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He had done it. He had won. Superman was no more. In his place was a raven haired bombshell. A sexpot whose libido would keep her busy for the next several decades. Now not only would he have free reign on Earth whenever he wanted to drop in, he also had a consistent source of titillation whenever his wife put him in the dog house. Let’s see her try a sex strike when Clair Kent was doing a show every day of the year. Mr. Mxy pumped his fist in the air.

As Clair wandered through the Sex Planet offices towards her bosses office Mxy found his eyes drifting back towards his remote. His grin was replaced by a pensive smile “You know what, why not?” He picked up the remote and pressed the options button. He navigated the menu to the RAT field and adjusted it. The field read ‘TV-XXX’.


It was not a particularly tough fight but she relished it just the same. A vast majority of the challenges she had ever faced were brutal punch up, knock down brawls. Contests of brute strength versus brute strength that she could have slept walked her way through, but this? This was different. This took planning, patience, and skill. It took experience and the ability to let go of the reins and let herself be guided, and while success was usually assured, that’s not what made it so wildly invigorating for her. To know the outcome beforehand did not detract from an experience she sought out and relished. To have a situation she could handle with a more gentle and submissive approach was one of the two reasons she did what she did.

The other reason however, was much more important to her. It was another way for her to make the world a better place. Sure she could disarm a mugger, apprehend bank robbers, even defeat alien deities and punch an asteroid to smithereens without ever breaking a sweat, but what about the more personal problems she couldn’t punch? What about if Louis had been caught in traffic on his way into work?  Or if Louis was feeling worn out after a long day of meetings? Or what if Louis had just had a bad day? Issues like these required a lighter, more careful touch. She drew her head back and stretched her neck, as she readied to strike another blow.

Clair Kent brought her plump lips back down around Louis Lane’s erect cock and began sucking again. A mix of saliva and precum dripped down his erect shaft and her chin as she took the entirety of his erection into her mouth. As she bobbed her head up and down the length of Louis’ manhood, she felt him place his hand on the back of her head and press her mouth down onto him. Considering the earth shattering strength she possessed she barely felt it, but the gesture signifying his dominance over her and her submission to him drove her wild. Her tits jiggled wildly in her loose top as she redoubled her efforts.

The light gasping coming from above her head was becoming more and more intense and Clair knew she was soon to be rewarded for her work. She felt Louis’ cock twitch in her mouth. Clair caught the first spurt of cum in her mouth, letting the hot viscous fluid pool on her tongue, savoring the salty taste before she swallowed. She quickly popped Louis out of her mouth and took the second and third shots on her face and across her breasts. It was a bit messy but she knew Louis thought it was hot to see her dripping and gooey, and she would do anything for her man. She licked his manhood clean and then drew a finger across her breasts, collecting a dollop of still warm jizz, and popped it into her mouth with a pleased soft moan.

“Is my little man of steel ready for round two?” Clair kissed the head of Louis’ softening cock and looked up at him as she got up off her knees. “And how about my superman?” She stood on the tips of her toes and planted a sticky kiss on Louis’ cheek as she began to masturbate Louis to get him ready to go again.

An explosion shattered the bedroom atmosphere of Louis’ office. Both Louis and Clair rushed over to the window and saw a plume of smoke rising from downtown Metropolis a few blocks away from the Sex Planet offices. Louis' phone vibrated on his desk and he went to check it. “Just got a shelter in place notification for downtown Metropolis. Toywoman is holding the mayor hostage in a huge doll house.”

Clair looked confused as she tried to puzzle out what that meant ”So you mean, like, a regular house then?”

“I don’t know, that's just what it says on the notification. Looks like we’re stuck in the office for the time being, not like we were about to go out anyway.” Louis winked at her. “You want to fuck?”

“Ummm” Clair mumbled as she bit her lower lip and gave Louis’ semi-erect cock a thirsty look. She shook her head, no there would be time for fucking Louis’ brains out later, now she had a city to save. “Hey babe? I have to, like, go out and do… a thing. Like, wait here I’ll be back faster than, like, a speeding bullet.” She slipped out of Louis’ office, making sure to grab her pink Louis Vutton handbag from under her desk and dashed back to the bathroom.

Once inside the bathroom Clair quickly stripped down and opened her small hand bag. There wasn’t much room inside the bag for a costume, but that was fine as she didn’t have much costume to wear. She quickly slipped on a bright red thong, the back of which slid comfortable up between her rotund cheeks. Next she put on her top, a bright blue piece of spandex that covered her arms and just enough of her chest so that she wasn’t cited for indecent exposure every time she left the building. It had the center of the chest removed to display a valley of cleavage that would have and probably did make Power Girl jealous. She had her bright red S logo perched over her right breast. She slipped on a pair of red high heel boots and a small red cape that ended at about her elbows. All in all it served as a distraction for her opponents if nothing else, not that she ever really needed a distraction, anyway she liked it and that was all that mattered for her.

Clair opened the bathroom window and looked back towards Louis’ office. Back there was a cock ready and waiting to get stuffed into her hot wet pussy. She ached for it, but there were bigger things than self gratification and there would be time for that latter. As she flew out the window she thought about how when she caught up to Toywoman she was going to shove those sentient vibrators of hers into every one of her orifices and just watch for a while. No one gave Louis Lane blue balls on her watch. Oh, and no one threatened Metropolis either.


Mr. Mxyzptlk groaned, rolling his eyes. “If I wanted a super fight I could have just had one.” He half heartedly smacked his fist into the arm of his comfy chair with a muffled thump. “Just when it was getting good too. Looks like you can take the man out of Superman, but you can’t take the Superman out of the man.” Mxy paused for a moment “Or woman... “ He shrugged. “Ah well, I guess that’s cliff hangers for you, they always leave you wanting more. I wonder what else is on.” With that Mxy pressed a button on his remote and changed the channel.


Scott McHugh

This could be the beginning of an entire series! We've already had a few hints about Haley Jordan and Bryce Wayne. But what about the rest of the JLA?

The Sheriff

I want another super powerful reality warper to pop in and be like “hey wait a second”