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Hi all!

You probably didn't know it, but today is a special day for the Patreon Community. It's the day creators like myself take the time to thank our patrons!

This page started on the last day of August in 2017. Now, just a little over two years later, I have just over five hundred patrons and am slowly creeping toward my goal of financial freedom and being able to do this full time for a living.

This dream of mine has always been an uphill climb, but I have always owned the fact that if people are willing to give me their hard-earned money to keep writing then I should be doing my best to keep improving and giving back.

I am constantly reinvesting money from patreon in order to accomplish two things. The first is to have a career outside of Patreon and make lasting content. The second is to create a community here that is just more than chapter posts. This includes artwork, Special Editions, (etc) and I absolutely hate how long it takes for me to make these things for you, and am SO appreciative of your patience.

Last year, I used patreon money to fund my own publishing company. I can't tell you how useful this has already been to me in creating professional products and being able to avoid the stigma that comes with indie publishing (I could seriously write a small book on the advantages alone). The company has protected me and my works from copyright infringement and ensured that I can keep moving forward with my stories.

This year, I actually took some creative writing classes to up my game! I did these online and learned that some things I already knew, but also how to improve the things I didn't. I couldn't have afforded the time or money for this otherwise, and have already been pleased with the results.

In the next six months, I am hoping to have a few more fun rewards for my patrons, similar to the Special Edition. I wanted these done earlier, but good stuff takes time and money. To that end, I saved up most of my Patreon income for the last few months to create some of these things. Operation: SongBird is one of these things, and it will be available as a Patreon reward (more details pending). From the beginning, I have said that you deserve smart, sexy, and quality erotica, but it's so much more than that.

As my patrons, you deserve the best that I can do. With your support, I think we can create something special here that doesn't exist anywhere else.

Thank you for your support. You're amazing.



Your writing is great and it just keeps getting better. You are certainly putting the work in and it shows. No, thank YOU.


Thanks so much! I consider myself a silent donor, mainly because I just, time... I have enjoyed the stories hundred percent, but I’ve also enjoyed even as an observer the community that sense of involvement that you cultivate that generates something that is less tangible but definitely increases the enjoyment of what you do.


Woooo hooo! Good on you Anabella, keep it up! You're awesome!


You're welcome! In the spirit of being thankful: I'm thankful I decided to try this story on Lit earlier this year because I feel like I found a real gem that's much more than I was expecting. It's really awesome that being here on Patreon lets me contribute in a small way to helping build this amazing world of yours. You keep up the awesome writing and I'll keep reading! win-win.

David Kepler

Annabelle, your efforts and more importantly, your results have been truly impressive. You are the kind of person that I'm genuinely happy to have helped. Success is earned and you can be very proud of what you have done. You've demonstrated that anyone with a vision and the will can achieve their dreams, even if all they have to start with is a smart phone to type on.


I really love your writing. and you are right that your stories have improved over the past couple of years ( you got awesomer !! ). I am thrilled and proud to be allowed to be eyewitnesses to your creative growth and how wonderfully you treat us all! You are so right that you are developing something unique and pretty darn good (again, awesomer ! ), thanks for sharing,.. you are awesome!

R. Kener (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-08 08:59:47 You are a wonderful author ! You drive me to lands I never knew existed <3
2019-11-20 05:07:14 You are a wonderful author ! You drive me to lands I never knew existed <3

You are a wonderful author ! You drive me to lands I never knew existed <3


Is our 'crackling Rosie' with the glowing Lightning Horn the former dragon girl that we have been expecting? (horny, she should fit right in).


Wow! A new cat-girl, and now a new dragon girl, but where are the NYMPHS! I need more sweet, sexy and all natural Nymphs! (please)


Now they'll need to go buy some more cat food to replace the old box they tossed out in chapter 1, and maybe some catnip?