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Hi all!

Three years ago today, I took the very first steps on what has already become a remarkable journey.

Home for Horny Monsters Ch. 01 posted some time in the early hours of the morning. I remember that I had to work that day, and had no idea that it had even posted. When you submit to Lit, it can take a few days before it posts, so I went about my day like nothing had happened. Sometime around lunch, I checked my email to see if I got  "your story posted" email, and was surprised to see that I had some feedback comments in my (until then) empty email account.

The initial response was overwhelmingly positive, and I was very surprised by how quickly I was getting comments and reviews. I had the dumbest grin on my face all day, and an even bigger one when I got my first patron for 5 dollars later that evening.

It's hard not to be nostalgic about the first 12 chapters of a story that is secretly defining my life, and I would like to offer you all a very rare look behind the curtain. It's always been hard for me to celebrate my successes, because I don't like people to think I'm bragging, or being boastful, it's just not my style. But here it is, the original Book One, nearly three years later from my Literotica dashboard.

It's always a thrill to see the number of comments go up toward the end of each book, and I always get excited when someone new discovers the story. I love almost everything about what I've managed to achieve in three years. It hasn't been a magic bullet or anything, but I know I have learned a ton, and I hope to keep learning as the years stretch by.

Some of you have been here since nearly the beginning, and some of you have just arrived to the show. For those of you who've seen it all, I've enjoyed going on this journey with you, and I look forward to many more. This page started with just a few text posts those first couple of months, and I was excited when I had enough to start commissioning artwork. For those of you who are new, I hope you enjoy the adventures to come, because I promise there will be many.

And now for something that is very difficult for me to say: I am proud of what I have accomplished. Over a hundred thousand people read through HFHM Book One on Lit, and that's just an amazing feeling to have. I did have naysayers tell me I wouldn't last, and I also had some people tell me I was no good (I hardcore eye-rolled at that). I started with little more than a premise about a story where a guy finds some cute monsters living in his house that quickly became something more.

Now I have a publishing company, over a hundred pieces of commissioned art, a Redbubble store for merchandise, and am launching my second novel (finally) in the wee hours of the morning tomorrow. I couldn't have done any of this without your support, and I live every day hoping that I can continue to make you proud. Right now, you are all an important part of my story, and the stories will continue to grow.

It will be interesting to see where I am a year from now, or two years, or maybe even three. I have worked hard to lay the foundation for what I hope to be my own little erotica dynasty. The stories of Mike and the girls will eventually come to an end (a long time from now), but I hope to have even more exciting tales for you when they do.

I'm done waxing nostalgic. Tomorrow is a new day, and I look forward to you being a part of it as we finally publish Radley's Labyrinth for Horny Monsters. Expect the Unexpected.

Annabelle, out.



You keep doing you! and you keep writing what inspires you to be you and I'll keep buying subscribing and patreoning! LOL After my 12 to 15 hour work days it's nice to come home and try to read a book weather be from you Randi Darren or any of the other sci-fi, litrpg, fantasy, harem, reverse harem authors out there. There's enough problems and shit going on in the world and in the job market to be coming home and reading something that gets me down you and the other artist are something that I look forward to when I get home so thank you!! and you keep doing you!!!




Happy anniversary🥳 I got sucked into this world of yours last year and I'm along for this ride for as long as it lasts. (hopefully very long) ❤


It's been a long time since I started reading your story and I'm still amazed about its twists and turns!


I remember that I went to Literotica for the first time in a while because I was bored and looking for something a little different. I chanced upon your story and was enthralled rather quickly with how the story progressed. My favorite bit of the story is how the girls of the house are never used as one-dimensional sex bots, which would have gotten old quick; they each have their own unique history and quirks which lend themselves to being part of a much wider world mythology. Here is to three good years of story and many more to come.

