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Hibana was trying not to sweat, her heart thumping nervously, her breath slightly ragged as she tried not to look nervous. In all her years as one of the Fire Force's top researches and developers, it was rare for anything to make her flustered, and yet this coarse, unpredictable element was testing her limits, her domineering presence quivering at such a stupid challenge to her supremacy.

"I came right away captain. What did you want me to test?"

"Hyaaaaaa~!" Thankfully her girlish squeal was entirely mental, though her face was blushing heavily, her caramel colored skin warmed with blush as she felt joy at merely being mentioned by Shinra. Oh how she wanted him, how she lusted for that idiot. But dammit she had pride as the captain of Company 5 and it wouldn't do for a woman who regularly had her men bark like dogs and form human steps for her to step on to just ask him to go out with her. She knew he definitely was attracted to her body at least, given the flush and awkward flicker in his pupils whenever they lingered on her breasts. She couldn't blame him, her body was excellent, but she had to close the distance somehow!

That's why she made such an experimental trifle, mixing everything they knew about the combustion bugs, flame manipulation and five books on attraction to craft what should turn Shinra's polarity towards her, making him unable to live without her body, without begging for her love. Yes she had made a love potion, though since she was using research funds from Hajima Industries, she couldn't list it as such, so she explained, "I've condensed my flames into a potion that should ought to improve your abilities with the added bonus of imparting how I feel and helping you to do the same. This should help with team battles and the-"

"I don't really understand, but isn't that more of a love potion than a hero mak-"


She quickly cleared her throat, not wanting to bely just how embarrassed she'd be if he was the one to figure out her feelings first. All she had to do was deny it and she was sure he'd immediately forget his train of thought. He was simultaneously one track minded and quite easy to distract. But her pride was stung and of course, Hibana wasn't one to just take such indignities without her own anger flaring up hotter than an adolla link.

"I'd never fall for such a foul c-creature as... I hope you choke on my flames you stupid idiot! Gulp them down and beg for my- WAIT!"

Shinra wasn't sure why she was so angry, he was mostly just joking about the love potion since he doubted she'd ever make something like that. Quickly going through her personality, he figured he had to be not doing something obvious for her experiment, a glance at the red liquid seemingly obvious just what she was expecting from him. He probably had to drink it all in one go to get the effects, the thick mixture flowing like the heart of a volcano, warmth pulsing through the glass, noticeable enough to be felt, which meant it had to be hot since he was used to raging infernos. Well he had done far more worrisome things than this and what kind of hero would balk at the challenge of a fair maiden?! No wait, that sounded more like an Arthur term and most maidens didn't scream at you to choke on their gifts.

In one fluid motion he upended the potion, gagging slightly as burning fluids drained down his throat, nearly all of it going in before the strength of it made him spasm as Hibana screamed in a panic, "DON'T DRINK THE WHOLE THING IT'S MEANT FOR SIPPING!"

The two of them stood still, waiting for the pin to drop as Shinra's face screwed up tightly, his stomach audibly groaning as it bubbled and made a mess of his internals. For a second it seemed like it might just be a case of bad indigestion before the flames erupted from his body, sweat igniting like gasoline as he screamed.

It wasn't all that painful, but it was uncomfortable, his internal flame taken over by the potion, a weird floral scent smoking out his mouth as his own flames shot from the soles of his foot. They had never been this powerful before, melting through the concrete floors as Hibana was sent backwards from the pressure release alone, Shinra's discomforted groans continuing to pour out until his tank sputtered out, the soles of his feet burnt crispy from a lifetime's worth of flame being released. Normally Hibana wouldn't just let something like this happen and take control immediately, but there were two things that dazed her. One her head had slammed into the wall fairly hard, but that just left her guard down when she turned to see Shinra's naked body fully exposed, her lust skyrocketing while her capability of complex thought fell to almost zero.

