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Summary: Sora did it. He saved the Realm of Light, defeated Xehanort, and freed several of his friends. He even started dating his childhood friend, Kairi. Now he was ready to relax, but one of the people he saved, Aqua, wants to give her savior a reward for his good nature and bravery, Includes: Smut.



Sora fell onto his bed, sighing with relief at the first break he had in… weeks? Months? Heck, it felt like years.

The young man had done the impossible. He vanquished the biggest evil the worlds had ever known, he had saved the lives of his closest friends, and all while not even technically being a Keyblade Master.

He had even saved Kairi, and told her how he felt about her. During a battle against a massive swarm of Heartless, Nobodies, and Unversed, it just felt right to tell her. At the time, he was scared he’d never have the chance again, and she actually returned his feelings! 

He and Kairi were dating now, a happy couple after everything they had gone through together.

Despite the bruises and sore muscles he had at the moment, Sora was feeling pretty good about himself.

The group had been celebrating all night. Sora was happy to get to know Xion, Roxas, and even Isa better without the looming sense of doom and dread weighing on them. Not to mention getting to meet Ven and Terra again. Everything had been perfect for the young brunette.

He got the girl, saved all of the worlds, and everyone got their happy ending, in a way.

Sora was ready to close his eyes and take the greatest nap of his life when there was a knock on the door. The young man blinked, before speaking. “Come in.”

Despite his exhaustion, Sora always had time for one of his friends. He smiled as Aqua pushed the door open and smiled back at him. “Good, you’re still awake. I was worried I’d catch you sleeping.”

“Nope,” he replied, trying not to let her see how tired he was. “What’s up, Master Aqua? Everything okay?” he asked. 

She chuckled, and told him with a wave of her hand, “You can just call me Aqua, Sora. We’ve been through enough to be casual around each other, and you’ve certainly earned it.”

Sora tried not to let the pride show in his eyes as Aqua closed the door behind her and walked forward. He sat up on his bed as she sat on the edge, smiling at him. “Of course, I don’t think that’s all you’ve earned,” she commented.

The young man blinked at that, before shaking his head. “Hey, I’m not in this for a reward. Just doing what’s right!” he beamed, tapping his chest.

Aqua chuckled at that, before continuing. “You’re a good man, Sora. That’s why I think you’ve earned this reward. You saved me from the Realm of Darkness, reunited me with my friends, and even defeated Master Xehanort. I can’t think of a more deserving man.”

Sora didn’t really understand what Master Aqua was talking about. He blushed at the compliment, though, and tried to brush it off. “Really, Aqua, it’s okay. I don’t need a reward!”

“Spoken like a true hero,” she commented, before taking his hand in her own. 

The brunette blinked dumbly as she lifted his hand and placed it against her chest. The young man’s body immediately stiffened as his fingers brushed against the older woman’s full breast. He tried to breathe, but every breath came up short as she pressed his hand against her body. 

“I want you to have me, Sora.”

“Y-your heart?” He knew that wasn’t the right answer, but it was all he could squeak out as Aqua giggled, her cheeks a faint red as his own cheeks burned a brilliant shade of crimson.

“No, Sora. My body.”

“N-no! I couldn’t!” He yanked his hand out of hers, pulling it close to his chest as if he was scared he’d accidentally grope her again. “I mean, I-” He was practically on fire as his voice broke and he struggled to form a proper sentence. “I-I mean, you… I can’t… We can’t… I-”

“Do… you not think I’m pretty?” Her voice broke his heart. She sounded so hurt by the question, and despite her age, her voice carried an innocence to it that made Sora want to embrace the Keyblade Master.

Speaking of age, that fact alone almost damned Sora into taking the offer. Aqua was a woman, nothing like the girls he had known or met over the course of his journey. She was taller than most women Sora knew, and in more than one way as his eyes glanced down to stare at her chest.

The young man loved his girlfriend, Kairi, he really did, but it was simply a fact that Aqua was bigger than Kairi was in the chest department. By at least two cups, if Sora was doing his math right. It was a wonder how the black top Aqua wore was able to fit. Of course, a problem of it fitting Aqua so well meant that it clung to her skin, tight around both of her large tits. 

