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You know the drill, help me pick what goes in the Special Edition!

Tink Gets Wet

Yuki felt a rush of heat in her face, and she opened her mouth, but didn’t know how to respond.

“Fucking stinky fox,” a voice grumbled from behind her. When Yuki turned, she saw a miserable looking Tink standing in the living room, her sweater covered in the water Yuki had shed. Tink gazed mournfully at a cup of hot cocoa with a couple of fox hairs floating on the surface.

Emily covered her mouth with one hand, stifling a laugh.

Yuki Meets Naia for the first time

“Uh huh.” Yuki looked over her shoulder, still half expecting a trap to be sprung.

“This is Naia.” Emily took her to the large fountain in the back, a wide smile on her face. “She’s kind of the heart and soul of the house, and a good person to talk to if you have any questions.”

From the water, a figure emerged, fat droplets running down her skin and splashing into the water beneath. Her features solidified when she moved across the fountain, dancing quietly along the surface until she appeared to be a normal human, albeit one of the most beautiful ones Yuki had ever seen.

She approached the nymph carefully, her hands tucked away in her jacket. Naia’s curly hair was a mixture of green and blue, and once she saw the two of them, she sat cross-legged on a stool made of water. Tiny birds circled her, singing their songs while landing in the fountain for a quick drink or a bath. The fairies had left for parts unknown.

Chibi Ratu draws some pictures

Ratu gave up shadowing him and found an inconspicuous part of the yurt to hide in. Crouched down, she was hard to spot, and spent time drawing symbols in the dirt. Thinking it was an attempt at a plan, Mike had approached, expecting a rough drawing of the camp and some sort of game plan.

Nope. She had drawn a chibi-style rendition of Asterion having a picnic with Beth.

“Really?” he asked.

She shrugged. “It’s not like I have anything better to do.”


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