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Heya everyone! 

We've got a pretty massive bug-fix patch for both versions of Third Crisis. This should optimize memory usage a bunch, and also solve a lot of softlocks that have been reported to us. Hope this solves all the problems that people have been having!

If you've got feedback of bugs to report, the easiest way to reach us is on our Discord server!


Patron Release (0.10.1)

Public Release (0.9.2)




Well got a just past where I was stuck in last update, 6th patrol with Throbb, but now the game is stuck right after the commander's first move in the ambush.


same. there is also a typo in the easter egg hunt dialogue.


Game also gets stuck in asking Jewel for help with barfight. Cannot lower either characters health below 1 in practice fight. Additionally the "cell phone" icon keeps graying out randomly, when not in dialogue or combat, but can be fixed via relaunch of app. -on android.


Why are Norton Security saying that the game is a dangerous file?

Aaron Muller

Because internet security apps are overly sensitive. Basically, any exe. file that you download from the internet will set off Norton security.

Aaron Muller

Just writing in to mention this bug that I don't know if anyone else is getting. The fight with Wildfire is Glitched and stuck in a perpetual blurry state. After two turns the whole thing basically soft freezes. You can't advance the fight.

Aaron Muller

I had this problem and you just have to basically keep clicking the dialogue between you and Jewel, eventually it moves on.


I'm having trouble with using a mouse to play the game, dialog choices won't work when I click on them,


Yeah I get the same thing. Stupid thought I don't want to try but would a fresh save help?


The Santa Costume and Easter Bunny costume both permanently occupy the inventory slots, and Jenna's suit and badge got deleted. I can buy the punk outfit and waitress uniform, but they never show up in my inventory (since 9.0)


Hi! I just stumbled upon this game yesterday and, I have to say, it's great! I love mind control stuff and this game hits all the right spots for that. Keep it up! I'm certainly looking forward to future releases!


Kinda new to patreon but where do you download the public version?


Hey there! You can download the public version here: https://anduogames.itch.io/third-crisis

martell walter

I was wondering is it possible for a in game type update so that way we wont have to start all over or worry if the save files will work right or not other than that i loved the game alot i have to hurry and re new my patreon subscription for you


Hey there, saves already work in between versions. On windows and android, saves should automatically carry over to the next patch every time. On webgl, it can get a little more tricky, which is why there are export and import buttons on webgl. For more info: https://anduogames.wordpress.com/2018/02/09/guide-to-save-files-in-third-crisis/