”

He kissed her again, and Naoto moaned once more as her arms wrapped around his neck. Despite her hold, he broke the kiss again.

“You’re gorgeous.”

Another kiss, and Naoto’s heart skipped a beat as she sucked on his tongue. She was never the most passionate lover, but Yu knew how to turn her own. It embarrassing, but his body just felt so good against hers. It lit her on fire, in a way, bringing feelings and sensations that she was unaccustomed to. 

Her body shivered as Yu broke the kiss again.

“You’re Naoto Shirogane. You’re the greatest woman in the world. I love you. I want to be with you. Forever…” She stroked her back as she blushed, staring at the thin line of saliva that connected their mouths. She licked it up, blushing as he smiled at her.

“You’re the best woman there is. Better than all the rest. I love you, Naoto, and I couldn’t be happier with anyone else. I want you. I love you. For. Ev. Er.” He chuckled, as she opened her mouth to argue. 

She never got the chance as he pushed his tongue into her mouth again, muffling her. He swirled his tongue around, exploring her mouth, tasting her sweet saliva, before he pulled away once more. Naoto felt slightly woozy as he pulled away, leaning forward to try and keep the kiss going. He caught her with his hand, and unintentionally felt her breasts in his hand.

He blushed, but continued. “I love you, Naoto. I’ll tell you that a hundred times over. You don’t have to understand it, you just have to know that I do, and I’ll remind you however many times it takes.”

His words nearly brought tears to Naoto’s eyes as she nodded her head. A warmth burned inside of her, though it was quickly becoming far more than a mere fire as the two continued to kiss. 

Naoto’s lips were impossibly soft, to Yu, and not to mention they were just the right size. Just the right amount of plump to make kissing them like touching a cloud. He moaned with every taste as Naoto, unintentionally, pushed her large breasts against his body.

Yu loved Naoto for her heart and mind most of all. She could be any gender, have any chest size, or hair color, and he would still love her, but… damn. He wasn’t ashamed to admit he had a thing for girls with big breasts, and the fact that Naoto blew all the other girls out of the water in the chest department…

He was very, very happy to be dating such a perfect woman.

Between her soft hands, her sweet lips, and her large breasts, Yu felt his penis growing between his legs. It pressed against his boxers as he moaned, shaking a bit from his erection trying to rip his boxers open. 

Naoto felt his erection through their clothes, feeling it brush against her skin, and she broke their latest kiss with scarlet ears, cheeks, and neck. “Ah, S-Senpai, you seem to… That is to say you… Uh…”

Yu grinned at her embarrassed reaction, chuckling as he nodded his head. He smiled at her as he suddenly stood up. He pulled away from her, and the expression Naoto made was both absolutely heartbreaking and absolutely adorable. 

He loved her little expressions. Her face was so emotive. It made teasing her so, so much fun… With that thought in mind, he began to strip out of his clothes, and the gasp Naoto made, followed by the most adorable squeak, made him almost die from happiness.

Yu took off his yukata quickly, yet smoothly. He wasn’t ashamed to admit that he knew how to take his clothes off like a stripper, though that was a skill he was planning on putting to use later for his girlfriend. This was more of a quick shrug and then simply sliding his boxers off, and savoring the look on Naoto’s face.

Her hands clapped against her face, and her fingers covered her eyes, only to part as she stared at him with her jaw almost hitting the ground. Her face was as red as a tomato as he stood before her in his birthday suit. 

A low groan, or perhaps a moan, slipped out of Naoto’s mouth as her eyes darted down, and caught his erection in her eyes. Her eyes were locked on it as they struggled to look at his face, but each time they just returned to his throbbing erection. 

The erection she gave him from kissing and holding one another. Were Naoto not so frazzled, she might have been proud.

Yu laid it out flat for her. “You did this to me. No one else. Now, if you’re willing, I’d like to show you just want I want to do to you… I want to show you just how madly I love every single part of you.”

Naoto didn’t say a word at first. Her eyes just kept staring at his cock, before she slowly lifted them up to his smiling face. There was just a subtle shade of red on his cheeks, showing that even Yu Narukami was not perfect. 

Well, he was to Naoto, but that was neither here nor there. 

If Naoto had said the word, Yu would have put his clothes back on and apologized for offending her. It would have been insanely awkward, but he’d obey her wish. Part of him was scared she’d do just that, but she gave him a sense of relief as she smiled at him.

The detective nodded her head, and Yu crawled back onto the bed and on top of his girlfriend. He kissed her again, and she happily kissed back as one of his hands groped her breast. He squeezed and pressed her breast against her chest, before his other hand did the same to her other breast.

Naoto moaned at his touch, and she shuddered at the force he brought down on her body. He mauled her chest through her clothes, feeling her nipples poke against the thin fabric as she moaned into his mouth. Their tongues wrestled as Yu pulled on her nipples through her clothes, before returning to groping and squeezing them. 

Before meeting Yu, Naoto had never really liked her breasts. They were just another reminder of her supposed weakness. That was a little girl, not a man. But when she began to fall for him, part of her couldn’t help but… wonder if he liked breasts like hers. 

