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Hi, all!

Okay, so what the hell is this? I am constantly getting questions about the Hall of Caretakers, and this is the post you should read regarding it!

So the Hall of Caretakers is a place where you can be immortalized for your Patreon contributions. There are some particular quirks to this, so make sure you keep reading.

1. The Hall is not automated, it is 100% opt-in only. That necessitates what will come after I stop counting here.

2. I have no way to easily track the Hall contributions. Please keep reading.

Roughly twice a year, I make this post. If you want to be in the Hall (or have your spot updated in the Hall), you have to comment down below for two reasons:

1. Your Hall name may not be your Patreon name

2. Please see #2 above

Updating the Hall can easily take me a couple of hours, depending on how quickly I can get to everyone. 

So if you are in the Hall already, I need you to make a comment like this:

I am already in the Hall as [name you picked]

If you are not in the Hall, I need you to comment like this

I would like to be in the Hall as [name you want that won't get me in trouble]

If you are Alice, you are already in the Hall.

Some commonly asked questions. that you all should take a peek at!

#1: How much does it take to get in the Hall?

Ans: Starts at $25

#2: How come I'm not in the Hall yet?

Ans: Not enough contributions OR you never commented on one of these threads

#3: I commented before, but you never put me up
Ans: This isn't a question. Either I missed you entirely or you hadn't hit the $25 dollar mark yet.

#4 Why do we have to do this like this?

Ans: It saves me a ton of time. When the Hall was only 10$ it's size, I had an Excel spreadsheet that tracked it all. It took me almost four hours to check everyone's pledges manually. This is faster, more time to make write-write


I will delete this thread on Oct 31st, so make sure you comment by then if you want to be in the Hall or have your spot updated! I delete these so newer people don't get mad when they comment on it six months from now and I don't see it. Yes, this has happened.

That's it! Time for my inbox to get flooded!



In the hall as Michael. Current total $820, I make it


I think im in the hall as tenshix7 but dunno how numbers work