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Hi all!

This month has been brutal. Weather can't make up its mind, allergy season has been like an ex with shared custody, and I have been so busy that the days have just run together.

Oof. Anyway...

Ch. 95 went live last week and Book 6 will be wrapping up in one more chapter. It will probably be longer than others, but I'm sure you'll make it. As for those of you who have read the recent stuff, it was my intention to really flesh out the Great Game as well as some world building lore with this book, as well as solidify Mike's intent as a character going forward. Book 7 is going to be a lot warmer with some heavy players on the field, and Mike is officially one of them. This won't go unnoticed. 

Oh, and some absolute good old fashioned chaos. It'll be great. And Ratu will feature heavily. She's been in recovery long enough. Probably spend more time on her backstory, too. And fuck it, let's put her in a bathing suit. Let's put everyone in a bathing suit! They'll need it where they're going.

I still have some good stuff for you this month! Tomorrow I am going to give you a SURPRISE that will come out of nowhere. I am hoping to get art from Kat soon, and will be sharing that. Dead and Horny 15 should be ready to go by Friday, I hear Dana gets in a sticky situation. There's simply no telling what else I have in store.

As for how busy I've been, I actually started writing while driving my car using dictation. It was the only way to keep up. That's just how life is sometimes.

Dead and Horny and Master Class will have official releases next month. D&H just broke a hundred preorders, so that was awesome. Master Class will probably break a thousand by Halloween release, so that's exciting!  I wonder what's gonna happen next?



Question: Are we going to Hawaii?

Tony Smyth

I'm excited!


I’m excited for dead and horny too my only complaint is the cover art it’s just not to my taste which is sad since it’s lily shed my favorite character just barely ahead of Beth and Tink .


will dead and horny get alt art like radleys wardrobe?


I'm excited! I'm sure dictating monster erotica while driving is someone's kink, but please be careful driving!

Annabelle Hawthorne

The hardcover will have different artwork meant to look good with the others. Hugh Goblin (publisher guy) will likely share it once he gets the proof copy. The semi-extreme style of the ebook is to get people to notice it in a very fast-paced marketplace.


That makes sense and I hope it’s as dazzling as wardrobe it’s my favorite cover and wallet willing and if you sell them a signed copy I highly regret not spending the extra cash on a signed signed copy last time .


Really love the work you've done. I never thought I'd be waiting on a book / chapter release cause I've never been into reading. Who would have guess this of all things made me a reader haha!


Wow! writing while driving the car using dictation...it sounds really so interesting) Well, sometimes there really isn't enough time


Stay safe!! I know the driving kink urges can be strong but be careful. Thanks for the update. My bet is south America or Hawaii. It would be cool to see them go into some old Aztec ruin and realize it's another magical place. Only this one was made for feeding monsters.......