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Hi all!

This is just a brief post to cue you in on some small changes to the page based on your feedback.


Starting with future story posts, I will have one post with the written chapter in it and one separate post with the files. Apparently a couple hundred of you use your phones to download the files, but didn't like scrolling through 30ish pages of story to get to them :)

I'm still posting the written story online for those who read it in the app. You've already seen me do this, but nobody had any issues, so I hope this is a comfortable change for you.


I got some great feedback from you all regarding art.

I will still be posting SFW images in the header of art posts, but NSFW images will be downloadable only. That will make it much safer for you to keep an eye on what is happening on this page without worrying about what pops up on your browser. I have actually had this issue on Twitter (I follow a lot of erotica writers) where I will be scrolling somewhere in public and I'm all "Oh, look, people having sex."

This almost resulted in supreme awkwardness while waiting to buy groceries.


Shortly after my post about Last Arachne art being delayed, my LA artist got in a motorcycle accident and got hospitalized for fractures. So that sucks.

Also, my main computer super died on me today, so I lost today as a writing day as well as a chunk of tomorrow while I try to have it fixed or even replaced. I do still have my laptop BUT I type three times faster on the desktop (and can sit for much longer). So there might be a delay in when the next chapter hits.

That's all from me! Weekend is coming, I hope it's a good one!



You can use your laptop to power your desktop display and utilize the desktop keyboard/mouse. Will let you write comfortably while your desktop is getting fixed etc. Theres prob several of us here that can help with pc issues if needed.


,.. that's what get when you go shopping and let Tink ride along on one shoulder and Lily on the other, just like a couple little devils. They were bound to cause some trouble, but they know all the best snack items for a creative writer of erotica, what are gonna do?


What Josh said*


I have a 19 inch led computer screen gathering dust still connected to a virus ridden eight year old desk top, I am sure there are misc. components available for loan or cheap purchase nearby. Online scavenger hunt, oh my!


Good luck ! Hope the coming days will be better. As for your computer issue, Josh above is right. You can easily use your keyboard/mouse/screen with your laptop :-)

Illiterate Scholar

I definitely feel you on the difference between a desktop and laptop. While you can definitely just hook the laptop up to your desktop's mouse, keyboard, and monitor, sometimes things will still "just feel different." It could be the difference between which apps are installed, or the way they are configured differently (if you've configured everything by hand without having both systems side-by-side, then you can't help but have different settings). It could be the difference in performance between the two in CPU speed, disk speed, or network speed. It might also just be a difference in lighting and Feng-shui for the locations you use the two (in which case setting your laptop up with your desktop's peripherals where you're desktop used to be should make things feel pretty similar). In any case, I can definitely understand how it can affect productivity, but if it really is just that your laptop's keyboard is a PITA, you can definitely just hook it up to your desktop keyboard/mouse, and optionally, monitor.


Well, i would like to offer my help (i´m an IT Tech), but since I live on the other side of the world, that would be kind of pointless :D Ah, i´m sure it will work out in no time and then you are back on your roll ;)


If I was doing that much writing I’d want a mechanical keyboard. But if you’re staring at a screen for four or five hours the keyboard might not be the issue