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Hi all!

Hey, just a quick update regarding the start of the year!

As much as you would love to hear [AWESOME NEWS], I am just letting everyone know that rewards will be late this month. For those who don't know, the rewards can be seen here.

"What the hell?" you may ask, but rest assured that they are still coming. I am having terrible internet connectivity issues right now (it can take several minutes for a website to load), which means I am using my time to either write next chapter or edit D&H (which is downloaded on my computer).

Just being transparent so you don't all wonder where the heck I went. Still working, just prioritizing my time to maximize my efforts. I am easily distracted and don't want to forget to send them out to a bunch of you.

This year's big goals are to finish the 2nd Audiobook, get the Special Edition for Book 3 released, start editing Book 4, publish Dead and Horny (under a different name), finish Book 6, start and finish [redacted], start and finish [redacted], start and finish [redacted] (yes, that's right, three redacteds, baby!) and eat an entire sandwich.

I've already eaten that sandwich, so am already well on my way to 2022 success!

I hope this update finds you well. There's no cute upload at the end, because I got tired of waiting for it to load.

Will see you soon, monster lovers!



Mordrid Prime

As a Patreon supporter, I would say it was a “Sub Sandwich” 😼


I dunno, she’s pretty progressive. It might have been an LGBLT.