Of course, nowadays, Naoto knew the answer very well as their tongues wrestled and his hands played with her large breasts. Yu soon broke the kiss, but he did not leave his girlfriend without his touch.

He kissed her cheek, before kissing her chin, and then slowly moving down her neck as his hands stopped playing with her… t-tits for a second. Instead he began to do undo her buttons, a simple act that sent shivers down Naoto’s spine as she found it hard to breathe. 

Her racing heart and heavy breath just made her breasts jiggle more and more as he slowly undid button after button. First he saw her cleavage, and she caught how his eyes stared at the top of her breasts. She blushed, moving her arms to held press her breasts together for him, lifting them up just slightly for his hungry eyes.

Yu gulped, and he licked his lips, before he continued to undo her buttons. The shirt was soon undone, and he pulled it opened to stare at her glorious tits. Naoto did nothing to hide herself. She moved an arm under her breasts, lifting them up for him as she uttered a few words.

“I-I’m all yours, Yu-senpai…”

“You can just call me Yu, Naoto…” And with that, he moved down to shower each of her breasts in affection. He licked and kissed one of them, sticking her nipple in his mouth to better suck on it, as his other hand groped and squeezed the other breast.

Naoto felt his touch, and it made her melt. Yu’s lips wrapped around her nipple, squeezing it, before he released it and switched places to suck on the other one. He made a circle of kisses around the nipple, before he began to flick his tongue against it, making Naoto moan out again. 

He captured her breast in his mouth as his finger pinched her other nipple, gently rolling and twisting the nipple between his digits. Naoto moaned louder, wrapping his arms around him as the silver-haired man reminded her of some of the benefits there were to having such large breasts. 

Eventually Yu pulled away from her breasts, and she whined as the tit popped out of his mouth. He licked his lips, before he continued down his path. He made a trail of kisses down her stomach, savoring the subtle tremble Naoto gave after a couple of kisses. He paused, listening to her panting breaths as he rested his head on Naoto’s belly. 

Even though he stopped kissing her, Naoto continued to tremble, shivering even as he just rested his head on her. His smile grew as he felt her quiver under him, and he only made things worse for her when he began to speak.

“I can’t pick what I love most about you physically. Your curvy figure? Your large breasts? Your sweet lips? Maybe it’s your hair?” he muttered, talking with little direction as he just listed off things he loved about her. 

“And that look on your face,” he added, turning his silver gaze to her scarlet face. “I can hardly remember a time you’ve looked so beautiful. Maybe when you let down your guard around me and ask if we can cuddle…? Maybe it’s when I see you’re in the midst of an investigation and suddenly you just figure it all out? No… I think the real answer is you’re just beautiful all the time, Naoto.”

She couldn’t even voice her protests this time. She just shuddered, quivering like a leaf as he kissed her flesh. All she could muster out was a small squeak as his hands carressed and stroked her figure, drawing little circles along her skin as he took in her beauty. 

“God, I’ll never get over how hot you are.”

Hot. Not just beautiful, or cute. Why did hearing Yu call her ‘hot’ feel so good for Naoto?!

As Naoto deciphered that puzzle, Yu moved down her body again. He reached between her legs where her pajama pants covered her. He pressed his hand against her crotch, feeling her pussy through her underwear and the thin fabric of her pants, and Naoto jolted away. 

Yu raised his brow, smiling at her knowingly, and Naoto blushed as she relaxed, letting him touch her there. He chuckled, pressing his hand against her womanhood, moving his fingers up and down along her clit as she moaned in response. 

He massaged her clit through the pants, making Naoto moan louder as her tongue slipped out of her mouth. She dug her fingers into the bed sheets as Yu’s fingers pressed against her pussy. It was as if her clothes weren’t even there as he made her feeling something she barely had words for.

It was torture, but it was the greatest torture Naoto had ever experienced in her life. She didn’t resist, she didn’t put up a fight, she just let go, giving into her boyfriend’s firm, strong hand. His fingers played with her pussy, until the young man felt a slight dampness seeping through the fabric. 

Yu could feel his heart pounding. His cock was throbbing with desire, hungry to make love to his beautiful, perfect girlfriend. He held back the animalistic desire to just rip her clothes off to pull at the pants, pulling them and her panties off with a few good tugs. They fell to the ground as the detective looked at her man. 

Naoto watched as her boyfriend flashed her his characteristic smirk, before he placed his hands on her naked legs and pushed them apart, and leaned his head down to her pussy. Naoto watched him through her fingers as she failed to actually cover her eyes. Her entire face was consumed by a scarlet blush that flowed down her neck. 

She moaned loudly as she felt her boyfriend’s tongue drag along her pussy, teasing her. He kissed her clit, before he wrapped his lips around her pussy and gently nibbled on it. Naoto’s eyes nearly rolled into her skull as she mewled loudly. 

Her genius mind was reduced to mush from the lustful fire and jolts of pleasure going through her. Her body writhed below her boyfriend as his tongue penetrated her pussy, moving along the inside of it as she cried out.

