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Yukiko felt complete and utter exhaustion. It was comparable to when the group fought against Adachi, or Izanami. Her body was pushed to her very limits, and now she barely had the strength to walk. She almost welcomed the reprieve blacking out would give her...

Maybe she was being slightly dramatic, but Yukiko felt she earned that right. She had been working tirelessly, not only for her family’s inn, but also to maintain her average at school. The stress of both almost made her wish for an ambush of Shadows. Dealing with those monsters would have been easier than trying to please her teacher and parents.

The inn was experiencing a boom of business, and while that had been nothing new, exams were just around the corner and so Yukiko had to study and work on the practice exams the teacher had handed out to the class. It felt like every time she tried to focus on her work and study, another problem arose that required her help.

It got to the point where she had to put her foot down and firmly tell her parents that she would not be available after class on Saturday. Not until she was completely done with her work. Thankfully he parents understood and granted her that time off. 

It hadn’t been easy. As soon as Yukiko returned home on Saturday, she locked herself in her room with some snacks and worked tirelessly on her many assignments. She worked tirelessly without break, texting each of her friends that she wasn’t to be disturbed unless it was an absolute emergency. 

Thankfully nothing got in her way, and she was able to finally collapse onto her desk and let out a sigh of relief. The cool wood felt nice against her skin as she glared at the finished assignment under her. 

Finally done. A brief rush of adrenaline brought the raven-haired girl to life, and she beamed as she lifted her body up and stretched her arms to the sky. “I’m done!” Then came a stinging her pain as she realized just how long she had been sitting down. Her elbows stung with pain as she flinched, and rubbed the sore skin. “Ow…”

The adrenaline didn’t last long, and Yukiko groaned as she let her arms hang limply towards the ground. She glanced at the clock on her desk, and her eyes widened. 

“Wh-? One?!” The raven-haired girl groaned, rubbing a hand against her tired eyes. It was one in the morning, and she had been wearing her school uniform for nearly the entire day. She must have smelled horrible. 

Yukiko reached for her tea and downed the rest of it with a quick swig. Alright. A quick bath, and then some sleep. The thought of finally going to sleep brought a smile to her cherry-colored lips, and she lifted herself up to do just that. She grabbed her pajamas and left her room, moving quietly through the empty halls of the Amagi Inn. She didn’t want to wake anyone, after all.

She reached the women’s baths, and stepped into the changing room. The room was the size of the typical closet, its sole purpose to give a woman privacy as she disrobed. Yukiko stood inside of it and began to slowly peel her clothing off of her, frowning as she realized she had been sweating into the scarlet cloth. 

Oh, darn it… I need to start wearing less layers. It’s becoming summer again… Yukiko began to slowly unbutton her sweater, before  letting it simply fall off her shoulders. It slid along her arms and fell to the ground. She found herself staring at her body as she began to unbutton her school uniform, a familiar voice playing through her head.

“Aww, I bet guys won’t care what size you are, Senpai.” 

Yukiko found herself frowning at the memory. The group had their measurements taken, and while Yukiko wasn’t the smallest of the group in that department, but she certainly wasn’t the biggest. Like any normal person, Yukiko found herself anxious about her physical appearance from time to time. 

It usually wasn’t at the front of her mind, but when she was alone, staring at her own body, she couldn’t help but feel worried. Yukiko was taller than most girls her age, even taller than some boys. Her waist was pronounced, but she always worried that made come off as a walking pear, or that she was out of proportion. 

Her small breasts were the cherry on top. She lifted her hands and felt her chest through her school uniform, gently rubbing them as she pouted. Both Rise and Naoto were younger than her, shorter than her, yet bigger than her when it came to ‘that’ department.

Yukiko’s hands gently squeezed her breasts as her cheeks began to turn pink. She felt a trickle of worry and doubt prod her mind. Maybe this was part of the reason Yu didn’t choose her…?

As soon as she realized the trap her mind was falling into, Yukiko shook her head tightened her fingers, inadvertently groping herself harder. 

No! Stop that. You know better than that, she reminded herself. Yu had fallen in love with Naoto, and while Yukiko admitted to having a crush on the boy, she had long accepted it was not meant to be. More importantly, she knew she was beautiful, and had no reason to worry about her looks. 

