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Summary: Mineta makes a bet with Mina Ashido.  If he could pass his test against Miss Midnight, Mina would spend a whole night with Mineta doing whatever he wanted. Unfortunately for her,  he did pass, and Mina is about to have a whole new appreciation of Mineta. Includes: Dominant sex, Mind break, and Bad End.

*Ended up going beyond the limit. I wanted to treat you guys, and I was having fun. Have a good day. :)


Mina Ashido wasn’t in the best mood when she left her test against Principal Nezu. The rodent… thing bested her and Kaminari with ease, and Mina was left frustrated and humiliated. 

Maybe that was why she was so quick to insult Mineta. When he and Sero were called up for their test against Miss Midnight, Mina made her doubt known. 

“There’s no way Mineta’s gonna be able to pass. Midnight’s gonna wipe the floor with him,” she ‘whispered’ a little too loudly. The short student frowned at the remark as Mina giggled, pretending not to notice his glare. “She’s gonna be wiping his grapes off of her feet like he was nothing,” she told Kaminari, playing innocent as Mineta glared at her.

Normally the young woman wouldn’t be spitting such insults at Mineta unless he really deserved, but she was upset. She had been humiliated, and now she wanted someone else to be miserable to make her feel less terrible.

She knew it was wrong, but she did it anyways, grinning in Mineta’s face as he scowled at her. 

“I’m going to ace this test, just you wait and see!” 

Mina laughed in response, crossing her arms. “Yeah, right. I bet Midnight wipes the floor with you.”

“I’ll take that bet!” Mina had meant it as just a figure of speech, but Mineta stepped closer to her, stomping his little foot down. Mina couldn’t help but think of the little man as a baby as snickered. 

“Fine. I bet you won’t even last five minutes against Miss Midnight. If you do, I don’t know, I’ll do your homework for a month,” Mina chuckled, barely taking the deal seriously. “And if I’m right, you’ll do my homework for a month.”

It was clearly a terrible deal, and Mineta knew that. Her grades were far below his, a fact that she still couldn’t believe. “And what if I beat her?”

“Ha! Like that’ll happen.”

Mineta ground his teeth as his tiny hands quivered. “If I beat her, you have to spend a night doing whatever I want.”

Mina was grinning like a loon, and she had to fight the urge to laugh at the small student. “Like that’ll ever happen.”

“A-and if I lose, I’ll do your homework for two months!”

That got Mina’s attention. Two months of no homework…? That sounded great! If Mineta was dumb enough to actually bet that, it wasn’t her fault if she agreed. “Fine. You got a deal!”

And their hands clapped together, shaking as Mina giggled with excitement. Her mood was flipped, and she couldn’t help but feel cheery.


Mina stood outside Mineta’s home, her fingers wrinkling and crumbling the hem of her shirt. She felt so damn stupid. Not only did she still have to do her own homework, but… but Mineta had actually won.

He beat Miss Midnight, and the teacher even complimented the young man’s skill and strategy. Mineta passed with flying colors, meaning Mina had to fulfill her end of the bargain. She wanted to walk away, leave Mineta’s house and never speak to the little bastard again, but Mina was a woman of her word. 

She’d do this, and then she’d never speak to the little bastard ever again…

Mina lifted up her hand and knocked on the door. Part of her expected to find Mineta wearing only a towel with his voice lowered because he thought that made him sound handsome, but no.

He opened the door, wearing perfectly normal clothes as he smiled at her. It was a scummy, arrogant smile, but at least his clothes were on. “Good, you’re here,” he grinned, as if Mina was just here to study with him. “Come on in.” He motioned her inside, closing the door behind her as Mina walked in.

She was stiff as a board as he walked past her, her dark eyes suspicious of every move he was going to make. “My parents are out until morning, so make yourself at home. You hungry? Want something to drink?”

“I’m good,” she replied.

“Suit yourself.” He led her into the living room, where some food was laid out on a couple of plates. Mina watched as Mineta grabbed himself a cup of water, filling it by the sink, before drinking it.