Tears pooled in the corners of her mind as her hands moved down and grabbed onto Yu’s head. Her fingers stroked his soft, silver hair as her tongue hung out of her mouth. The stoic and calm detective was reduced to a mewling, moaning quim by her boyfriend. She felt like a woman. More than that, she felt like a beautiful woman to have a man as perfect as her boyfriend actually want to pleasure her like this…

“Y-Yu! Please, k-keep going. Keep-ahhh!” Thankfully, Yu had no intention of stopping. His tongue continued to smack against her pussy, darting in and out as she gasped. “Oh, f-fuck, it feels so good!” 

Yu was a bit surprised to hear Naoto curse, and honestly, the detective would have been mortified if she was in a clearer state of mind, but Yu always did make it hard for her to think… She dug her fingers into Yu’s scalp as she pressed him against her pussy, begging for more.

The silver-haired man moved his hands from Naoto’s legs. He knew he didn’t have to keep them apart anymore, so he slid them down and slipped them under her. He grabbed Naoto’s firm, and slightly large, ass in his hands and he squeezed. 

Naoto seemed to like his touch. She continued to moan, removing one hand from his head to actual grope and squeeze her own breast. She pressed down and massaged herself, moaning at the touch.

Yu made sure to enjoy that show, even as he continued to lick and kiss her pussy. His tongue pushed into her cunt, licking the inner folds as Naoto screamed. 

“Ahh! Please, Yu… F-finish it!” Well, who was he to deny his Detective Princess? Yu pulled away from Naoto’s pussy, despite her hand on his head, and he crawled towards her so they were face to face. 

He helped her arms out of the sleeves of her shirt, before he embraced her. The two held each other in their arms, their naked bodies pressed together as Yu’s cock slipped into Naoto. It was like the perfect fit. No pain. Just pure raw pleasure as the two moaned together.

Naoto was the one to kiss him this time. Her tongue pushed into his mouth, and she moaned with joy as she tasted herself on his tongue. He happily kissed back, and their tongues danced as his dick filled her pussy.

It was as if they were made for each other. Yu moved his hips in perfect time with Naoto’s, slamming their bodies into each other as they moaned into the other’s mouth. Their legs and chest grounded against one another, and her hard nipples dragged along his chest. One of his hands grabbed her breast, squeezing and playing with the firm breast as his cock slid in and out of Naoto’s tight pussy.

The detective did her best to keep herself tight. Yu moaned loudly when her pussy tightened around his shaft, holding it in a warm embrace as he became still. He just enjoyed the feeling of her pussy squeezing him, before she released him and he returned to pushing in and out of her.

The two continued to make love. They were passionate, wild, yet there was an order to their frenzy. Each thrust felt like it was both of them working in tandem, their hearts even beating as one. When Yu broke the kiss, he stared into Naoto’s eyes with a smile. She smiled back as her arms wrapped around him.

They held one another as Naoto moaned, “Yu… I-I’m going to…”

He silenced her with a kiss, and the two lovers came together. Their bodies tensed up, and they dug their fingers into one another as they closed their eyes. All they felt was pleasure and the love they felt for the other. They were locked in a perfect unity, cumming together.

Yu’s seed filled Naoto’s pussy as her pussy squeezed around his cock, milking him and refusing to let even a single drop slip out of her. The two held one another as their bodies trembled, before going limp. 

The two laid there for a moment, breaking their kiss and struggling to catch their breath. Eventually Yu rolled off of his girlfriend, who limply tried to kick her pants off of her. Yu watched with an amused smile as the famous detective struggled to take off her pants, but she eventually managed. 

She rolled towards him, embracing him as she began to cuddle with him, kissing the side of his chest as she moaned. 

“I hope this reminds how much I love you? And how much better you are than any other girl?”

“Hm…” Naoto said nothing, but she did look at her boyfriend. “I… I’m sorry I’m not more confident, Yu…” She did feel loved. She did feel strong, and powerful, and beautiful, but she knew that that feeling would not last forever. Sooner or later, her own insecurities would eat at her and she would fall again…

Yu kissed her forehead, before pulling her up so that her head was beside his. “Naoto… It’s okay. I don’t care if you never see what I see when I look at you. Do you know why?” She shook her head, and he chuckled as he laid another kiss on her, this time on her lips. “It’s because I love you, and I will always be there to remind you again and again how amazing you are.”

Those words made Naoto’s heart flutter, and she held him tight as tears pooled in her eyes again. She hid them well, pressing her face against his body as he slipped an arm under her and stroked her back. 

“I love you, Naoto.”

“I… I love you too. Forever. With all my heart, Yu…”

The two spent the rest of the night whispering sweet nothings to one another as they slowly fell into a deep sleep together. 



Any possibility of seeing more Merchant of New Borealis? I literally became your Patron solely for that one story, expecting more chapters to be up here


I do three chapters a month, and I'm working on the third right now. You can expect it tomorrow or the day after. I'm glad you like it though. :)