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Hi all!

Just a reminder that the Clitorides and Literotica have launched their nomination window for erotica submissions. If you have a story or writer you want to nominate, now is the time to do it. This isn't just a "vote for me" thing, but a "vote for what you love" kind of thing. Your favorite stories and authors benefit from this, so don't leave them hanging! (P.S. Don't nominate me as nest new author, I'm not new anymore, lol)

Check here https://clitoridesawards.org/nominate.php and here https://forum.literotica.com/forumdisplay.php?f=7 to find out how to nominate your favorite stories.

That's all from me, I'm headed off to write about a certain dragon girl :)



Already added my vote for you for Author of the Year. :D (Pssst... since I finished Oni and the Farmer last June, I'm eligible for Best New Author... Just sayin' XD)


^lmao you both deserve praise


Too late, you are already nominated in the best new author category,.. oopsy !!