Mina watched him, and she couldn’t help but notice how surreal it all was. Mineta wasn’t ogling her, he wasn’t trying to grope her, and he was actually acting pretty nice. She glared at the food, scowling as she wondered if it was laced with some kind of aphrodisiac or something, like some kind of cliche hentai.

“Hey, there are some movies over on the coffee table. See anything you like?”

Was this a date or something to him?! Mina turned her head around and lo and behold, there were a few movies on the table between a large TV screen and the couch. Mina needed a moment to pick up her jaw, before she walked over to the table and looked through the movies. 

There were a few really good flicks in there. Some laugh out loud comedies, some cool action movies, even a couple of cute romances, but what the hell was going on? Somehow the laid back atmosphere made Mina more on edge, and she could feel her skin sweating as her eyes bounced between Mineta and the movies.

The young man was currently putting some popcorn in the microwave. 

“What the hell is this?” Mina asked, putting her hands on her hips and leaning forward.

“Uh… popcorn?”

“No! T-this! Why aren’t you acting all pervy and stuff!?” Mineta blinked, acting so damn innocent that it made the young woman’s blood boil.

“Uh… Cause I’m not?” Mina’s eye twitched as Mineta took the popcorn out. He opened the bag and poured it into a bowl as he grinned proudly. “I won. I got Miss Midnight’s approval, even got a congratulations from All Might himself after his test with Midoriya and Bakugo. My life couldn’t be better. I think just having you here after you lost so badly, and knowing I won our bet is reward enough.” 

Mina was surprised by what she heard, before she was left feeling kind of… disappointed. Did Mineta look down on her that much? He won, and she lost, and suddenly she wasn’t worth lusting after? The pink-skinned woman frowned at that, before she grabbed one of the movies and stuck it inside the player, letting the movie start as she sat down on Mineta’s couch.

She had a frown on her face as Mineta walked over, carrying the bowl of popcorn. He offered her some and she silently took it, tossing a few pieces into her mouth. Mineta sat on the couch beside her, a healthy distance between them as Mina glanced at him.

He… he was ignoring her. Why did that make her so upset? She tried to return the favor and focus on the movie playing. Judging by opening, it was some cheesy romantic comedy about a guy and a girl falling for each other after meeting just once. Mina thought it was kind of dumb, but she couldn’t deny these kinds of films were guilty pleasures for her.

The two watched the movie in silence, the only sound besides the film being one of them eating some popcorn. Mina’s eyes kept bounced between the screen and the boy beside her. She scowled as she watched him just sit there, acting like a pretty girl wasn’t sitting beside him.

Mina was good looking. She knew how good she looked. A beautiful body, a pretty face, and she looked super exotic, even in a post-Quirk world. She thought she was hot, did Mineta not think that?

The young woman sat rigidily as her thoughts plagued her. Her fingers dug into the palms of her hands as she continued to fidget. Suddenly Mineta glanced at her, and Mina quickly tried to stare at the TV, pretending she wasn’t even noticing him. 

From the corner of her eye, she watched Mineta lift up a hand and reach for her shoulder. Was he trying that reach around technique boys always did in the movies? Was he going to put his hand on her shoulder? Yes! Finally, some attention! 

Mina tried to pretend like she wasn’t shaking in anticipation, wanting to just be reminded she was a good catch. She stared at the screen as Mineta poked her shoulder, and her frown returned in full force.

“Hey. I’m going to get some more popcorn. You want anything?”

“Ah…” The beautiful, pink-skinned woman blinked, before sighing. Her shoulders slumped as she shook her head. “I’m fine. Hey, how long do I have to be here?” she grumbled.

“Long as I say you have to,” he replied, asserting his dominance. Mina blushed at the fact that she actually had to obey Mineta’s order, though that was probably the first one he actually gave her. 

She pouted as he got off the couch and walked to the kitchen behind them. Mina let out another side as she watched the movie play, not really paying attention to it. She just watched it go through the motions as she slumped forward.

