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Hi all!

Okay, just dropping in with a few answers to questions that you might have regarding the audiobook.

1q) Why the weird name/secrecy?

1a) In short, the audiobook is the first of a few secret projects that actually is in production. Unfortunately, I have started three side projects this year that have already fallen through for various reasons. Because of this, each one had a code name in case they actually went into production. SongBird is one that is actually being made and shouldn't fall through. I have another project that is in the works right now that might fall through, as the person on the other end is either too busy to reply or ghosting me now (don't worry, no money exchanged hands or anything). I would rather announce and cancel a project than be all "hey, they're making a movie!" and nine months later say "nevermind."

2q) When is the release date?

2a) No idea. Every chapter has to be listened to and approved before the VA (Voice Actress) moves on to the next chapter. There are a ton of character voices that need to be approved (for obvious reasons)

3q) Are the voices in the trailer the same as the ones in the book?

3a) Yes and no. Some of the voices are going to be a bit different. I used audition footage for the trailer, so final product will have changes to quality and a couple of the voices (like Abella).

4q) The VA has been in a ton of things! How did you get her to do it?

4a) I threw (lots of) money at her. SongBird is the most expensive thing I have produced to date, and I've been putting aside Patron pledges to be able to afford it. While I had a couple random people on the internet offer to do it cheap, I wanted to ensure a quality final product, which meant someone with a ton of experience.

5q) Where will it be on sale?

5a) Audible, Amazon, and Itunes. Unfortunately, I won't get much say in pricing (they base it on bandwidth and such), so can't tell you much more on that front yet.

 Also, the audiobook will become an unlockable for patrons who hit a certain amount, much like the Special Edition. I will let you know what that amount is down the road.

Okay, that's it for me, time to put my headphones on and listen to a book!



All I heard is theyre making a movie of the books!?!?!! Woo hoo! Just kidding! I'm quite excited to give it a listen when it's ready... Cool idea!


,.. And my daughter has an hour long commute to work each day and she sometimes likes to listen to audio books, now I know what she's getting for her birthday in a few months,.. that should be enough time, I hope!