"Sh-Sh-Shinra you're n-naked! Ahhh you're so ripped and strong and your dick is- no Hibana you're a proud captain you can do this you saw his lewd pose from the calendar option b-but having it right in front of me is so... abagagag-"

She was out for the count, her face vacant as she slumped to the floor, imagining all sorts of lewd things, her fantasies made deeper by the actual moans starting to force their ways out of Shinra's mouth, his ejected flames replaced with a comforting, blossoming warmth.

"Urgh H-Hibanaaah~!"

Shinra was wobbling around like a drunkard, uncomfortably starting to sweat as his body felt feverish. Leaning against a wall he inspected his blackened sole, only to see the burnt outer layers crumble, revealing milk chocolate flesh, burned clean of hair and flexing as his toes popped out longer in a series of pleasant, shifting crackles. It made the same sound as rocks in a campfire, the impurities bursting away as his sole arched, the whole thing melting into a dainty shape that slapped into the ground with only its pads, his foot in want of a phantom heel as his own heel slimmed beautifully.

He nearly fell down when his other foot began to crumble, shrinking to match as he now stood precariously on tiptoes, the tan tone spreading like a dip into a hot springs, his pale coloring crisping up before falling into the same smooth chocolate tone of his feet. It was a familiar coloring, making Shinra all the more worried as he called out for Hibana again, only to notice her slumped on the floor, her cross pupils spinning wildly.

It was at this moment that his stomach seemed to do a somersault, his body twisting as heat punched up into his lungs and spread them, fluid from below resisting gravity to flow upwards into two very small holders.

"I-It's h-hAAWT Hibana!"

There was a sensation not all that different from his light speed movement, that sensation of breaking apart and coming back together again targeting his nipples as they first turned bright pink, then bloated into two unbearably sensitive nubs. It wasn't that they were hot that made it so teasing, but the heat was viscous, swimming around them as it rippled against his chest, his pecs softening from the continued heat as he felt it swim inside his tented nips.

The potion fell from his grasp as he brought his arms together, trying to stifle it, hoping it worked like actual flames and would go down without oxygen, only to turn himself on as his "sidekick" hardened down below, the feeling of his biceps on them as tantalizing as any masturbation he may or may not have done at headquarters after one of Tamaki's mishaps. His chest was getting doughy the more muscle melted, and much like dough, the heat was starting to bolster its shape, his mushy pecs pressing against his arms as small bumps wobbled forwards to his horror, and bodily excitement.

"NNGH H-HIBANAAAAA~! Ohh~ please m-my OOOOH~!"

The heat was roasting his throat, the pleasure leaving him drooling as they inflated to small beestings, moving up to apples before-

"My ch-chest is gonna bu-URGGH!"

And then his body erupted.

Shinra's eyes were glowing especially brightly, their red irises burning hotter as hair streamed down his shoulders, his arms flung away by the jiggling masses surging from his chest, his balls bubbling up magmatic cum as his dick was on the verge of eruption, something warm regularly slamming into the base as droplets of precum sizzled as they dripped onto the floor. His body felt like a rash of forest fires, far too much change igniting for any one team to respond, much less a single person, his moans rising as the heat seared his Adolla Apple, his cries continuing to rise like smoke in a burning building. The more pleasure he felt the more heated he became, moaning as he felt his growing breasts slap against his muscles, the feeling of their soft heft pressing into his toned body, Shinra's body made him feel just so, so powerful.

"Ahhhh~ p-please heellp H-EEEEE- b-baaahnaAHAHHH~!"

His mind was swimming in fumes, floral patterns singing his thoughts, raining petals of influence as he could feel a weird internal distance form from his name. Why was he calling for Hibana when she was right, r-right-


His ankles popped, his leg bones rising as flames hugged his shifting form, hairs igniting like tiny fuses as they surged under the skin and gave him an added foot in height, all the better to look down upon the worthless male masses. Even if Hibana was down for the count, he could feel her influence growing, massaging his mind, aroused and intrigued by the changes in his body as he realized he was growing turned on by his own erection, smiling as the tan moved past his curvaceous calves and surged into his thighs. He felt conflicted, not wanting to give in so easily to the changes, not wanting to be the pervert everyone thought he was, yet her perversion was loved and most men would beg to let her crush their cock between her thick, silky-