That’s just how it went for almost an hour. Just boring, normal, nothing out of the ordinary hanging out. It was driving Mina nuts. She honestly wished Mineta was acting more like a pervert.

Then she would know there was nothing wrong with her looks, and that everything was still normal. Him acting so… nonchalant just made her paranoid. There were a few more close calls and false starts for the two. Mineta would brush his hand against her shoulder or almost touch her hand, and each time Mina felt a rush of excitement at finally being treated like the hottie she was, and each time she was disappointed by nothing happening. 

The movie ended and Mina sighed as Mineta got up to pick another one and start playing that, but when he walked towards her, he stopped and asked her something. “Hey, you okay?”

Mina blinked at the question, before shrugging. “Uh, yeah. I’m fine.”

“You look stressed.” She felt stressed. 

“I’m fine,” she replied with a huff, glaring into his beady little eyes. He shrugged in response, before he walked back to the kitchen. Some action movie started to play as Mina sighed, massaging her temples. 

Mineta was right. She was stressed. She needed to relax. What was wrong with her? She tried to focus on the film, ignoring everything else, until she felt something touch her shoulders again. She didn’t react though. It was probably just Mineta trying to get her attention again.

Then she felt the hand squeeze her shoulder, and a thumb gently press into the back of her shoulder. Her eyes widened as the fingers dug into her skin, pressing into her muscles as she shuddered.

That felt nice…

“Want me to massage you?” Mineta’s voice asked as he stood behind her. Mina blinked at the question. It wasn’t even an order. Mineta had all the power, but he didn’t use it, and Mina found that a little comforting.

If he wanted to escalate things, he could, but he chose not to. To Mina, that meant maybe he wasn’t such a bad guy... 

“You know how to massage?” she tried to make it sound like a joke, trying to keep things light. He nodded his head as she blushed, trying to hide her dark purple cheeks with a laugh. “Sure, give it your best shot.”

She saw him nod his head as he got on the couch. Mina scooted forward so he could sit behind her, since he was so short. His hands continued to press against her back, and Mina let out a long sigh of relief as his knuckles dug into her back.

Mina couldn’t believe it, but Mineta’s fingers really did feel good against her skin. His knuckles pressed against her muscles, unwinding them and helping Mina return to her usual easygoing, relaxed state of mind. 

“Lift up your arms.” She obeyed, raising them up. He squeezed her arms a bit, before bringing them back to her back. “Lower your arms.” She obeyed. “Lean forward.” She did. “Lean back now. I’m going to do your neck.”

“Mhhm.” Mina’s eyes were closed, and her fingers clumsily sought after the remote controller to mute the movie. She bobbed back and forth, slowly melting in Mineta’s fingers. Heh. Melting. She had a smile on her face from the irony of her melting in his hands…

His fingers touched her neck, and Mina felt her body shake as trembled. That felt amazing. His thumb was pressed into the nape of her neck, and it was like he was making her brain melt in her skull. She went along with it, not even noticing as her mouth fell open and a moan slipped out.

“Did you know the neck is actually really sensitive?” She didn’t say anything in response, simply moaning in response. “Especially right here.” He dug his finger into her, and it was almost like a button to turn off her brain.

It just felt so good, and Mina hadn’t been expecting such an attack. She left herself open, and she didn’t even realize it as one hand massaged her neck as another slipped around to her chest. Mineta launched a two prong attack, digging one finger into Mina’s neck as his other hand prodded her breast. 

One finger for her neck, two fingers for her breasts. He pushed past the shirt she wore and the bra she had under, to feel her hard nipple against his digits. Mina didn’t even seem to notice what he was doing, only moaning as he played with her.

He did this again and again, playing with her large breast as he pressed into her erogenous zone. The young woman shuddered, trembling as he moved his plan into the next step.

“Take your shirt off.” 

