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Hi, all!

I'm here to let you all know that Radley's Underworld released on Audible yesterday! Wow!

It's amazing to see such fast progress on these books, I certainly hope you're enjoying them! I want to thank everyone who has purchased them and double thank you if you remembered to leave a review! You can get this one here:


I don't have much else for you all other than a reminder that

IronWatchdog's Extra Life Stream is today! 

If you like watching nerds be nerds or want to donate to a good cause, go check it out. Also, if everybody hops on at the same time (say, like 1 PM central), it will absolutely freak out the algorithms and start sending more people his way.

I've almost got the next chapter ready, but hit a massive scheduling hiccup. No worries, we are still on track for two chapters of HFHM this month.

I hope everyone has an amazing weekend!





OMG You're killing me with the end of this episode! Quick, feed us the next one!


Quick question Annabelle - I just finished Underworld and I'm dying to know where the story goes but I don't know which chapter to begin on. Where do I start?