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Hi all!

Okay, so here is what's going down right now! This is a good one!

1. I hope to have the Special Edition of Book 3 done in the next couple of days. The extra chapter is rather short, but I'll be honest and say that I have spent the last three months trying to write it, and it just isn't happening. The workload has gotten insane, and after putting over a grand into the artwork for this book, I need to move forward with release because

2. I am trying to finish up edits on D&H! Once developmental edits are done, there will be two more rounds of edits to do before it is ready to publish. I have no idea what Lyss' schedule looks like, but I have been holding onto first round edits since June and I need to push forward to make way for

3. this:

That's right, the forgotten story is finally getting a full release! I will be using this on Kindle Unlimited to pull in new readers, and if the "experiment" goes well, it means I will be looking at ways to utilize the Kindle Unlimited program to boost readership. It is in round one edits, which will take far less time because it was a short story. However, every hour is precious right now, because I am absolutely determined to make shit happen this year.

4. Podcast time! Released today, I got Amber (narrator for HFHM) to go on a podcast and do an interview about HFHM, me, and some questions they had for her regarding the monster-verse. She definitely has something interesting to share, so you might wanna go check it out if you like listening to Amber in general.

Soundcloud  https://cutt.ly/9DAPWfY
Apple Podcasts https://cutt.ly/pDAO025
Spotify https://cutt.ly/EDAOcl8

5. Hardcovers are back in stock! These are selling way slower than I expected, so I will probably forgo getting any more for a month or so. Even just sitting down to autograph them and write something extra takes time, and it is definitely way easier to do them all at once while listening to music.

Speaking of autographs, here's a fun fact! People who got books early on will notice my autograph has changed since book 3 came out. Do you know how hard it is to come up with a signature? My new autograph comes courtesy of an episode of The Good Witch where I watched Abigail (who is a witch) sign for a package and the A in her name is a star! Wish I had thought of that on day one, cause it's soooooo fucking cool!

Okay, that's all from me for now! I'm off to work on chapter 89 and maybe even work on [redacted] before someone comes looking for me!



That’s awesome news!!


Wow, no wonder your writing is always having so much going on, it's because it's a reflection of your life and all that you have going on, you are crazy, but we love it keep it up!


Hmm working on ch 89… where is ch 88???

Annabelle Hawthorne

Heh...apparently I have no idea what I'm doing right now. I am working on 88 currently, I just forgot what number I'm on is all, you've missed nothing.


Never seen good witch and I've been doing incomplete stars for my a's for some time now lol