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Ten, hut! Fall in, monster lovers!

In just a couple of days, Radley's Labyrinth for Horny Monsters will be launching on Amazon (and eventually the other websites). In order to make this book a success, the following will need to occur!

1) If you buy the book, please leave a review! Reviews are helpful, make sure to mention that it is better than the first (because it honestly is). Here is how to structure a good review, definitely avoid spoilers:

  • Your overall opinion of the book. If you are a power reviewer, you could also do a book synopsis here.
  • Things you disliked (if applicable). (I would have enjoyed it more if...)
  • Mention that the sex is graphic and the language is dirty
  • Things you like about the story or characters
  • A quote you enjoyed from the book (if applicable)

2. If you buy it and can't leave a review, at least click on those stars to leave a rating. Ratings are good, and they help me find more readers, and this only takes a few seconds.

3. If you can't buy it, but have actually read it, consider doing 1 or 2. You should still be able to leave an unverified review (unless something has changed on Amazon).

4. If you can't buy it or leave a rating, make sure you mention it everywhere! Your favorite online forum? Talk about it. Grandma's 99th birthday party? Mention it. Confessional? Definitely mention it.

I have expanded to the point where more people are seeing the story, and I have already seen some rumblings online of people who are struggling with my (slowly increasing) success. *cough* Clitorides Incident 2020 *cough* I'm going to need all the help I can get, and if even just half of my Patrons would actually leave a rating on Amazon, it would help me blow the competition out of the water.

You're all amazing, and I look forward to spending September of 2020 with you!



Poised to Review! (can you be poised for a review?)


I already have the book on pre-order can't wait!!


Pre-order is done and 5 star rating is done. Will review when released... seems it would be weird to have a review before it is out.


Not really.... Can state you read it via Patreon as an advanced copy. Honesty isn't a bag thing ;)


W8, what happened with the Cliterides? And what's with people having problems with other people's success?


Exactly what i wanted to ask.... What incident? I remember going and signing in and voting for AH but never heard more..

Annabelle Hawthorne

Allow me to elaborate. This year at the Clitorides, I was nominated in multiple categories. For example, the sex scene with Sofia and Mike in the Library was dominating the BDSM category (by a factor of more than ten). I was up for several awards, and then, one day, they DQ'd me without a single word. All of my nominations were gone, and when I emailed them, radio silence. BluDragyn, however, emailed them as a concerned reader and was informed that my nominations were considered invalid because the stories were part of an ongoing series. BluDragyn then pointed out that Last of Her Kind was a stand-alone and that I should be reinstated. I went from a bunch of categories down to 2 (if I remember right.) Anyway, I did take best author, which was super awesome, but took 2nd place with Last of Her Kind in the fantasy category. Interestingly enough, I lost to someone whose story was part of a series, which makes me suspect that I was reported, rather than just filtered out by an auto-mod. But that's the short version. I'm not sour about it, because that seems to be a common occurrence once you've climbed the ladder a bit, but I am seeing some extra dings to my ratings in a couple of places. Some disappear after a day or two, which makes me think they got filtered back out, but that's how the game is played. But this is also why I'm always asking everyone here to leave ratings on Amazon if you can. I have just over a hundred now, which is great, but it can always be higher :)


Wow, strange stuff... Well i know it's important for you to play the games and participate in the publicity avenues, but keep in mind that to a depressing degree, skill has less of an effect on success than it should. Too many lawyers and accountants control the onroads to widespread success. I grew up in the film and music industry, and saw so much injustice and corruption... I left and went faaar away, despite my early desires to work in those industries. Whatever BS happens, never take it personally or as a measurement of your talents. You've got excellent writing chops, and many are rooting for you. :-)


And I dislike Amazon with a passion but will go contribute as best I can as a proud member of your fan armie. :-)


"celebrating Granny's 99th" made me laugh!))) You and your books definitely deserve to be talked about. We'll do our best, Annabelle!