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Hi all!

What a fucking year. If you are anything like me, you've seen some serious ups-and-downs, and all I can hope is that you're in a higher place than where you started. Some journeys take us into valleys so deep that we can't see the sun, and it's important to remember that there's plenty of road ahead still to cover.

This year, I was able to release two new novels. I wanted to do three (D&H), but boy, has my schedule been fucked. I've had dev edits for that novel since July, but haven't found any time to address them.

Still, two novels isn't bad by any means. As of writing this, Book 3 was averaging a review a day, and I hope it breaks a hundred by the end of January. Last of Her Kind was very well received, so I'm more than a little proud.

This was the year of delays. The second audiobook is closer than ever, but didn't quite make it for 2021. At least it isn't Half-Life 3 or Game of Thrones, so there's always that. Amber was able to get Holiday Hijinks recorded in record time, so I'm hoping future projects will have that sort of speed to them.

WetLeafPress.com is small, but thriving. We built that website using donations from earlier this year, and it is currently self sustaining. The Head Goblin is talking about hiring someone to come and make it look nicer, but that will have to wait just a bit longer. I've really enjoyed being able to give people better deals on the ebooks while still making way more in royalties. When the 2nd audiobook releases, definitely consider buying it directly from me if you can. Even pricing it lower than Audible, I get paid more than double the royalties I would have made otherwise.

I approached multiple cosplayers this year about doing photo shoots to put in the rewards folder, but only two agreed to do it. Out of those two, neither delivered. I didn't lose money on the deal or anything, but it sure is frustrating to get so far and feel like I was blown off.

I posted my hundredth chapter on Literotica. Shout out to that one guy who commented on my first chapter that I wouldn't be around long and would probably disappear after only a few chapters. I haven't forgotten you, and hopefully you haven't forgotten me. I'm immensely proud of having over a hundred posts that have scored so well over the years.

There are some big plans for the year ahead, just like last year. For every setback I've cried over, I've come up with a new plan for the days ahead. Each year has been bigger than the last, and I look forward to creating some more amazing stories for you. I am having so much fun with current chapters of HFHM, the Lily/Death scenes have been my absolute favorite to write of all time.

I've been exceptionally blessed to find you all. Without you, this story, this whole universe simply wouldn't exist. I would have been yet another failed Lit author with just a few chapters who had given up long ago. Thank you for giving me a chance, and for letting me continue to improve my skills. I'll continue improving my craft and finding new ways to bring you joy, laughter, and even tears in the days ahead.

Until next year, monster lovers.




They're not delays or setbacks. They are good fruit, and good fruit takes time to grow. Happy new year and we are glad to be along for the ride!


This year sucked, having your writing to relax with is 1 of its few saving graces


Thank you for all your hard work over the last year (and before, of course.) You put out a tremendous amount of content, and your writing continues to be first rate. I never fail to laugh out loud at least once in every chapter, marvel at a plot twist or clever turn of phrase, and occasionally shed a tear. You give so much back to all of us. I am repeatedly impressed with how much you manage to accomplish and always with a positive outlook. All the best to you and yours this holiday season and all the best in the coming year.


Thank you! You are a bright ray of light in a gloomy year, but I have no plans of giving up being your fan when the world becomes open again.


In all the interactions with Death there's always a feeling of Pratchett :) I don't know if that's intentional, but it's welcome regardless.

Tony Smyth

Happy 2022


Happy New Year! It has been a wonderful experience following along with you this past year. Can’t wait to see how much more you accomplish in the new year.


Keep you chin up and stay strong! As always enjoyed your 2021 releases/posts and looking forward to 2022’s as well. Here’s to a safe and healthy 2022, keep forging ahead and trying to having as much fun as you can.


.9: Happy New Year! Please resolve to always have at least some quality 'Annabelle' time every week, take good care of YOU, as you and your monstrously good stories are both wonderful! :-) TTFN