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Fifth Place on the MHA/ONE PIECE TMF contest!
Story by beazfour

“Make a wish!”, those were the words written on the fortune Mashirao Ojiro had removed from the cookie. “Huh, that’s not even a fortune” he muttered throwing the cookie and the fortune into the trash of his plain room, he had to keep a balanced diet after all. He did pause for a moment though wondering what wish he would make if he were to make one. “I guess I would wish to be more interesting” he muttered, always self-conscious about how his classmates always seemed to see him as plain and boring. Little did Ojiro know however, that someone somewhere far away had heard his wish, and decided to grant it, although not in a way he would quite expect.

As Mashirao began his nightly workout he didn’t notice as his room began to blur around him, signaling changes that were about to begin. Falling to the floor he began his pushups, which while still easy, seemed to him like that workout was a bit harder than it had been the previous night. This was because with each pushup his frame and muscles began to shrink slightly. By the time he had reached his nightly quota his was left with a much smaller, but still athletic, frame.

When he paused to catch his breath, he found his mind drifting back to his days at grade school. Time spent studiously working on schoolwork, looking up to heroes and….. taking part in talent shows? Although it seemed odd to him Ojiro remembered more and more of his childhood being taken up with things like talent shows, goofing off in class, and constantly doing anything he could to become the center of attention. None of this seemed right but it was all that he could remember. So, shrugging off the odd feeling, he pulled himself up to his feet and prepared for his next workout.

This next change was even odder. Deciding to do pullups next he went to where his bar was located, reached up and- Didn’t come even close? “Huh, I don’t remember putting it that high?” He muttered as he jumped up onto the bar, blaming the embarrassing moment on his placement skills rather than his now diminishing height. As Ojiro began the exercise however, two new weights were added to his now lighter body. The first was a rather minor as two small bumps began to grow on his chest, giving his body now a distinctively girly shape, and along with them, new memories of a complex regarding their size, with long nights spent trying ever method he could find to get them to grow larger and more “attention getting” but to no effect. The second weight was Ojiros hair, no longer was it the short cropped boyish style he had had when the day began, instead it was now a massive head of hair, styled into two large twin tails that, along with the makeup now appearing on his feminizing face, gave him a very “Cute aesthetic.

Ojiro panted as he dropped down from the bar. Something weird was going on, but he couldn’t quite place his finger on it. He glanced around his room, but no it was the same it had always been, pink and cutely decorated with all sorts of toys and knickknacks. He pondered for a moment until he got a strange urge. Pulling out his cellphone he posed for a moment and snapped a quick picture of himself. The flash from the camera was bright blinding Ojiro for a moment, but when it faded the changes were finished. “Woah I look totes cute in this pic im definitely putting it on my story!” Mashira said, giggling at the picture of herself. Pulling up one of her many social media accounts she was happy at how quickly her following was growing. She quickly uploaded the picture and feeling satisfied rolled into bed.


The pick pocket thought it was going to be an easy score, he had nabbed the wallet from the old lady and quickly used speed boosting quirk to fell the scene. He thought he was home free, when all of the sudden some sort of tail hit him, and knocked him off his feet. As he tried to regain his breath he caught sight of the owner of the tail. She was small girl dressed in a white leotard with black leggings and some sort of black belt around her waist, along with all sorts of flashy bracelets and jewelry on her wrists, those along with her massive twintails made her quite the memorable figure. She seemed to be talking into her phone, while also keeping an eye on the man.

“See my loyal fans! Not even the fastest of criminals and get away from the social media hero- Tail-Chan!”


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