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First of all, sorry for the wait everyone! I wanted to drop this on Sunday but life hit me pretty hard, and I had a small myriad of technical issues. I know I've made a habit of missing deadlines I've set for myself, so to make it up to you all a little I'm doing a double drop! I'm uploading another animation as I type this. I hope you enjoy both!

 I've always wanted to do a completely butt expansion centered animation, so here is my first attempt! 

For those of you who want to download, you can find it in the Growth Industries folder!


Growth Lab Butt Expansion



oh that second video was something I was hoping you would come back too!


This video was a bit different, since, like you said, it was exclusively a butt expansion video. The video was lovely, though I felt that the light, at times, got too intense and was in the way. Perhaps, next time, you could use a light that is way dimmer (like a soft and pale reddish light), or perhaps something invisible, like invisible light, radiation, or something like that. Her butt was lovely, up to 50% power. After that, and this might just be my personal preferences, so please take what I say with a grain of salt, but I felt her butt got a little too big, or perhaps her buttocks got a little too long or deep. Although, please don't let my critique in the way of making more videos like these. If you had fun making this video, then please make more of those whenever you feel like. And I still liked the video overall, despite what I pointed out. I usually tend to be more praise heavy, but constructive criticism is also important. And, like I said, a portion of what I said could just be me having slightly different preferences, that's all. And despite what I said, I still liked the video. Oh, and I did like the physics too!