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Hi all!

I'm just dropping by to ask all of you for your input on something. I am getting ready to do a facelift on my Patreon page now that the service has some additional features that they didn't used to. So this begs the question:

What would you like to see?

I get a bunch of people who sign up and never come back, which is fine, except then they miss out on art/etc, so I am tempted to put together a small "welcome package" that tells them to check in every now and then, but what else can I do?

Different tiers? Better sorting? I mean, as long as it's something I can implement without hours of working on it, I'm willing to do it if it makes your experience more enjoyable.

That's all. Make sure you read other comments and click the heart if it's something you agree with. If a hundred of you want me to change my tier names to different characters from The Office or something, these are things I need to know.

Thanks for reading, and sorry this post wasn't more interesting. You've got a big one coming up later this month/early next month, so be excited.



I joined your page to support you because of your amazing writing. The artwork and polls are fun, but for me it begins and ends with your amazing stories. So I am happy as can be with your page, because you deliver the goods month after month.

Robert Garlinghouse

I don't know that I would change anything. I get email and app notifications whenever you post, I don't know how you could make it easier for me other than hand delivery of personalized porn stories. Hmm... :-D


I recently noticed that the Patreon 'tag' for Caretakers is an old one from 2018, I know that you routinely update and distribute the newest information, so is there a way to 'archive' a number of updates or automatically post the latest one under your stories and art? Also, I personally really love all you do with your monthly updates and polls,.. is there any way to 'archive' a year or so of older polls,.. to let new (and lower tier patrons) in on the fun that can be had for just a few dollars more. If you could just drop a fist full of them into an archived file that anyone with any level of access could look into. This would need to be of very little time consuming steps, and only needing to be cleaned-up, or purged a few times a year at most. Annabelle writing time is way too valuable to waste on trivial tasks. Share the wonderful 'Annabelle', but do not spread the lady too thin. I think that the looking back at some of the old polls, especially with 'some' of your rabid fans comments could tickle a fancy or two. Anyway that is my current brain-fart,.. take it or leave it, OXOXO TTFN


If other people are in the dollar tier like me they just want to support your stories and don't need much else. I do appreciate the monthly updates but can read them in my email without coming back to the Patreon site. Don't really care about time between stories since I'm paying by story, not by month.


,... " it's a TRAP !!! " ( Star Wars Admiral 'what's his name?' ) No hand deliveries to Robert,...


,.. so my silly old poll access is a silly idea, but as a kid I used to love comic books and the letters page talking about stories that I missed filled in a bit of the continuing (Marvel) story line. and Stan the man's editorial comments were priceless. I was just thinking we need to bottle a little essence of Annabelle without taking up too much of her time,..

Jon Moody

I wish you would stop posting the story text into the Post description. This pushes the download link so far down it doesn't appear in emails. And on the sight I have to practically squint or look away while scrolling not to read ahead and spoil any story surprises.


I think you're also limited in some of the updates that the Patreon page formatting lets you. The NSFW on some of the art I think needs to stay behind a wall, but as stated above it's a nice to have after your great stories.


I am also just here for the stories. I appreciate all the extra effort you have put into your web page but for me it is unnecessary. I would prefer you spent all your time writing but in the end you need to do what makes you happy and fulfilled. Your artwork and page layout is already far beyond what most of the authors I support have and none that I patronize have done an Audible book. You are in a class by yourself, I hope it doesn't get too lonely in there ;)


Yes, we agree on the welcome package, this should interest people. At the expense of changing tiers, also a good idea.

R. Kener

I follow you for the stories. The stories, not the surrounding goodies. I know many followers love them, but as wonderful as they are, personally I am not here for that reason. I <3 your stories

Robert Garlinghouse

No trap, why would you think that? The idea of personalized porn stories, how much would one of us be willing to pitch into the Patreon for a cameo?


I tend to fall in line with what everyone else is saying. I originally found your stories on Literotica and then realized that I could support you on Patreon for more/better access to your excellent writing. Patreon serves as a nice portal for me to check in and get the latest stories. I didn't know it could do anything else and I am not sure I would need it to.

Annabelle Hawthorne

I actually had somebody put that in their exit survey (they didn't like the NSFW art). I typically put the NSFW art as an additional download if I put up other art. I could just upload it as a download link and be all "Hey, here's something dirty if you want it" instead of "GOBLIN TITS!!!"

Annabelle Hawthorne

I remember when I was young and read the letters in the back of a comic book and thought "What the fuck, this is the first issue, how are there already letters about this series being published?" Didn't think of it again for many years until I found a reddit thread where someone admitted that they made up the questions for the first few issues until they started getting real letters. Blew my inner twelve year old's mind.