“Oh.” She blinked, her eyes half open as she heard the command. For a moment, Mineta feared he had gone too far too fast, but then Mina nodded her head and uttered a quiet, “Okay.” The pink-skinned beauty wasn’t scared. She thought Mineta was harmless. She had been fooled by his patience, and now she was putty in his hands, too relaxed and at peace to dispute the command.

Besides, if it made her feel this good, how bad could it be?

Her shirt came off, and Mina dropped it to the side, letting it fall on the floor. Mineta placed both of his hands on her chest and squeeze, pressing her breasts against her chest, hearing the woman moaned.

Mineta was on top of the world. Groping Mina’s boobies! They were even bigger than Tsu’s, probably second only to Momo! He squeezed each of them, before pulling on the bra and letting Mina’s tits pop out. She gasped, only to moan again as he began to tug on and pinch her nipples.

“M-Mineta, wait, what are-?” Her question was cut off by a moan, and she dug her fingers into the soft cushion of the couch as Mineta kissed the nape of her neck, pressing his tongue against her naked skin. “S-s-stahp…”

“You have to obey my commands, remember?” He released her breasts, only to put his hands on her bra and unsnap it, letting it drop down her body. So many men complained at how hard it was. Mineta made sure he knew how to snap it off quickly, so he could get to the good part. 

He pulled at the bra, tearing it off of her body and throwing it away so that Mina was topless. Then he kept doing what he was doing, licking, sucking, and kissing her neck as his hands played with her breasts. He kneaded those boobs like he always dreamed of, treating them like dough as he groped and squeeze them. 

Mina quivered in his hands, melting as he switched between tugging on her nipple to pressing into it. As he did this, his pants became tight, and his growing erection rubbed against Mina’s back through his pants. 

“Lay on your back.” And Mina obeyed him, laying down on her back as Mineta began to tear his clothes off. They fell to the floor as purple-faced woman laid down, panting. The purple-haired man was naked down, and he got between her legs as he smiled into those exotic, dark eyes. 

“You’re so freakin’ hot, Mina. Great ass.” He smacked it, making her gasp. “Great legs.” He massaged her thighs, making her moan. “And a great rack.” That made her smile, and she felt a euphoric sense of pride bubble inside her. Just the distraction he needed to pull her shorts and panties off in one quick move. 

By the time she realized what he did, Mineta pushed his penis into her, and her eyes widened as her virginity was stolen from her. He tore into her, stretching out her pussy with his surprisingly girthy dick. She cried out, only to be silenced as Mineta’s lips fell on hers, stealing her first kiss as well. Mina moaned under the smaller student, moaning right into his mouth as his tongue plunged into her, smacking her walls.

Meanwhile his dick was plowing her. She hadn’t realize how wet she had become from Mineta’s touch. It was like a slow burn at first, slowly warming her body until her mind was on fire and lust and desire were all that could think of. She had fallen for his trap, just like Miss Midnight.

Mina knew Mineta was a little bastard. Then she thought, maybe he wasn’t so bad. Now she realized how much of a dick he was, but fuck, she hadn’t realized how big his dick was!

“Ahh!” Mina broke the kiss to cry out in pleasure. 

“Fuck! You’re so tight!” Mineta drooled, pounding her pussy, shoving the full length of his cock into Mina. Her, until recently, virgin pussy squeezed him, stroking every inch of her pussy. “It’s better than I could have imagined!”

The couch quaked as the man bucked back and forth. He reached his head down and caught one of Mina’s breasts in his mouth, sucking on it as one hand groped and squeezed the other. The other hand grabbed Mina by her hip, digging his fingers into her as he fucked her harder and faster.

Mina had touched herself before, but that was nothing compared to this. This was on a whole new level. Her pussy juices were spilling onto the couch as they lubed up Mineta’s dick for him, letting him fuck her even harder. 

He released her tit with a pop and kissed her again, and this time she returned the gesture. It wasn’t that she loved him or anything, but the pleasure felt so good. She wanted to give into it, she wanted to savor it. She didn’t want to fight it anymore. 

