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Thank you all for bearing with me, I’m feeling much better! It was way worst than I thought it was gonna be, but doctor says I’m good to go now. I’m in the lab working now, so look for the new drop by Sunday night!



I don’t have an invite to the Discord server


Here's a fresh Discord invite: https://discord.com/invite/TtYpcxMm There you can either ask for the animations role, or if you have linked your Patreon and Discord account together, you should obtain it automatically. Then after that I will gladly send you the password with a DM there. Welcome aboard!


I want to start off by saying I appreciate your work and I can't imagine the time/effort that goes into it all. I do find the communication about release dates to frequently be inaccurate which is frustrating. Often there is mention of a new drop in "a day or so" when it takes much longer to be released. There's also often hints of stuff to come "soon" which still hasn't been released yet months later. Was this newest release suppose to be last Sunday the 7th or some Sunday in the future? I realize life and delays happen but this appears to be a fairly consistent pattern. I would like to see some clearer communication.