Fat was bubbling into his thighs, spreading them, softening them, making the tender meat inside hot and pillowy. It was addictive in the erotic buildup, more and more of his thighs succumbing to Hibana's thickness, her dominance, the smooth perfection traveling in warm tendrils up his thighs as they only grew thicker the higher they spread. He was already on the edge before, but feeling her thickness press against his balls, surrounding them in warm, darkened flesh that only hugged tighter and tighter as the corruption neared his hips. Like before there was a punch downwards, the heat ramming into the base of his cock gaining a second front as potion slipped through his body, finding its way down to his prostate as muscles he never felt before suddenly contracted, making him squeal in time for succulent fat to surge into his ass cheeks.


His internals were being dominated, not a single gentle motion in the reshaping of his body as Hibana took over more and more of his body, the red glow of his eyes reaching a new height, the red turning a blazing blue while the black of his irises ignited. With a scream he came, his body no longer allowing him to resist as the pleasure forced itself onto him, his chest bouncing wildly as his cock volcano erupted.

Cement was melting, his thighs somehow more durable as molten cum was squeezed from his internals, hot tendrils latching onto his balls as they drained him of all that unnecessary masculinity, the growing Hibana part enjoying her utter dominance over her crush's organs as she expertly squeezed it between her thighs, her fingers twitching as each one slendered, her nails turning to manicured claws as she planned to give it a proper send off, only to recoil at a single pass, the perfect skin of her fingers driving both into a frenzy as her innards twisted and boiled, her thighs slamming together as their cock ran dry, smoke curdling from the tip before the hard rod suddenly slammed inwards.

The slamming from before turned into more of a grip, the muscle holding his recessed shaft and swallowing it, driving more and more pleasure from the inexperienced man as he felt both the sensations of fucking and being fucked, his split mind alight with ecstasy as both could agree it felt fucking amazing. His ass bounced, each fatty cheek joggling left and right as his body fucked itself, giving him more than he could take as more and more of his cock pulled inwards, the smoke billowing out in larger wafts as his dick widened, turning stubbier and more receptive to insertion the more it pushed inside. It was ecstatic in every facet of its blinding pleasure, the flames crawling up to destroy his bulky musculature, his abs fading under the rising tide of chocolate, his sides collapsing blissfully to add to their elegant curves as the hot tendrils around his groin decided to not just melt, but yank.


Another kick, only this time it was pure bliss, her body jerking as her liquified testicles were slurped inside like an offering to the gods, her neck tightening as it winched up, giving her screams a velvety tone that oozed with confidence, demanding more as her hair thrashed about, the edges pinkening. It was already ecstatic beyond what she could have ever imagined, twin cherries popping as her hips splintered and rounded, her cock going from an outward hero in its showy grace to a villainess, ready to hide in its moist, dark hideout as her moans solidified into Hibana's.


She barely noticed the vial shattering below, its burning flame adding to the mess as black robes formed around her, the start of her uniform lost under the building orgasms of her inverting genitalia. All that mattered was the press of panties on her bulge, giving it the last push as it wrenched inside, her irises becoming pink crosses as she came.

The sound of her own voice awoke Hibana from her haze, giving her quite the sight as she watched an almost twin of her squealing, cum gushing out her panties as a meaty sounding pop left her panties flat. Hibana didn't know how she should feel at such a sight, not taking long to get what was happening as she watched her tan complexion overrun Shinra's upper half, his cute shark teeth grinding themselves flat, a loss she mourned, while his features bubbled and shifted into a mirror image of her own haughty glare. The look in her new clone's eyes was almost too identical, Hibana nervously asking, "Sh-Shinra? Don't tell me you're-"

"OHOHO! I don't think that silly name means much anymore."

Her heel clacked hard on the ground, a moan rolling through her as the last of her black hair paled to a light magenta, her new uniform radiant over her open cut, grey dress, a stylish utility belt wrapped around her hips as she strutted confidently, tearing a fan away from her stunned clone as she struck a pose.

