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Yosuke sometimes felt like his life was a dream. He didn't think it was that strange to think, a lot of people probably thought that sometimes. His life was going good, great even. Everything just seemed to fall into place, and he was happy.

It had been almost a year since Yosuke and his friends saved the world. Yu left for Tokyo, staying in contact with all of his friends here in Inaba, Naoto was off on another case, 'coincidentally' also in Tokyo, while Rise went back to the life of an idol with regular visits to Tatsumi Textiles for Kanji's company and help. Sometimes the guy would even get to go with Rise on her tours, and stuff.

Lucky bastard, he thought with a smile.

Yukiko was balancing her responsibilities to the Amagi Inn and school, plus bear-sitting Teddie whenever he came to visit her. Yosuke wasn't sure how she did it, but Yukiko was able to do all that, and still hang out with Chie and him. Ted bounced between the human world, and the TV one, visiting at least twice a week to hang out.

And then there was him and Chie. Just the thought of the young woman brought the widest grin to his face. The two started dating just a few months ago, and things were good. He was happy, she was happy, and despite their bickering, there was something about them that just… clicked.

That's what led them to here and now. They were inside his room, all alone as rain pelted his window. They had been on a date when this storm came out of nowhere, and the two had made his room their refuge.

But they didn't want the night to go to waste, so Yosuke started to kiss her, and she kissed back, and now things felt like… like something big was about to happen. Like they were on the edge of a cliff, and they were both about to jump into the great unknown…

Sex, he told himself, as Chie's hands cupped his face, and her lips pressed against his. We are going to have sex… This is gonna be great!


Chie kissed Yosuke's lips, savoring his taste as his hand gently pulled at her clothes. Her hands fell on his chest, gently pushing him back as she asked the question that was plaguing her mind.

"Are we really doing this?" She tried not to let him hear the fear in her voice as she swallowed down her nerves.

"Only if you want to," he replied, his hands slowly falling down to hold hers. "I mean, we can stop here, if you want…"

Stop…? Chie imagined them just sitting down and watching a movie, ignoring the fact that they were on their way to having sex. She almost laughed at the thought, and despite her scarlet cheeks and racing heart, she shook her head. "No, I mean yes, I-I mean, let's do this. I want this, Yosuke. I want…" Her eyes fell to the ground, and she tried to ignore the fire that had been lit on her cheeks. "T-this…"

Yosuke nodded his head, and put his fingers on the zipper of her jacket, slowly pulling it down. "Okay. Let's do this." He kissed her again, and Chie melted against the tender touch of his lips. She took in his scent as the zipper came undone and he pulled the jacket off of her, letting it gently fall to the ground.

She wore a thin, white shirt under the jacket, a shirt that clung loosely to her supple breasts. Yosuke's hands grabbed the bottom of it, and she lifted her arms to the roof to let him pull the shirt off. Leaving her in only her skirt and underwear.

The thunder crashed outside, and Chie jumped, falling forward into his arms. Her hands squeezed his shirt, as he chuckled at her.

"S-shut up, you jerk! It's not funny," she muttered, gently smacking his body.

"It's a little funny," he replied. He kissed her forehead, and she felt her heart flutter inside her chest. "But it's also really cute."

"C-c-cute…?" She buried her face into his chest, hiding her blushing face as he gently stroked her back. His hands found her bra, and he began to gently pull on it.

"Ready to keep going?" he asked.

"Yeah…" Chie nodded, before lifting her head up to resume kissing the taller boy. Her arms wrapped around his neck, as he moaned.

He opened his mouth and his tongue gently licked along her lips. She opened her mouth, taking in his tongue and gently sucking on it, her body shuddering at the pleasant sensation. Their bodies pressed against each other's, and he began to rub his crotch against her leg. She shuddered again, harder this time, feeling something hard push against her thigh.

Is that…? It's so hard… a-and big… Okay, Chie. Don't freak out. You got this. Chie's tongue licked Yosuke's, before pushing it back into his mouth. His tongue almost went limp, letting Chie push and rub against it with her own tongue.

It was nice, at first. Wonderful, even, but Chie couldn't help but notice something odd about the kiss. She opened her eyes, and she was surprised to see Yosuke tilting his head to the side, and glare at something behind her.

What is he…? Oh, you have got to be kidding me. Chie pulled away from the kiss with a raised, annoyed brow. "It's not that hard, you know!"

"Are you kidding me? This thing's impossible!" Yosuke growled, glaring at the bra that refused to come undone. "How the hell do you open this thing?!" He pulled on the strap, before it slipped from his fingers and snapped back onto Chie's back.

"Ow! Yosuke, you idiot!" Chie growled, shoving her boyfriend. "What is wrong with you?! It isn't that hard!" She moved her hands to her back, pulling on the hooks and letting the bra slip off her body. "See? What was so hard about that?!" Chie growled, glaring at her boyfriend.

