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Hi, all! Here's the latest and the low down on what's going on!

Rewards: I have sent out the official Patreon rewards. For those who are new, these are freebies you can get from me as you accumulate pledges over time. This process is not automated, so if you think I missed you, comment below. Messaging me triples the time it takes to figure out if I missed you and I might not see it for weeks.

Patreon: I'm sure some of you have realized by now that the interface for this site has changed. I am currently creating this post in a flavorless void, bereft of any color or life. I could spend a lot of time here addressing the things I like and don't like, but I would rather be writing.

The main reason I even bring it up is to let you all know that Patreon is trying to evolve into something that better suits creators. Sadly, this evolution trends heavily towards people who create more visual media, like art, shows, etc, so I have no intention of utilizing some of these features (that and I'm locked out because of per chapter vs monthly stuff)

For a more detailed analysis of these changes, Ai Love composed a rather striking commentary that I have pinned in the Patreon Lounge over on Discord.

Audiobooks: I've received some very kind words about the new audiobook renditions of HFHM. My biggest concern with changing narrators was going from a high quality known talent to an unknown one. Yes, there's a definite shift in narration, but the 3rd book is out already and the 4th one is being recorded as we speak, so actually having them release in a timely manner is very exciting for me!

For those who see those hefty audiobook prices, Audible sets those. I'm not an audiobook consumer, but I've heard the best way to get deals on those books is to either: 

1) purchase credits or subscribe to Audible (which gets you credits). If you use that link and do subscribe to Audible, I get a bounty payment, just fyi.

2) buy the ebook on Amazon and then utilize whispersync discount. Maybe someone who does this can speak to the price shift, but spending the five bucks on the ebook supposedly drops the audiobook price far more than five dollars. This also works for me because I get royalties for both :P

3) Supposedly there are Audible credit sales where you can buy them in bulk

Something Wicked This Way will Cum

Ai Love and I released a short erotic horror story this month called Bathed in Golden Blud. The audiobook version is currently in production for those of you who want to hear this story out loud. A horn and kazoo were used for recording.

The main reason I bring this story up is to let you all know that it will be available to purchase FOR FREE on Oct. 13th as well as Halloween. Both Ai and I have spoken numerous times about our own financial struggles growing up and agreed that it would be great to give our readers a chance who may face similar struggles a chance to read it for free.

Speaking of Oct 13th...

Radley's Apocalypse for Horny Monsters

Book 5 is officially releasing one week from today! When the end of the world comes for Mike Radley, he's busy investigating a disturbance at a property he owns in Oregon. If you purchase this book, I really hope you'll be willing to write a review or at least leave some stars on it, the rating algorithm nonsense is out of control right now, and I'm afraid I have to lean on you all to help me maintain visibility there! This thing is 762 pages on the Kindle, it's a chonky boi.

It will be available on WetLeafPress.com and added to the big bundle, for those who are curious. We don't have ebook or paperback art yet for this book, which reminds me...

Farewell, Classic Paperbacks

For those who noticed, we got spanking new artwork for the audiobooks, which has officially been formatted for both ebook and paperback. After my disappointment with the cover art of Underworld, I have spent MONTHS trying to find an artist capable of redoing all the old covers as well as the new ones. However, cover art is hard, y'all. For example, Hotaru (who does our art for Master Class) is not only expensive, but in demand. We've only now been able to get her started on the art for Master Class 4, you have to book months in advance.

Anyway, Underworld's art is almost done, so here's a sneak peek:

When designing the new paperbacks, we did make sure to pay attention to the spine and try to closely replicate the design so that newer books will still look good next to your older ones. The new paperbacks are supposedly available now in the Amazon store, but I would wait another day or so to make sure you don't get an old one.

What Comes Next?

With full time status officially in the books, a gentle reminder that I am using this first month(ish) to catch up on the insane backlog of stuff. For the last couple of years, I used to take a weekend off every few months in the hopes of getting it done, but that hasn't happened in quite awhile.

One item of business is I got Book 6 back from the editor, so I need to get that dealt with. As a full time writer, I am also looking to expand in ways that weren't previously possible and have been looking at potential new IPs that have been sitting on my hard drive for years.

I also have a small list of things in the "If I ever Have Time" pile that I hope to address. MOre on those if I ever get to them.

Patreon Awards

This is going to be a priority for me. Progress on Special Edition for Book 4 is painfully slow, so that will get my attention in the days ahead.

In regards to hiring cosplayers, I hit an all time low by getting rejected by an entire website where you could pay for cosplay lewds, etc. Won't bother mentioning the site, but the community manager sounded real excited to help put me in touch with hundreds of women to see who wanted to do it, but apparently working for me would violate a non-compete clause, according to the owner. I had some other potential leads, but they kind of petered out.

I'll keep looking at new ways to reward Patrons, but I imagine I will likely have to come up with something new.

Why is this newsletter so long?

Because I finally had time to write it. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to get some writing done to justify watching Hocus Pocus for the millionth time later today.



I just took a look at my memberships since 2019. If my math is right, I believe I have over $1000 in contributions... If my math is wrong, I'm damn close.


Hi Annabelle! Congrats on going full time. I’m sure you will go well! I also worked out I passed $150 in Sept.