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Hi, all!

So this will take a small piece of explanation. You see, if you haven't ever dropped by the Discord channel, you wouldn't know that its home to Bigfoot, a burrito lovin' Doc and his family, as well as several other deviants who drop in on a regular basis.

Ai Love is another erotica author who has been a regular part of the Horny Monster family since last year when she organized an Orgasm-athon, challenged the whole server to have more orgasms than she did, and won. Yes, she beat the whole server. So that happened.

Anyway, Ai, asked a couple of months back if she could write a (non-canonical) story about Beth and I told her to go for it. Instead of a short story, it's a whole freakin' novel, and I'm here to share it with you for free.

This is just for fun, so feel free to download and read this Beth story (which is supposed to take place between book 5 and 6) and just enjoy the absolute chaos that ensues. Make sure you read the content advisory, because it will absolutely prepare you for what is about to transpire. If you enjoy the tale, consider checking out Ai's Patreon or just drop into the Discord and say hello!

Also, if you really like the story, you can share this link with other people.

September is almost over, and I've got some more tricks up my sleeve this week! Stay tuned for Dead and Horny this Friday!


It's Bethany's turn for fun!

If you enjoy this book, please consider checking out Ai over at https://www.patreon.com/ailovestogrow . She has written other stuff that is just as filthy, you'll love it! Written by another author strictly for fun, Bethany is Horny is a fun side story starring Beth that absolutely did not happen, despite government reports to the contrary.



*does the happy dance*

Tony Smyth

This is a Fantastic story. It's going to be re-read a few times I think


This is an outstanding story, well written and integrates very well with the radley verse. Are you sure an agreement to allow “ limited and specific” cases of writers being allowed to monetize perhaps even “ published by you. I would love to encourage this kind of collaborative writing.


I had a blast writing it, and I am infinitely grateful for Annabelle allowing me to mess around in her sandbox. Thank you for enjoying my little story!