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Hi, all! Here we go!

1. Okay, so awards got sent. and this was a massive undertaking because not only did the 3rd Special Edition just release (art in every chapter + bonus content at the end), but we have migrated Special Editions over to BookFunnel!

Why, you may ask? Well, the old way required a password blocked webpage and SEO scrubbing to avoid sharing it with search engines. The new way is far more secure and has some features built in that would allow me to track anyone who tries to steal it. Nothing is a hundred percent safe, obviously, but it's just some peace of mind.

Naturally, everyone should have received an email this month with the links (if you've contributed over $15 total), so it took me a bit.

The process is still imperfect. Comment below if I missed you (don't DM me), way easier from this page.

2. Pledges have increased enough that I have officially started commissioning work from an additional artist. Kat has been great and will continue to draw for me, but you will see some new stuff!

I wanted to make certain that I was honoring you all for your generous pledges, especially because IRL circumstances mean I can't go full time yet. I will be investing in additional artwork to keep you wonderful deviants happy, and the extra artist means I won't have to take Kat away for a solid fucking year to do special edition stuff!

3. I'm legit surprised nobody asked me about what Amber said in that podcast interview.

4. Still have hardcover books, including bundles, at wetleafpress.com

5. Dead and Horny Developmental edits are done, next round is due in May.

That's it, my wonderful deviants. See you soon, Chapter 88 is nearly done!




HEY! You didn't miss me.


I totally forgot to listen to the podcast! 😂 I started it and saw it was over an hour and didn't have time at that moment...


Can you check my pledge amount for me please?


My satisfaction is immeasurable and my day is saved


<p style="color: #008600;">Of course, you did the right thing in thinking about safety by trying a new way. This is your right step.</p>


The banner for this post now makes sense lol

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-08 08:56:30 Awesome, i do like the art &lt;3
2022-04-13 09:56:27 Awesome, i do like the art <3

Awesome, i do like the art <3


I enjoyed Amber’s interview. She is one of my favorite voices for audiobooks. Excuse me if I’m woefully out of the loop, is HFHM3 coming out in audio format?