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Hello, monster lovers!

Just dropping by for a quick update in between writing sessions (time travels differently in the faerie realm after all).

Book 2: I am still hard at work on Book 2, but have definitely slowed down. To be honest, I've run into a quality issue with the final product I am approaching. It wasn't as bad until I started working on the audiobook, but now I am hyperaware of how far I've come with my writing skills and have noticed that some areas, even after being edited, are a bit below my standard.

Ever obsessed with a quality product, I will continue to work VERY hard on these edits, but the book is definitely coming out long after I had planned (*cough* October *cough). I'm sure some of you will be disappointed, but I refuse to be like some other authors who rush out a weak product just for the sake of having a book on sale. As I near completion, I will give you a better time of release, and if it takes much longer, I may need to slow down chapter releases to catch up on editing.


Last Arachne Light Novel: Speaking of behind on schedule, in what has become another Annabelle moment, I became concerned when I felt like the artwork for this project was coming far too slowly.

If you've ever misread something, then do I have a story for you! Back when I got the original quote for pics, I was informed that the images would take 3-4 weeks. Apparently the artist meant per image, so that's a goof on my part. On the one hand, I am smacking my forehead in frustration, because I truly thought I would have a book out in October followed by one in November, but live and learn.

Special Edition Book Two: Kat is closing in on finishing these images up, so I hope to go back to some 'just for fun' images in the near future.

That's it from me, time to go *checks list* do all the things. Take care of yourselves, and I will see you again when Chapter 49 is ready!



I seem to recall a sci fi writer getting in some trouble with his fans when he tried to redo/rewrite an older novel when he had a sequel coming out,.. his fans didn't care that he had improved over the years in between. Poor guy, he had to stay with his original story which now drove him a bit crazy ( not up to his 'now' standards ). Annie your fans love your stories,.. so make yourself happy, but do not over work yourself. Take a couple months to play catch up if you must,.. just give us your regular life /story updates,.. we love to hear from you too!


Thats exactly along the lines of what I came here to mention. Was just going to add that I find it totally charming to see an authors work improve across their bibliography. I mean to go from really good to excellent and onward to world class - it's a growth thing readers can experience with the author, and there's an honesty to it. I'm just mentioning this as a caution against getting bogged down in the perfectionists connundrum. Feel free to rewrite as you wish, I wont stop you, and i'll re-read when I have time ;-) But don't sweat the little things. Nearly every author i've read comprehensively shares this growth curve until they plateau at "amazeballs" and reach their career stride. Not a bad thing is all i'm saying, no stress either way.

Annabelle Hawthorne

Yeah, nobody should worry that I am obsessed with perfection or anything. It's more of a quality issue that I see which is fixable but takes a bit of time.