And that was just her breasts, Aqua had a million things going for her. She was absolutely gorgeous, with the face of an angel, and a smile as bright as a star. Her blue hair was so unique and exotic to her, it stood out in a crowd and instantly drew most eyes to her. Going down her body, Sora was left blushing as he looked over her figure.

How had no one asked Aqua out yet? Well, granted, she had been caught in the Realm of Darkness for a long time, but how had no one in his group complimented her beauty. She was… she was like a work of art. The perfect mix of beauty and sexuality that left Sora a bright red, with tight pants, and having to fight the urge to just stare at her breasts. 

When the older woman walked by, Sora remembered how hard it was to just not stare at her ass. Her short shorts had the same problem as her top did. They were too tight, and they just seemed to accent her curvy, heart-shaped butt. Not to mention her long, cloth belt that flowed behind her, making her look almost otherworldly and drew the eye to her firm rear.  

Not to mention her face. Her soft, pillowy lips that Sora couldn’t help but imagine kissing, and her already delicate, round features that reminded him of the many princesses he knew… Her bright blue hair that caught his eyes, or her shimmering eyes that sparked with courage, wisdom, and innocence… Everything about Aqua was this beautiful work of art. Physically speaking, she was flawless, and Sora secretly hoped that his girlfriend would develop a body as equally beautiful within a few years. 

He knew it was wrong, Aqua was his senior and a powerful Keyblade Master, but she was also a girl. A gorgeous woman with an hourglass figure and bigger breasts than Sora had ever seen from his friends. 

Again, he reminded himself, because Sora was friends with girls, and Aqua was a woman. Xion, Namine, Kairi, hell, even Tifa lacked the sheer beauty and elegance that Aqua had. She was as graceful as a ballerina, but strong as steel. She was firm, yet her hourglass figure gave her a softness that Sora just wanted to hold onto forever…

Hold onto… and other things his hormone filled mind thought of. 

“I-I.. uh…” Sora struggled to form coherent words and avoid Aqua’s question. “I-I don’t know!” He finally answered, and immediately regretted. “I mean, I haven’t been with anyone before, so I… I don’t… know?” He wished he sounded more confidant, but right now he sounded like a mouse in front of a lioness. 

Aqua blinked, before she giggled. Sora tried not to think how nice her laugh sounded as the older woman reached forward and placed a hand on his cheek. “Then we’re in the same boat. I haven’t even kissed anyone yet.”

“W-what? Really?”

She nodded her head in response. “I was always focused on my studies, and well… You know what happened after I graduated.” 

Aqua quivered, clearly uncomfortable with the memories of her past. He nodded with understand, leaning closer. He meant it as a sign of friendship, but his racing heart and growing erection made it hard to seem like they were just friends…

Her fear evaporated with a sigh, and she smiled at the young man. “But there’s peace now, and it’s all thanks to you. You deserve to be happy, and I want to tell you how much I appreciate everything you did for me… I’m free, and with all of my friends again, because of you.”

And with that, she pulled him closer and pressed her soft lips against his. Sora’s mind went blank as his eyes widened. For a moment, all he could think about were two things. How soft Aqua’s lips were, and how they tasted vaguely of blueberries…

The kiss ended as soon as it began and Aqua smiled into his eyes as he tried to process what just happened. “I know you and Kairi are dating, and I’m happy for you. You both deserve to be happy, but I think you deserve more than just her. You deserve to be with not just me and Kairi, but so many other girls.”

“O-other girls?” Sora repeated. The thought of Xion kissing his lips, Namine rubbing her breasts against him, Kairi undressing him, and Aqua rubbing her breasts against his head flashed through his mind. 

“Mmhm.” Aqua pecked Sora’s nose, before her innocent blue eyes shined with a spark of desire. “But first… I want to have my chance with you.” Her hand touched his leg, slowly crawling up his skin to reach the tent that had been made. She glanced at it, gasping slightly. “It feels warm… and big.”

