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Well..... November will likely happen... :-D
But I'll not participate. :-) 

I've paused my Patreon just now. I've let you guys know I was sick a few days ago. I had every intention on finishing my work in time, and I stand by saying that I could. But I wouldn't have been able to keep the quality up. I've taken a minor step backwards last few days, meaning I'm very tired. I could have drawn, but it wouldn't have been good drawings.

So what does this mean?

First of all: NONE of you will be billed for November.
Second: I will not be doing any of the reward sketches or drawings for November.

I really am sorry about this. Odds are I can easily make it, provided I will feel better in a week or so. But I've thought I'd feel better NOW, and I don't. So I'm not gonna run the risk of not being able to deliver on my promises.

As for October...

There are still 6 people out there who I owe a sketch. Those 6 people WILL get their sketches, it will just be in November, when I feel up for it again.

This also means the Poll for the sketches will be delayed, but it WILL be up in November. I might even finish the winner in November, but otherwise, that will be December, and nothing will be lost.

So November will be nothing?....

Not nothing. I have a few commissions to work on, and I already have some things to post in November done. So there will be some stuff, it will just be very quiet. :-) 

I also want to take the time to once again do a nice little Goddess drawing. I haven't had time for that lately. I have one in mind, and would love to do that one. :-)
So let's hope I'll feel up for that again soon! ^_^

Again: I'm sorry things went the way they went. Thank you all for your support. I've gotten many kinds responses from everyone, and the fact that you all continue to support me means a great deal to me! 

I'll try to make it all up in the months to come! ^_^ 





Feel better, Hoffy. *hug* Take care of yourself, especially at this time of year.


Feel better! Get all the rest you can


Aww, sucks that you gotta take a month off, but getting better is more important.


health first!


U deserve a break anyway <3 get lots of rest and I know u got ur plushies to keep u company ^^


Don't sweat it, bud. First priority should always be your health. Our likes and wants as your subscribers should always come later. Have a great week.😁👍