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Hi, all!

It's somehow November, only two months left in this crazy year! Let's get some stuff out of the way, shall we?

Rewards: I have sent out the official Patreon rewards. For those who are new, these are freebies you can get from me as you accumulate pledges over time. This process is not automated, so if you think I missed you, comment below. Messaging me triples the time it takes to figure out if I missed you and I might not see it for weeks.

Also, Patreon has a new filter system that had me inadvertently messaging unsubscribed people who had rewards coming. If you're one of those people, sorry to bother you.

Patreon Messages: I will sum up the Patreon message system with a visual aid.

If you send me a message thru Patreon, there's a great chance that it might get eaten. The absolute best place to chat with me is in the Discord Channel. You can just ping or DM me there, just please don't send me a friend-invite. I use that list for business stuff, like making fun of Virgil, and get a lot of people who want to add me to their friend's list and then...never say anything to me, like ever. I think that's a part of internet culture I don't quite get.

My Email: I have over 1800 unread emails somehow. This has no bearing on anything, but that number just keeps going up no matter what I do.

Hall of Caretakers: I plan to start updating that list pretty soon, so make sure you comment on that thread if you qualify! Once I finish catching up, I will delete the whole thing! I click the hearts on there to help me track who I've put into the system, so that's how you can tell if I've gotten to you.

NEW UI for Patreon: I hate it. I'm typing this into an oddly narrow text box on a screen devoid of life or color. I used to have the images on the side to keep me coming. Now it's just a little grey eyeball that says Last Saved Seconds Ago

Full-Time Status: I've had a few people ask me how things are going now that I'm full time. Well...it's stressful! As soon as I went full time, I cleaned off (most of) my desk and promptly made appointments for all the things I've been putting off (doctor's visits, stuff around the house that needed fixing, etc). Between that and getting sick last month, I actually ended up with less time to write than before! How does that even work?!!?

(I checked the math, I fully understand how that works)

Anyway, I am absolutely killing it on my end as I slowly catch up on my backlog of "Shit Annabelle Didn't Do" and can also say that I will be dropping a few surprised on you in 2024. Virgil and I are slated to start working on Master Class 4 next month, so you will likely see that in the spring.

Audiobooks: Books 1-3 are officially out, and we're just waiting for Book 4 to get processed through Audible's uploading system! Book 5 will start recording soon, so that will be exciting. Don't forget, I believe you might be able to buy the ebook+audiobook through Amazon for WAY cheaper than just the audiobook alone. I don't pretend to understand how this works, but have been assured by numerous readers familiar with the process that this is correct. A special thank you to everyone who remembered to rate them and show the books some love, because that is 100% how the algorithm works now! As long as people leave reviews, the books remain more visible.

Extra Life Children's Miracle Network!

For those of you familiar, my reader IronWatchdog participates every year in the Extra Life event where gamers try to stream for 24 hours straight in order to raise money to fund medical treatments for children. Much like the belief that no child should ever go hungry, I also believe a family shouldn't have to bankrupt themselves to pay for their child's medical care. So hop online starting on Nov 18th and come cheer Iron on as he attempts to pay for children's cancer treatments while getting hemorrhoids from sitting still for so long! If he breaks his $1000 goal, that would be great! But if he breaks $1500, I'll write a HFHM flash fiction and share it with everyone here.

Iron's Extra Life Stream

If you can afford to pledge, that's great. If not, just hop on and chat, because he might be a lonely turtle. And in case you need a reminder of why we do this:

I think that's enough emotional damage for now. See you next chapter!



Think i've missed out on the next reward tier


Thank you 😊 your stories arrived great and I love'em!


I'm just sad I don't have more time for community stuff