Yosuke couldn't muster up a response. His eyes were aimed at her breasts, taking in the sight of her supple chest. His almond eyes widened, trying to take in every detail as her eyes slowly followed his. She squeaked in embarrassment, covering her chest with her arms.

"Q-quit it!"

"S-sorry!" Yosuke quickly turned his head away, staring at one wall as Chie glared at another. Both were blushing. It took a few seconds of awkward silence for Yosuke to speak up again. "T-they're nice…"

Chie lowered her scarlet face, muttering a "Thanks," in return. She glanced back at him, before returning her gaze to the floor. "W-want to… touch them?" She could see Yosuke's eyes widen out of the corner of her eyes, and she quickly put her foot down. "O-only for a little bit! It's just… you know… if we're going to… you know, I just want you to… you know." Chie tried not to think of herself as a complete idiot after that statement.

"Oh. R-right." Yosuke nodded his head, and the two finally faced one another. Chie dropped her arms slowly to her sides, the slender limbs shaking with the rest of her body as her boyfriend's hungry, starving eyes took her near-naked form in.

Yosuke lifted up his hands and stepped forward, placing both of them on Chie's breasts with barely any hesitation. He considered himself a simple man. He liked boobs. If his amazing girlfriend was going to offer them to him without any problem, well, who was he to say no?

The breasts felt nice. Firm. They weren't as soft or plush as he'd thought they be, but he had never touched a breast before in his life. He just assumed they'd be soft, cause that's what all the smut fics he read said they would be.

They might not have been plucked right from his fantasies, but they were still nice. He lifted the two breasts up slightly, watching them bounce and jiggle as a widening grin formed on his face. The more he touched them, the better they felt. He gave them a firm squeeze, enjoying the reaction it got out of his girlfriend.

Chie had sat through most of his breast-sault without any reaction, merely glaring at a wall with ruby cheeks. Then the lightning cracked outside, and she jumped, falling forward again to bury her face into his shirt. Yosuke's eyes widened, and he gently pushed Chie back, his hands still on her gravity-defying breasts.

I have to help her, he thought. Yosuke looked over her body, glancing at the panties that still covered her lower region. As he glanced at her panties, another idea popped into his mind. His hands moved slightly, holding onto her by her nipples, gently rolling the soft nubs between his fingers.

She gasped, head raised up as a jolt of something new went through her small, beautiful body. Yosuke smiled at his handiwork, before he really started to pull on her breasts. He tugged on her nipples, pulling her closer to his body as her legs trembled and knee buckled. He released them, dropping the breasts and letting them bounce on her chest as he grinned.

"You looked like you really liked that.

"S-shut up," she muttered, her voice as quiet as a mouse. She was panting, helping her bosom continue to draw his eyes. They bounced with every heavy breath, and he found the sight mesmerizing. Chie noticed his hungry eyes, but she didn't cover her chest this time. She just brushed her hair from her eyes with a huff.

"Seriously? They're just breasts, Yosuke… You have them too, you know!"

"Not like yours, I don't," he replied with a chuckle.

She rolled her eyes, before glaring at him. "Okay, your turn?"


"All I'm wearing are my panties! Your. Turn!" And without another word, Chie launched her attack. She pulled at Yosuke's clothes, practically lifting him off the ground with how hard she tugged at them.

"H-hey! Chie!" His coat went off, dropped to the ground, before she grabbed his shirt and yanked it over his head, throwing it aside. "Ow! Not so hard!" And then came his pants, or rather, there they came off. Chie yanked down the zipper, and pulled his pants down, nearly sending him tripping to the ground.

Yosuke was soon completely naked, save for some white boxers. He struggled to cover up his naked chest as Chie giggled.

"Not funny, Chie," he growled, slowly dropping his arms as she laughed.

"I beg to differ," she replied, looking her boyfriend over. It was the first time since the incident at the Amagi Inn that Chie had see his naked chest, and despite her teasing smile, her blush came back in full force as she noticed subtle changes to his physique.

Yosuke had never been particularly fat or out of shape. Just a bit skinny for his age, but looking at him now, Chie could easily see he had developed some muscles over their adventure. His stomach was flat, the only curve to it being some subtle muscles. His arms had a noticeable amount of bulk to them, nothing over the top, but certainly strong arms.

The perfect word for him would probably be 'athletic.' He looked like he could run, jump, even flip over most obstacles. He might not be the strongest, but it was almost like he could pass off as a ninja with a body like that, fitting, considering his Persona.

As Chie stared, her mind began to make a startling realization. Yosuke was actually kind of hot. He was an attractive boy, good looking, strong, but not bulky. He wouldn't look out of place in one of her martial arts movies, and that revelation alone was enough to make her cheeks a bright red again.