Sora’s will was breaking. This absolutely beautiful, angelic woman was offering herself to him. He opened his mouth to protest one more time, only for her to kiss him, pressing her pillowy, plump lips against his.

His will was broken. He kissed back, placing his hands on her shoulders as their lips pressed together. She placed his hands on his chest, gently pulling at his clothes as her moans slipped out. The two kissed like this for a few moments, innocently exploring each other, before Sora kicked it up a notch.

His hands went down Aqua’s body, gently brushing against her large breasts, before he reached her shorts-covered ass. Taking a leap of faith, he grabbed onto her butt and pulled her closer, while also digging his fingers into her perky, firm rear.

Aqua moaned again, louder this time, and she parted her lips to slip her tongue into Sora’s mouth. He welcomed it, and soon their tongues were rubbing against each other, smacking and tasting one another. 

The two continued to kiss, parting only for Aqua to pull at her boots. Sora was panting as their kiss broke, saliva linking their mouths. The young woman took off her shoes and her thigh-length stockings, tossing both onto the ground by his bed. Then came the exciting part as she placed her hands on her chest.

“Are you ready, Sora?” she asked, a giggle in her voice as she began to take off her top.

Sora could feel his heart pounding in his throat as he watched Aqua slowly peel the top off of her. It clung to her skin, but she kept pulling, and he saw, really saw, her breasts for the first time. They were contained by a black bra, but only barely. They were spilling out from the top, almost too much tit flesh for the bra.

His jaw almost dropped as Aqua giggled. His pants were becoming tighter and beginning to hurt as his dick throbbed with need. He dug his fingers into the sheets on the bed as Aqua began to try and take off her own bra. 

“I-I try to wear bras too small for me to help keep them contain. If everyone saw how big I was, they’d probably never stop staring.” She unhooked the bra, and her breasts practically spilled free, pushing the bra off of her. Aqua tossed it aside and sat before Sora with cheeks a bright, scarlet red. 

“H-how big are you…?” Sora whispered, his throat feeling dry as his eyes fell onto her chest.

Her tits were huge, and they looked so soft. Sora always knew Aqua was beautiful, but he had no idea she was so damn sexy. They jiggled against her skin, bouncing with every breath as she blushed. She placed her hands under them and lifted them, giving Sora a better view of her large, round breasts.

“They’re G-cups.” 

Sora had never seen breasts so big. He wiped his lip, hoping he wasn’t drooling as his cock tried to burst free from his pants. He leaned forward, following his heart rather than his mind, and without even asking for permission, took her breasts in his hands and began to play with them. Aqua didn’t pull away, she simply moaned, shivering from his touch as he began to knead the breasts.

He pushed them down, he lifted them up, he even pulled on her nipples. She loved every moment of it, trembling from the ecstacy. Aqua had never even touched her own breasts liked this. She had never tapped into such pleasure before. Sora was opening a door to a new world for her, and she was losing her mind to the pleasure as he squeezed her tits.

Then Sora lifted one of the breasts and leaned his head down to meet it. He followed his heart and opened his mouth, taking the nipple into it and sucking on it. That turned Aqua’s moans into cries of pleasure, and she threw her head back as she placed her hands on Sora’s shoulders. She pulled him closer as she moaned, trembling from the sensation of being sucked.

“S-Sora…! More, please!”

Spurred on by her approval and moans, Sora kept at it, sucking on one nipple as he squeezed and played roughly with the other breast. After a few moments, he switched places, letting the nipple slip from his mouth and moving to the other. His fingers played with the saliva covered tit as he licked Aqua’s other breast, before capturing her nipple in his mouth and sucking on it. 

“Y-yes… Sora, that feels amazing!”

The two pulled apart at the same time. The same thoughts, the same feelings going through their hearts. The two began to pull at Sora’s clothing, practically tearing them off of him as they kissed each other at every possible moment. 

