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Ojou Ring 

Genre: Fantasy 

Description: A ring made out of gold and precious stones, crafted with a lot of skill. It is said that it was a cursed item created by the sorceress Ohohorus after being insulted by a noblewoman at a party. There are claims that copies of the ring, with similar effects exist. 

As soon as a person puts the ring they must make a *hard personality based check*, if the character fails, the ring will get stuck on their finger and its precious stones will grow in size. After the first hour the subject will be compelled to behave in a specific way: Speaking highly of themselves with a typical noble accent, when offered food/shelter/services the character will be compelled to pick the expensive and fancier ones. Their laugh will also become a characteristic "ohohoho"

After the second hour, the character must make a *hard personality based check*. If the character fails, he will go through a transformation: Regardless of their original sex, their body will morph to resemble a beautiful noble lady of its specie, the subject will also demand to be treated as such. After the final transformation, the Ojou Ring can be removed, any other person that uses it will fall for similar effects. 


- The subject becomes knowledgeable of high society manners  

 - The character gets a small increase in their *personality based stat*

Duration: Permanent, unless the curse is lifted by another spell/item

Possible Uses: Loot acquired from enemies.  NPCs cursed by such item can also contact the PCs to help having their curse lifted. The GM has the choice of adding perks to the rings as he seems fit: Like changing race and culture of the character to something specific.



I use *hard personality based check* to be system neutral, in D&D it would have been Charisma.


That's a fun idea. You could even extend the effect to slow it down and draw out the suspension of transformation by having there be multiple checks before they fully transform. Each check would just add a trait of a noblewoman to the character until they are changed completely.


Oooh, I really like this! I hope this can become a regular thing, it's a fun concept!

Val Salia (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-22 01:57:57 Hoo boy yeah, there is just a TON of potential with this concept, both as fun ideas to read about/look at, and also for actual use in tabletoppers >: D
2021-03-10 18:37:16 Hoo boy yeah, there is just a TON of potential with this concept, both as fun ideas to read about/look at, and also for actual use in tabletoppers >: D

Hoo boy yeah, there is just a TON of potential with this concept, both as fun ideas to read about/look at, and also for actual use in tabletoppers >: D

luc hebert

do more please and if you can try to make an actual rpg from this