"AHHH~ Perfection! We always wanted Shinra's body and I'd say I've been fully improved. Wouldn't you agree?"

Despite her shock and confusion, Hibana did feel surprisingly intrigued, gulping back a grin as she looked at her clone's perfection, knowing that technically it was Shinra, and that more than anything, if he was anything like her she'd probably be raring to go, ready to do anything to satisfy their intense, perverted-

"No this is all wrong! Y-You don't have his body and I have to fix this before Obi finds out I've-"

Shibana clapped her fan, the red bands squeezing as it turned into an instant double sided dildo, a confident look on her face as she gripped the secret sex toy with a very purposefully lewd, shifting slide.

"Who cares what that lout thinks? I know you don't since after all, I AAAM you. Don't try to hide it. You looooove this. Your panties could put out an infernal right now I bet. And I'm sure we could both use someone who understands them... fully."

Hibana couldn't argue with that logic. After all, it was her own genius and she'd never be one to deny herself a fun experiment.

"...well it would be remiss of me if I didn't give you a full physical. I'll need you to strip... for science."

Her clone had no issues sliding out of everything that had spawned onto her, her naked body glistening with sweat, still excited from the aftershocks of her change.

"Why don't I record this as well for later study."

"Oh if we made it public I'm sure there'd be no question which team would win the firefighter's calendar."

"Ah I can just imagine the doubled frustration and desperation in our subordinates, all of them hungry for our favor, and the delicious anger that would show when neither of us want anyone but ourselves."

"Oh I just had a marvelous idea for what to do when that lout comes l-OOHking for us and how, h-how YESSSS~!"

A few sweaty hours later and of course, Obi had arrived, confused at what was taking Shinra so long. They had gotten past being enemies with Hibana a long time ago, so there was no need for concern, but he knew she was obsessed with Shinra after their fight and well... she was infamous as a man eater. Surprisingly instead of her usual haughty greeting she seemed happy to see him, showing him all the courtesy she could muster as she served tea and smiled.

"Welcome to my private office. To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?"

"You know why I'm here. Where's Shinra? He didn't get lost did he?"

To be polite he took a sip of tea, only to choke as the burning liquid ran into him, sparks in the shapes of flower petals sparking off his body.


Hibana didn't let him finish that, grabbing his cup and forcing the rest into his mouth, gripping it closed as she straddled him, feeling his resistance falter as his clothes burned clean off, her complexion rubbing off on him in smears and patches as she began stroking his cock while it was still cool enough to be grabbed.

"Ohhh Shinraaa~! Show your soon to be fixed Captain where you've been?"

Another her came in from a side door, giggling as she draped herself behind her former captain, his shoulders sagging under her weight, his groans curdling into strangled moans as she began playing with his nipples, sending her own flames in to aid their growth as his muscle bloated into fat.

"Aww don't look so confused captain, you never really fit that title from the beginning but now? Well I think company 8 could use some restructuring now don't you?"

He couldn't respond, too busy moaning as his cock melted away, Hibana relishing his pathetic squeals as she stabbed a testicle with her nails, feeling it give in with a juicy squish while her manicure tore a gaping hole in his scrotum, the hole swallowing up the other as she began fingering his new hole while sliding his cock inside.

Shibana nestled her face into his hair, feeling it grow and turn, his oily male smell turning lavender while his breasts felt like putty in her hands, his face collapsing as she pressed her cheek and nuzzled his softening features.

"You'll love it."

"They'll love it."

"I know we did and hey, of course you will since after all, you'll be me."


It didn't take long to have a third captain, and with three of them working on their serum and a surprise party being announced for the entire company to partake in, it wouldn't be long till those numbers swelled into an attractive figure. Well, that was if they could tear themselves off one another for long enough, after all, it just felt too good to be Hibana, and once everyone had a taste, they had no doubts there'd be a single holdout in the empire.



For a second there I was very confused like, 'Wait was this not Char- Ooohhh. Gotchu

Cole jones

Good story sounds like there will be a follow up at the end but even if there isn't still good story. Also any update on part 2 of the comic?