Soon, Sora was completely naked and his cock was free. It stood tall, earning a gasp from Aqua as the eight inched beast greeted her. Aqua had never seen such a man’s penis before, but somewhere in her heart she knew that this was an incredible girth and size, especially for Sora’s age. 

Aqua followed her own heart and placed a hand on Sora’s cock, stroking it with her soft, delicate fingers. Sora immediately responded by moaning, having never felt a woman’s gentle hands on his shaft. It was amazing, like lightning coursing through his body with every touch. His moans were like music to her ears, and she wondered what would happen if she… escalated things.

The beautiful, blue-haired woman got onto the bed and opened her mouth. She took Sora’s penis into her mouth, sucking on it and surprising the young brunette. He moaned even louder, shaking as Aqua’s head bobbed up and down on his length. The older woman wasn’t sure what she was expecting, but she certainly didn’t expect Sora’s cock to taste was… sweet. 

The lovely taste just pushed her to go faster and lower, and soon she was taking his entire length into her mouth. Her throat stretched to take the girthy, veiny rod, and wet choking sounds filled the room as she went faster and faster.

Sora had never felt this kind of pleasure before. He was at a lost, unsure of what to do as Aqua sucked on his cock, but the pleasure… The sheer, raw pleasure was driving him nuts. He closed his eyes as he felt a pressure building up inside of him, and within a few minutes of Aqua’s fellatio, Sora was cumming. 

Aqua’s eyes widened at the sudden taste. It was savory, slightly sweet, a bit salty… She pulled her head back, coughing as Sora’s cum splattered across her beautiful features. The white, creamy liquid even spilled onto her light blue hair, marking it in white. It was as if Sora had just marked her as his property, and that thought sent a jolt of pleasure to Aqua’s womanhood.

“I-I’m so sorry,” Sora panted, but Aqua just giggled.

“Don’t be. I think I like the taste,” she admitted, licking her lower lip and catching some of his cum onto her tongue. She moaned at the taste, before she finally joined her friend and savior in nudity.

She reached down and pulled at her shorts, as well as hooking her black panties on her fingers. Aqua pulled her clothes off, stripping herself bare as Sora caught the sight of her pussy juices sticking to her underwear. The sight of which made his cock stand rock hard yet again as he struggled to catch his breath.

Aqua noticed the young man’s panting, and she smiled. Despite the cum dripping from her face, tickling down her chin, she still gave off an air of comfort and grace that left Sora stunned. 

“It’s okay, Sora. Just relax. This is new for both of us, but I can’t imagine sharing this moment with anyone else.” Her words made Sora blush more than the blowjob she just gave him, as funny as that was to admit. He smiled at her, his breathing turning back to normal as he felt his heart skip a beat.

“Are you ready?” she asked, her voice a soft, gentle whisper. He nodded. “Then it’s time for you to make me a woman.” 

Somewhere in the back of Sora’s mind, he realized that she was about to make him into a man. 

He said nothing though as Aqua got onto him, crawling onto his body and sitting on him, hovering her pussy just above his dick. He laid back, staring at the beautiful woman as his seed dripped onto her breasts.

The two shared one last look into each other’s eyes, before Aqua dropped herself down, and her pussy welcomed Sora’s cock into her. The pleasure blew both away, and even the momentary pain Aqua felt was washed away by how right it all felt. 

Sora’s eyes widened, before let out a loud moan from the pleasure. He felt like he was about to black out purely from the tight, warmth of Aqua’s womanhood. Meanwhile, Aqua cried out in pleasure. The pain hurt, but the pleasure was already overriding it. She bit her lower lip to hide her cries as Sora, still the hero he always was, spoke up.

“A-are you okay? If it hurts, we can-”

Aqua chuckled. Sora truly was a good man. A hero. She felt right giving herself to him. “I-I’m okay. I just need to get used to… to how big you are!” she moaned. Hearing her moan those words brought an odd sense of pride to Sora. 

The woman slowly fell down the length of his penis, until their bodies were pressed together. Each of them took slow, deep breaths, before Aqua placed her hands on Sora’s naked chest and began to lift herself up. She rose, before falling back down again, and the feeling of their bodies crashing together caused both to cry out.

