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Hi all!

Okay, so if you opted in to the Hall of Caretakers, it should be up to date now.


Mistakes were probably made. I suspect a couple of you may have changed user names on me, because I couldn't find you. Also, more than a couple of you went by first names for the wall, and I have similarly named patrons.


If you were on the wall before or signed up recently, please give it a look so that I can make sure you are where you are supposed to be. If you aren't, respond in the comments!


That's all! Have a great week everyone!



I feel like Steve Martin in the movie "the Jerk", when he gets all excited at the arrival of the new phone book. He rapidly looks up his own name, points to it, and proudly states that now that his name is listed there it means that he IS SOMEBODY! now I am somebody 'cause I have arrived on Annabelle's list, yeah me!


I'd bet Darren in the Last Arachne could relate; Assuming he left his parents home for the Army and Vietnam, then was a footloose drifter after making it back to the states. He has never settled in one place long enough to have his own phone line and be printed up in the following edition of the town's phone book. Seeing his own name in there would mean he was finally at home and that he was somebody too.


Hi Annabelle, not sure if I opted in or not to the hall of caretakers. But please add me , I think my meagre contribution is around $40 or$42. Thanks Ricky B