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Hi everyone! So, this is weird, isn't it? Such a long silence on my Patreon....

That's not happened in a long while! For those reading this: Thank you for sticking it out with me. I really appreciate the support you guys have given me, both financially as patrons and mentally as fans! You guys are awesome! :-) 

I thought I'd bring you guys up to speed on how things are going.
Starting with me: I'm doing okay. As you probably know, I was tested positive on Corona a month ago. It did quite a number on me! It's only been a few days now where I don't cough anymore, and I still feel incredibly tired almost every day.

The tiredness really had a huge impact on my work schedule. I.... don't work. At all. I'm mostly a couch potato. Aaaaaand I hate it.
But thankfully, that too is sloooooowly turning around. I've had two days in the past week where I've been hard at work, and it was manageable. I'm slowly cranking that up.

In short, things are returning to normal, just way slower than I had hoped. 

So what about my Patreon? Well, I still have some goodies planned for you guys. Most of those goodies have even been done for a while. I just lacked the energy to update Patreon. So I'm gonna change that right NOW. Expect a post later today, and I'll sort of resume a regular posting schedule for the next few weeks, particularly for patrons $5 and up. If I can keep up the energy, anyway. I think I will. :-) 

So yeah, thanks again for your patience and support! It will be rewarded in the next few weeks! ^_^ 



I'm happy your doing much better :)


Yaaay I knew the plushies would help ;3 keep being strong and we love you!


Glad you are starting to feel better!