Aqua’s pussy was squeezing his cock. Sora’s dick was stretching out her womanhood, filling it with hard, throbbing flesh. The two stared into each other’s eyes, before their hands locked together and they began to work together.

The beautiful, blue-haired woman rose up, before falling back down Sora’s cock. She kept doing this, again and again, mewling in pleasure as Sora tried not to yell. It was amazing though. Aqua’s pussy held his dick so snugly, moist, warm walls stroking his veiny shaft. The pleasure was blowing the brunette’s mind as Aqua continued to bounce on him.

It didn’t take long for Sora to feel a familiar build up. He held it back long enough just to give Aqua a warning. “I-I’m going to cum!”

“Do it! Cum in me, Sora! Fill me with your cum!”

Sora obeyed the command, releasing her hands and placing his on her hips. He held Aqua down as he filled her with seed, pumping her full of his cum. Aqua cried out at the same time, and her body shuddered as she came as well. Her muscles spasmed, tightening around Sora’s cock and squeezing the large shaft for every bit of cum he could release. Her pussy walls were coated with the thick seed as the two panted. 

She fell on top of him, and the two struggled to catch their breath. Their sweaty bodies clung to one another, sticking to each other as their eyes met. They were locked in a gaze with one another, and for a moment, all Sora could think about was how absolutely gorgeous Aqua was.

Even with cum sticking to her face, even when she had just been filled with semen, even after all that, she was still so incredibly stunn-


Sora’s eyes widened and Aqua could see the fear and alarm that filled them. He had cum inside of her. He had cum inside of Aqua, meaning there was a good chance he had just impregnated her!

“A-Aqua, wait. We shouldn’t-! I shouldn’t have-! I’m so sorry!” Aqua blinked in confusion, before her cheeks were consumed in a scarlet hue. She followed Sora’s train of thought as she wiped her face of some speckles of cum.


“Oh, man, Kairi is going to kill me! But I-I promise, if anything happens, I’ll be there. I would never aban-

“Sora. It’s okay.” Aqua glanced at the ground as avoided his confused stare. “I-I know a couple of spells that can help us.”

“What? But I thought you said you’ve never been with-”

“That doesn’t mean I didn’t look stuff up,” the woman mumbled. “There were a lot of books in the Land of Departure, and… and I was curious at times. A-anyways…” Aqua quickly showed the brunette what she was talking about, holding her hand out and away from them. Her Keyblade appeared in her hand as she got off of Sora, and the young man felt her pussy free his dick.

Cum spilled from Aqua’s pussy as the woman held up her Keyblade, and a green light flowed over her body. Sora watched as his cum seemed to be pushed out of Aqua’s body, spilling onto his sheets as the light shined over her body. Sora blinked dumbly as the older woman released her Keyblade into the void that which it waited in, and she smiled at the young man.

“The spell will ensure pregnancy won’t occur.”

“Huh. Who do you think found out that spell first?” Sora joked, chuckling nervously as Aqua giggled. 

“Oh, there’s one more thing, before I forget.” Her Keyblade returned to her hand and Sora watched as Aqua aimed it at him. The brunette was intimidated, but he trusted his friend with his life. 

A green light covered both of their bodies, and suddenly the young man felt like he could take on both versions of the Organization in a heartbeat. He blinked, looking at his hands as he felt energy fill his body. 

“Another spell I know. Something to help restore our stamina… How do you feel?” Aqua asked as she laid back down on the bed, smiling at him.

“Great! Better than I have in a while!”

“Good.” She placed a hand on his chest and licked her glistening lips. “Because I want more, Sora.” Sora felt his heart skip a beat as she moved her body, facing away from the young man as she wiggled her ass in his direction. “I-I want you to fuck me in my ass… I’ve heard stories of how amazing it is, but…”

“You bet!” Sora replied, all too eager to fuck that round, plump rear. He swung his hand, smacking Aqua’s ass cheek and causing the older woman to moan. “Let’s go again.”