As if that wasn't bad enough, Yosuke was clearly happy to see her topless and in her undies. Her hazel eyes stared at his boxers, easily noticing the large bump under his trousers. Her heart raced at the sight of it. Fear of the thing splitting her in two filled her, but so did excitement. A rush of danger and desire mixed together as she licked her lips, making them glisten.

"Chie? You okay?"

"Y-yeah. I'm good!" she replied. "Um… Y-you ready to do this?"

"Yeah… You?" She nodded in reply, before moving forward, her lips open, her head tilted back as she kissed Yosuke again. Her hands gently fell on his chest, tracing circles on his firm abs as he held her closely, protecting her in his warm embrace.

Their tongues met before their lips even touched, and they both melted against the other. They fell onto Yosuke's bed together, the large mattress feeling like a cloud as their bodies ground against one another. Chie can feel the hard mound press against her barely covered pussy, shuddering against it. Her panties were slowly becoming moist, and she could feel her own juices rub against her skin.

Yosuke moved his head, kissing and nipping at Chie's neck, knowing her weak spot, and grinning as she moaned at the sensation. His hands reached down to grope her firm ass, squeezing each cheek as he ground against her.

"C-con...dom," she gasped, riding the head of Yosuke's dick.

"W-what?" he panted, pulling away from her neck, smiling at the sight of the marks he left behind.

"Condom. We need… condom," she groaned, shuddering as her mind was melted by pure ecstasy.

"Oh. R-right." Yosuke pulled away from his girlfriend, frowning as the beautiful brunette whined at the loss of her boytoy. He wasn't happy about it either, which is why he quickly reached into his nightstand and pulled out a long chain of packaged condoms.

Chie blinked, staring at them with a raised brow. "You came prepared… How long have you been waiting for this moment?"

Yosuke chose not to answer that question, tearing one of the condoms off the chain and tossing the rest to the ground. He ripped the small package open, before taking out the small rubber. He stood up beside the bed as he stared at it, and Chie did the same. They both thought the same thing.

"Do you know how to put that on?" she inquired.


That was all the answer she needed. Chie couldn't help but giggle at the young man's stupefied expression, shaking her head as he blushed intensely. "First step is probably, take off your boxers," she teased, glancing at the white trousers. He wasn't the only one blushing, now that she could see the stains of precum on his underwear.

"R-right. A-are you going to keep staring?" he asked.

"I mean, I'm going to see it sooner or later… I want to watch."

Yosuke nodded his head, understanding what she meant. It didn't change how embarrassing it was though. He slowly pulled down his boxers, and his dick popped out, bouncing as Chie's eyes widened.

"Uh… wow," she muttered, and Yosuke fought to keep himself from beaming at that remark. He pulled on the rubber, trying to unfurl it as his hands became coated in the slick lubricant covering it.

"How the heck am I supposed to unroll this thing!?" he growled, trying to get his fingers onto the condom properly.

"Have some trouble there, Yosuke?"

"Shut up, Chie!" The young woman rolled her eyes with a smirk on her lips, before noticing Yosuke's bouncing cock. As the man struggled with the condom, his dick was left unattended and lonely.

She bit her lower lip as she argued with herself, telling her hand to move, to do something crazy, despite her brain's protests. Don't think, she thought, remembering her favorite line. Feel.

"Huh?" Yosuke's back stiffened, and he turned his head down to find Chie's hand firmly squeezing the base of his dick. Her soft hand felt warm, almost like a cushion against his skin. "C-Chie? W-what are you?"

"Give it to me. I'll do it." Yosuke didn't put an argument, handing her the condom as she pushed it onto her boyfriend. The young man twitched at the strange sensation, feeling the wet, rubber substance cling to his dick.

"Whoa… That's…" Chie kissed the head of his dick, shocking him as she pulled back. It had been a quick kiss, a mere peck, but the sight of it was enough to make Yosuke hard as a board once more.

"Y-yeah," she mumbled, turning away from him. "J-just so we're clear on this, have you ever… you know… with anyone?"

"N-no," he replied. "Not me. This is my first." He sat down on the bed. "You?"

"Who would I have been with, numbskull?" she asked, gently poking his head.

"Right. Sorry…"

The moment was awkward as the two there in the darkness. Rain pattered against Yosuke's window, and thunder struck once more. The young man could see only the smallest jump come from his girlfriend at the loud boom. Her eyes were on the bed, lost in thought as he wondered how they should start.

"Lay down."


"Lay down," she insisted, patting the bed. "I want to… I want to ride you."

Just hearing those words from his girlfriend was enough to get Yosuke's heart racing. He obeyed, laying down flat on the bed as she moved on top of him. The brunette man felt his breath being stolen away as he watched Chie pull her panties away, and she sat on his legs, each of hers laying beside him. She smiled at him, and the light outside perfectly outlined her gorgeous, pure body.