Annabelle Hawthorne

Ooh, this is a good one to ponder. I don't know how many people actually read straight off of Patreon, I might need to specifically ask about this at a later date.

Annabelle Hawthorne

When you're in a class by yourself, you're automatically the coolest student. *Puts on sunglasses, ignores blatantly obvious counter-argument*


I agree. I prefer to read the chapters as a PDF or .doc but I still have to scroll to read the forward and afterward.


Updates or extra chapters for certain members or personal emails. I know I would enjoy talking with you

Florida Reader (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-08 08:59:38 I like your stories, and I enjoy supporting your writing. I also enjoy your updates, silly polls, Q & A's and the artwork. In short, you are doing a fantastic job. If you want to tag your posts so that we can quickly filter to story posts, artwork, Ask Annabelle's or whatnot, that would be useful. Otherwise, keep doing the great job you are doing!!!
2020-01-15 03:04:44 I like your stories, and I enjoy supporting your writing. I also enjoy your updates, silly polls, Q & A's and the artwork. In short, you are doing a fantastic job. If you want to tag your posts so that we can quickly filter to story posts, artwork, Ask Annabelle's or whatnot, that would be useful. Otherwise, keep doing the great job you are doing!!!

I like your stories, and I enjoy supporting your writing. I also enjoy your updates, silly polls, Q & A's and the artwork. In short, you are doing a fantastic job. If you want to tag your posts so that we can quickly filter to story posts, artwork, Ask Annabelle's or whatnot, that would be useful. Otherwise, keep doing the great job you are doing!!!

Philip Lemon

Please make NSFW items as download Links! PLEASSSSSE. It can be a ( Pleasant & embarrassing) shock to have “GOBLIN TITS” pop up on the screen

Philip Lemon

I double agree. I prefer to read the chapters as a PDF or .doc but I still have to scroll to read the “forward and afterward”. Its a nuisance and makes it harder to check comments. Post LINKS, Not text or NSFW. Grin.


Hi Annabelle! I was wondering if you ever release audiobooks of your books, or if you might consider audio content for your Patreon page? I record XXX stories on Patreon/Gumroad and I also narrate Erotica and Romance category books on Audible, and I would love to discuss with you if you have any interest! You can reach me at candy@voicelikecandy.com or at twitter.com/@_voicelikecandy


I like goblin tits. It’s appropriately labeled and the default is usually the SFW version with the NSFW available after you open the message.


,.. and twelve year old comic book readers are so easy to have their minds blown


I have learned to love reading Annabelle's story installments using Epub on my laptop, but then I exit back to regular, so I can read and make comments. I sincerely enjoy how Annabelle interacts so much with her incredible reader/fans!


I hate wasting her creative writing time, but Annabelle is absolutely wonderful to trade remarks with. Check her out on discord, she scans her channels there regularly (but only while on creative writer down time) and she is so much fun to read and interact with. If you get lucky you can stumble into a real time discussion with Annabelle participating, but you have to be quick as she doesn't stick around too long. TTFN


PS: Annabelle, maybe some permanent Reference Link could be added for your Discord site and be a fixture on your Patreon page!?! Just leafing through older fan art and 'ask Annabelle' would be an eyeopener for many readers.

Annabelle Hawthorne

@Joshua, what Michael said about my Discord channel, it's the best way to just shoot the shit with me (and others). You can actually tag me in any of the chats, so when I log in, I get a little notification that someone is trying to talk to me. My actual email is a shitshow. I currently have 1422 unread emails, these are all notifications. On average, I get about twenty a day, most of which are from Lit, Wattpad, etc. or emails from my artists.

Annabelle Hawthorne

There are some tags (Horny Monsters, Art, etc) that should be on the left side of your screen if you scroll down. They aren't super obvious, but I do have a bit of organization.

Annabelle Hawthorne

I am currently having Book One made into an audiobook. However, if you have somewhere I can listen to some samples, I always like to keep a list of artists/etc. in case of future projects.

Annabelle Hawthorne

I think he read it as literally hand delivering porn stories (my frequent flyer miles would love that, I'm sure). As for personalized stories, this is one of those things I have considered from time to time. However, I've never found a great way to implement it, or figure out a fair price. The last thing I want to do is come up with a cool new feature and then end up dropping the ball on it. I also don't want to end up having to write thirty cameos within a six month span :D


I've put together a little folder on Dropbox with some samples of various audio projects I've worked on. You can find them at https://www.dropbox.com/sh/f6azu3j8prdl1gw/AADrOWRFQHZKKXeAMyXR1__7a?dl=0 I hope you'll email me so we can discuss more privately at candy@voicelikecandy.com