The brunette aimed his cock and pushed forward, pushing his shaft into Aqua’s ass. He slowly split the woman open, and she cried out in pain and pleasure, burying her face into his bed, getting some of his spilled cum onto her face. 

“Are… are you okay?” Sora moaned, shaking from how tight her ass was. It was squeezing even tighter than her pussy did! “D-do you want to stop?” Sora prayed she said no, but the good-natured boy knew he would do whatever she asked. 

“N-no! Keep going! It hurts, but… fuck, it feels so good!” Aqua bit her lower lip to hide her loud squeals and moans, and once Sora was entirely inside of her, she let out a loud, quivering moan. 

Sora’s eyes widened, but he was sure of it. Aqua had just cum from him fucking her ass. Well, he wasn’t going to let her be the only one to cum. The Keyblade wielder grabbed Aqua’s hips and pounded away, slapping his balls against her body as her tight ass massaged his hard cock. Aqua’s saliva and their combined cum was the perfect lube to erode away the pain, leaving only pleasure crashing down on Aqua’s mind.

“Ah! Sora! Harder! S-spank me!” she begged.

And he obeyed, slapping his hand against her ass, watching it jiggle as she mewled in pleasure. The bed groaned with even blow, their bodies clapping together as they found the perfect rhythm to make love to. Aqua’s fingers dug into the sheets as Sora dug into her soft skin. Both closed their eyes as they came together, and Aqua’s butt was filled with a flood of cum and semen from the young hero.


Sora liked to cuddle. It was only natural for the young man. He loved a good nap, so napping with a pretty girl wrapping her arms around him was even better. He had done his best to cuddle with Kairi every chance they could get, but now the young man found a different woman holding him.

Aqua was holding him, pressing him against her large chest. Sora awoke to the sight of her rack against his face, and his cheeks burned as he realized how close the two were. They were like lovers, he realized, as he slowly pulled himself free.

The older woman woke up to feel his struggling against her, and she smiled at him, freeing him. 

“Morning,” she greeted.

“Good morning,” he replied. Before he could say anything else, Aqua’s hand gently touched his cheek.

“Sora, I need you to know something… I think I love you.” His eyes widened, and his mouth fell open. Aqua could see conflict in his eyes. Perhaps he felt the same way, perhaps he didn’t know how he felt considering he was dating Kairi. “Let me finish,” she quickly added.

“I think I love you, but I want you to be happy. I want you to date Kairi, and I want you both to be happy forever, but… if I can just have a piece of you. A part of your heart just to myself, to love and to cherish, then that is all I would ever want.” 

Aqua spoke from her heart as she stroked his chest. “I will be forever yours, if you would have me. No other man would touch me. I would just. Be. Yours.” She accented each word with a gentle poke of her fingers. “What do you say?” she asked, trying not to let her fear slip into her voice.

Sora was quiet for a few moments, before he smiled at her. He nodded his head, “I think Kairi and I would be happy to have you be a part of our lives. I think… I’d love it if you had a piece of my heart.”

Aqua’s lit up and she embraced the smaller man, squeezing their bodies together. Sora blushed as her hard nipples poked his chest, before she pulled back. 

“Thank you, Sora… For everything.” The two rose up from the bed, and the older woman decided to give her lover a show. Sora watched as Aqua magically changed in front of him, and she swung her hips side to side, shaking her ass for him.

It felt good knowing he actually fucked that ass just hours ago…

Aqua was nice enough to help the younger man change, and once they were both dressed, the two shared a passionate kiss. Aqua’s arms wrapped around his neck as she leaned down to kiss him, slipping her tongue into his mouth. He kissed back, digging his fingers into her perfect ass once again.

As the two kissed, Sora’s heart felt a rush. He felt like being daring, and when the two broke apart, threads of saliva linking their mouths, Sora gave Aqua an order. He was direct, forward, and commanding, and Aqua shivered as she nodded her head. If the young man didn’t know better, he would have thought she had just came in front of him.

“Go get Kairi. I’ve always wanted to try a threesome.” 


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