A firm, almost washboard stomach. The subtle, but clear definition of muscles in her arms and chest. The chestnut hair that gleamed under the moonlight. Her gorgeous hazel eyes that lit up at the sight of him, and her sweet lips that glistened just right under the light.

"I love you," he confessed, not even meaning to say the words.

"I love you too," she replied, leaning down to capture his lips with hers. He reciprocated the liplock, pressing his own lips against hers, before meeting her tongue in a quick battle for dominance. Chie won, but Yosuke would forever argue that he let her.

She pulled away, sitting on his legs as she giggled. He smiled at her, only to feel his heart skip a beat.

"Wow… You'd still kiss me after I just kissed your dick?" She almost sounded impressed. It didn't last long.

"Ah, Chie! What the hell?!" Yosuke gagged, and Chie rolled her eyes with a frown. She moved her body, and suddenly both of them trembled as her moist, naked pussy rubbed against his dick.


"W-whoa. Was that…?"

"Mmmhm." Chie did it again, moving her body against the condom-covered cock, both shivering from the intense warmth that filled their bodies. It was like someone lit a fire in their hearts. It felt amazing. The friction between their bodies, the firmness of Yosuke's cock against the wet folds of Chie's pussy. "I… I want it inside me," she confessed.

"Do it," he replied. "I want to be inside of you."

She needed nothing else. She lifted herself up, and slowly brought herself down on the throbbing cock. She felt it push through her wet pussy, slowly spreading her open as her lips opened to release a silent scream.

She had never left so full. It wasn't like the kind of full eating gave her, no, it was something else. Something special. He broken her hymen long before she reached the base of his cock, sitting her firm ass on his lap as she shuddered. Yosuke moaned loudly, fingers digging into her ass.

"I love you," he repeated.

"I love… I love you too!" The thunder crashed outside, but Chie didn't even react. She only lifted herself up, before bringing herself down again on his cock. Once again, Yosuke cried out in pleasure.

His hands came to life on their own, slapping her plump rear. She loved the sensation, the sound their skin made against each other. "Again!" She fell forward, hands on the bed, just above his shoulders as she began to bounce on his cock. It hurt, but there was something exciting about the pain.

The sensation was fuel for her, painful or not, and it made her bounce on his dick faster as she panted. "Yosuke…!" He was so big, bigger than she expected, but her pussy clung to his cock all the same.

"Chie…!" He smacked her ass again, and a whole new wash of pussy juices coated his dick, giving it an even easier time pumping into her. "I-I don't know how long I'm going to last h-here. Fuck, you're tight!" he admitted, his head leaning back into a pillow as he lifted his pelvis as best he could to help Chie.

"Just a little longer! Please! I'm so close!" And she was. Chie rode his cock like it was meant for her, and he pushed into her like he was meant for it. The two lovers pressed their bodies against one another, grinding into each other, bouncing against one another as the bed rocked.

Thunder crashed again, but it fell on deaf ears as the two lovers reached for one another. Chie fell on her boyfriend, her breasts smothering his face as her fingers squeezed his head, nails digging into his scalp as she spasmed.

"I love you!" she screamed. "I love you!"

"I-I love you, Chie!" Yosuke cried out her name as he came inside of her, and she felt a wave of pleasure take her body by storm. It was like a jolt of lightning all throughout her body, to the bottom of her toes, to even the hair on her body. She screamed in pleasure as Yosuke came inside of her.

After their mutual orgasm, both parties felt exhaustion overcome them. Chie pulls herself up on trembling legs, before falling beside her boyfriend. She was out of breath, but grinning. She made Yosuke's arm a pillow as she smiled at him.

"That was…"

"Yeah," he agreed, nodding his head. "Was I…?"

"You were great!" she declared. "Was I…?"

"Holy shit. You were awesome…!"

The two laughed together, before looking down at Yosuke's slowly wilting dick. The young man reached down to pull the condom off of his body, before carelessly dropping it by his bed. "Too tired to care," he muttered with a smile.

Chie chuckled, rolling her eyes as she rest a hand on Yosuke's naked chest. "I love you," she whispered, and her heart lit up as he turned to her and said exactly what she hoped to hear.

"I love you too." They pulled the blankets over their bodies, thunder cracking down on the small home from outside, yet neither gave the storm any thought. They were too deep, too far gone in their own love nest.

All they saw, they heard for the night, was each other.

"So want to try doing this again later?" Maybe when we wake up?" Chie rolled her chestnut eyes, laughing at the young man.

"Maybe a cold shower would be a better way to start the day."

"Maybe," he conceded. He said nothing for a moment as Chie's eyes fell shut. Then he opened his mouth, waking her from her half-sleep. "How do you feel about a nurse outfit?" The small woman answered with a pinch to his nipple and another roll of her eyes. "Ow!"



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