A flare of confidence filled Yukiko’s heart, and she continued to strip out of her clothes. Her school uniform fell off her body as she held her head up high. Looking back, Yukiko had hated her Shadows for being all of the things she loathed about herself, but now? While her Shadow clearly had been an extreme caricature of herself, Yukiko found herself wanting to replicate the confidence and boldness the princess had. 

She took off her skirt, letting it fall to the ground as she recalled how her Shadow had acted. She had never seen the broadcast first hand, but Yosuke and Chie recounted the details to her with varying levels of amazement. 

Lacy unmentionables. She unhooked her bra and allowed her breasts to go free. They jiggled slightly as she smiled at them, admiring their own size and shape.The bra fell into her hands and she twirled it around her head, smiling as she tried to imitate her Shadow. 

It was cathartic, in a way. Almost like making peace with an estranged friend. She tossed the white bra against the wall, before bending forward, almost as if she wanted to accent her round behind, and round it was as she imagined her Shadow cheering her on. 

She wiggled her butt from side to side, her own cheeks flaring red as the blush traveled down her neck. The heat resonated in her chest, right under her breasts as she pulled her panties down her legs, and threw them onto the pile of clothes forming against the wall.

Yukiko reached for a towel over her naked body, only to pause. A perverse and debased idea popped into her head as her fingers gently stroked the white fabric. Maybe it was her exhaustion. Maybe it was her Shadow goading her on. Maybe it was the knowledge that she’d never have this chance again.

Either way, Yukiko forgoed the towel and strutted out of the changing room with a definite sway in her hips. Her hips bounce from side to side as she took off her headband and tossed it behind her. She was now completely naked, and she felt incredibly hot, and incredibly proud.

It was so unlike her, but maybe that was the fun of it. Being someone else, imagining herself on a runway as cameras flashed and people cheered. She whipped her hair to the side, enjoying the way it cascaded down her back as she stared at the small pool of warm water. 

Part of her considered just diving in, like she was a child again, but instead Yukiko decided to slowly descend into the water as befitting a graceful princess. She tapped the serene pool with a single toe, smiling at the ripple she created, before diving in one foot at a time.

There was a quiet splash as her body fell in, and she moaned in joy as her body melted away. The warm water felt amazing on her skin, melting her worries and aches away. After a long day of hard work, this was just what she needed. 

The warm water was like a massage on her skin, grinding away at her sore muscles. She let out a sigh of contentment, drifting deeper into the water. She was soon in the center of the pool, leaning back slightly so her head was resting on the water, her black hair slowly swaying under her.

Yukiko’s body was warm, but her insides still felt hot. She let her mind drift like her body as she closed her eyes. She felt herself floating on a warm cloud, fingers brushing against her legs as she moaned quietly. She was completely weightless, nothing holding her down as she glided along the water.

She remembered the changing room, and her hands slowly swam through the water, landing on her breasts. Yukiko’s finger gently poked and prodded each breast, and the feeling was incredibly different without her bra on. It felt freeing. Her fingertips grazed her nipples, and she bit her lower lip.

Her left hand continued to traced circles on her skin, occasionally brushing against her nipple, as her right hand rose out of the water and found its way to her lips. She pressed her lips against two wet fingers, imagining that they were lips as her mind fell into a waking dream.

Yu pulled back, smiling as he stared into her ebony eyes. She shuddered as his hand touched her body, one firmly squeezing one of her breasts as the other traced a line down her chin, tickling her neck, before ending up at her other breast. 

His strong hands squeezed her… tits. That was the word she avoided. He was squeezing her tits, and it made her body tingle. She trembled under his touch, before his fingers began to drift down, slowly slipping off of her tits as he rubbed against her flat stomach. His silver eyes pierced her soul as he smiled in a way that made her feel like she was completely his. 

She smiled up at him, her eyes glowing with a spark of desire. She wanted to be taken, to be pleasured, to be treated like a princess. She commanded it, and her prince was all too happy to obey her. His fingers reached the wet slit between her legs, and electricity went through body as a finger brushed against her clit.

The forbidden fruit, she thought to herself. Sinful, raw, pleasure. She savored the gentle teasing, loving how debased and impure it was. Her name brought to mind white, pure snow. Her Shadow spoke the truth when she said Yukiko hated it. 

This… this pleasure. This fire in her body was exactly the kind of release she needed. All the tension and pressure that had been building up was being released, bit by bit, by her own teasing hands as she imagined Narukami touching her. 

