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Hi all!  

Okay, just a few things on the agenda for you.

1) I just sent out links for those of you who have broken the 15 dollar barrier to get your Special Edition ebook. If I missed you (or you haven't collected it from previous months) the password has changed. Just comment below (or message me) and I can easily get you that information.

2) The Book One re-release is official! With a new cover and interior, it looks so much better than before. I have not yet changed the cover on the Special Edition, but when I do, I will leave the old one up on the secret link for people who are nostalgic for it.

3) If you haven't done so, please consider leaving stars for my book on Amazon. I would never ask people to rate a book they haven't read, but everybody here should have read it by now :)


I am battling the amazon algorithms to come out on top, and the more ratings I have, the more likely I am to get seen by the search engine there. All sorts of rumors float around about how a story with more reviews will get spotted, and people blow good money on firms who will do this for you with fake reviews/ratings, (which I seriously frown on-I want to earn my way to the top, not pay it). You don't have to leave comments or anything, just click the appropriate number of stars (lol, preferably 4 or above). This is important right now, because...

4) The Book Two cover is almost done (seriously, it's extremely close), and I am trying to get through edits as quickly as possible for a release soon. When Book Two launches, the ratings and reviews for Book One will help readers find it AND hopefully this will be a valuable next step in helping me to become more mainstream. There are nearly 500 of you right now (the number is around 5000 if I count followers on Lit, Wattpad, and SO), and it would mean the world to me to be able to keep climbing the ladder to spread my wings. Also...  

5) I am currently working on expanding rewards similar to the Special Edition. Your generosity and loyalty have meant the world to me, and I am constantly looking at new ways to improve your experience here. I am in the middle of a couple of BIG things right now (some of you have figured it out, so don't spoil it), but I know you will enjoy what I have planned.  That's it from me, I only have 4400 some edits to address! I'm off!



I just bought the book through Amazon for my Kindle… Just because! :-). … Could you send me the updated special edition link again?


I do love the new stylized signature with a big heart, it is so you!


PS: 5 stars and a review for Amazon to post. TTFN


Already ahead of you; I bought the book and gave it 5 stars and a review on Amazon back in March because you are just that damn good. 😘 While the Lily/Naia cover (or the collectable first edition cover as I'll call it) was good, the Tink cover is a flashier and more interesting looking composition which is what you were aiming for I'm sure. 👍

Annabelle Hawthorne

And I appreciate it very much. And yes, the new cover is to get noticed AND when you see the cover for Book Two, you will realize my (publisher's, he gets huge credit for a long discussion with me on branding) master plan in all of this.


Can I get that special edition link?