Her tongue wrestled with Mineta’s as the bulbous tip of his dick pressed against her womb. Mina broke the kiss yet again and cried out with pleasure, her eyes rolling into her skull as a huge grin shined on her face. 

“M-Mineta, I-I’m gonna cum,” she moaned.

And he responded by grabbing her horn and pulling her head down to they were face to face. “Call me Master!”

Being grabbed like an animal. Being told to call him Master. It sent her over the edge. Mina came in Mineta’s arms, riding his dick, and she came hard. Her body convulsed and Mineta had to strain to hold onto her head. Like a wild beast, she bucked and thrashed, all because he made her cum on his girthy, veiny dick. 

Her tongue fell out of her mouth, hanging over her lip as Mineta keep pounding her soaking, wet cunt. He caught her tongue in his mouth and sucked on it, making her moan as he filled her pussy with his precum, the wet sloshing sounds filling the air. 

He broke the kiss as he glared into her eyes. Her vision was blurry from the furious pounding she was getting, but she still saw his unmistakable face. “I own you, slut. You’re gonna be obeying my every command forever! Got it?!”

“Ahhh!” He nodded her head for him, tugging on her horn as their juices soaked the couch. 

“I’m gonna cum inside you, slut,” he moaned, his dick throbbing inside of her. “Tell me you want it!” She just let out a weak, guttural groan in response, and he stopped fucking her as punishment. He pulled his cock out, letting the wet, glistening tower stand erect on his body.

Mina gasped, before letting out an adorable whine. She felt so empty without his cock inside her, and now seeing the thing in person, she wanted nothing more than to have it again. “P-put it back!” she begged, reaching out to touch his cock.

Mineta allowed her that mercy, and she began to gently stroke up and down the long length of his penis, feeling the veins and throbbing flesh in her pink fingers. She didn’t even care if she was getting her own cum on her fingers. 

“Please, put it back inside.”

“Say it,” he replied, shoving her back and forcing her hands off of the glorious shaft. 

She blinked, her face turning purple, before her eyes focused in on Mineta’s penis. It was throbbing for her, trembling in need for her. 

“I-I want it,” she whimpered. She licked her lips as her hands fell onto her breasts, and she began to grope herself. “I-I want your cock in me. F-fucking me.” He frowned, and she whimpered. “Master, please! I want your cock in me! I want you to cum in me!”

That was what he wanted to hear. Still, he wanted to drive this pleasure through Mina’s mind like a stake. He had to make sure she was crazy for him. “Kiss me,” he ordered, crossing his arms. Mina continued to blush, panting as she struggled to comprehend the command.

She should have stood her ground and fought back, but she didn’t. She couldn’t. Instead she wrapped her arms around Mineta’s body and did something she never thought she would have done in a million years. She kissed the little pervert, hoping he’d show her mercy and fuck her pussy. 

Their lips were pressed together, before they both opened their mouths and lashed out at each other with their tongues. Mineta thrust forward, showing his cock back into her pussy. He bucked his hips back and forth, pounding Mina’s body as she moaned against his lips. 

He was good on his word. He came inside Mina, releasing a stream of cum inside her perfect, sexy body. She welcomed his seed, cumming again on his cock as her arms around around his body, squeezing him, nails digging into his skin. She came on his cock, her mind as fucked as her body as she felt a kind of ecstasy she had never before imagined.

This was the kind of pleasure that broke a maiden like Mina. That became addicting. She broke her kiss with Mineta, panting as she stared into his eyes. His dick was still in her, acting like a cork to keep the cum inside. 

Mineta smirked, inches from her lips as she moaned out a single word. “M-more…” She swallowed her spit, moaning at how she tasted Mineta’s mixed into it, before adding, “Master…”

They kissed again as Mineta’s mind filled with triumphant joy. His cock was still hard, and he intended on using Mina to live out his dreams for the rest of the night, and maybe every night onward. He had her, and if he was lucky, she wouldn’t be the last. 


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