Their finger brushed against her clit, before pushing down on it, rolling it under a single fingertip. The passion made Yukiko gasp with ecstasy, before she bit her lower lip to try and keep herself quiet. Yet her body seemed to disagree with her mind, because another finger was tracing up and down her wet slit, stroking the sensitive skin as she shuddered.

The water massaged her body, carrying her through her dream as Narukami’s lips gently touched her stomach. Their fingers played with her… her pussy. Yukiko knew she had no control of her body, she knew she had become a slave to her own desires, so rather than fight the base urge, she smiled and nodded her head.

“Do it,” she whispered to herself, pressing a single finger against her tight, tight walls. Her fate was sealed as soon as she pushed a single finger into herself, and her body quaked as an orgasm rocked her body. 

It was good, but Yukiko wanted more than good. She wanted amazing. She wanted bone-meltingly amazing. She wanted to writhe in the water, and give herself up to the pleasure for just one moment.

Yukiko was in this position because she wanted to relieve pressure, but now her actions seemed to just be increasing it. One hand was pushing a finger into her, pumping it in and out of her body as the other hand teased her clit. Two fingers squeezed the small nub, before pressing down on it. She gasped at the shock of pleasure, before redoubling her efforts on her innocent, virgin body. 

Her body found the wall of the pool, and she quickly propped herself against it. The hard stone was completely ignored in her mind, replacing was a soft wall of cotton and fabric as Narukami watched her pleasure herself. She stared into his silver eyes, smiling at the fire and desire that danced in his eyes.

He liked the show. She intended to give him all he wanted and more. She pulled her finger out of her pussy, until only the tip of her fingers grazed against her crotch, before she pushed back in, making her body tremble. The pleasure was like a hammer against her body, making her shiver with every blow, all while it grew inside of her.

It was like fanning a fire. It was like steam building up inside. It was like heaven.

Eventually, the pressure had to be released. Eventually, the pleasure had to go ‘pop.’ 

Except it wasn’t a mere pop. It was a explosion that was more akin to a firework inside of her body. Heat travelled throughout her nerves, lightning her body on fire. She bit down on her lower lip as hard as she could to keep herself quiet, but the tiniest moan still escaped from her sealed lips. 

Her muscles tightened, her finger punged as deeply into her body as it could, and her other fingers pushed down tightly on her clit, as if holding it down would keep the pleasure going. She didn’t want to stop, she wasn’t ready to stop, so her finger suddenly began to thrust in and out of her, moving like a piston as it carried her orgasm over a whole second.

Two seconds.



Yukiko squeezed her eyes tightly, letting out a silent cry as her body trembled. She felt the fire fill her, burning her up inside in the most perfect way imaginable. Her finger continued to push in and out of her as she experienced either the longest orgasm of her life, or a chain of miniature ones. It was a chain reaction that made her body feel like an inferno.

When her finger finally stopped, and her body finally began to relax, she let out a tired breath as her lips fell apart. Yukiko was in a state of bliss afterwards. She still felt like she was drifting, but it was different. 

She was tired, but she never felt so awake. She was exhausted, but she felt like she could light the whole world on fire.

Yukiko felt good, but she also felt fantastic. She opened her eyes, staring at the starry night sky, and she melted into the water once more. 

Some part of herself told her to feel shame or guilt, but she brushed it aside. Pleasuring oneself was a normal part of growing up. She shouldn’t feel ashamed. In fact, there was an odd sense of triumph inside her soul.

Still, Yukiko didn’t want to lay in the pool much longer, considering she had just orgasmed in it. She made a mental reminder to make sure it was clean later, but she also decided that was a future problem. The euphoria she experienced during her orgasm was fading away, leaving her utterly exhausted.

Yukiko lifted herself out of the water and grabbed one of the inn’s towels, quickly drying herself off as she began to walk to the exit. She made sure to throw her clothes into a hamper to wash later, before wrapping herself up in the towel. She grabbed another one for her hair as she began to walk to her bedroom, smiling.

She felt many things during her walk up to her bedroom. Fatigue from a long day. Pride in her own beauty. Jealousy at Naoto, but also joy that she and Yu were happy together. But most of all, she felt relief.

Yukiko dropped the towels as soon as her door was closed, and pulled her pajamas on. She fell onto her bed and drifted off to sleep, a smile on her lips. 


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