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Just saying ;)






Also, perfect meme to represent my longing for our dear, sweet Cecilia. I certainly miss hearing her scream.


Cecilia would be so much better for Logan than crackling Rosie, just saying,..


Logan first mentions crackling Rosie back in the seventies, but we didn't get her backstory until some nineties flashbacks; Chris Claremont is as bad as Annabelle (of old box of cat food fame) for long range hints! Our porch swinging banshee is so much more his type, she just needs to save the world every now and then.


Mmmm.. Looking forward to cold and electrifying! 👻😱❄⚡


Ok I feel out of the loop... is this RHFHM?? Who is the superhero and how does he know Cecilia?? Sorry

Annabelle Hawthorne

It’s just a character from a nineties cartoon, this meme is usually used to humorously depict someone/something that you really miss. Just me being a goof is all


Ah!! Ok... so I just outed myself as an old guy lmao 😂


No offense meant but how do you not know Wolverine? Lol Always been my favorite so using him for that tease is AWESOME!!

Annabelle Hawthorne

So, funny story. When I was a teen, I was responsible for handing out candy one Halloween. A kid dressed as Wolverine came to the door, and that was almost his word for word response when I asked "Who are you?!?" This was before the X-men movies and all that, and the kid was all "he guts people with his claws and you can watch his cartoon on the weekends," so I switched from Sailormoon to X-men (well, not completely ;) )


I thought It was Mike's Halloween costume...lmao


When I was a teen, and reluctantly gave up all comic books, Weapon X made his first appearance against the incredible Hulk. I thought he was small and too weak to be fighting the big green guy, and years later I saw him puffing on a cigar in the comic book revival of the X-men,.. but then with the movies and Hugh Jackman, wow! superstardom!,.. who knew way back then that the puny little Wolverine would become such big box office! Surprise!