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Hihi everyone!

I'm working on the next 7 pages of BLOODMATES, and would like to know: How you think I should release it? For the memebers of THEMIGHTYFENEK tier, should I....

- Post the pages as I finish them

- Wait and post them all in a bulk

ALSO, for those that liked Superman vs Mr.Myx into the Pornyverse, it was writen by Ken, he doesn't post his writing anywhere, but if you want to give him criticism or reach him out you can contact him by email - kenald49@gmail.com (he is not taking commissions at the time tho)



Post the pages as you finish them


As you finish please. :)


I’d say post them as you finish with a delay. Like, be a couple pages ahead before you begin posting.

Clint Hill

Delayed gratification would be the best option so I'm going to choose in bulk.


As finish if you please