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Hi all!

Just dropping in to to say hello and let you know what's on the agenda for June!

So as of right now, I am planning on two posts this month (but a third may happen, it all depends on life). My work schedule is going to get a bit crazy for part of the month, but I'm still going to work hard to get things done :)

HFHM Book Three has two chapters left, as does Last Arachne. I will begin tackling my edits for Book 2, as I have to get the manuscript to the editor by mid July. I will have an update regarding Last Arachne later on this month and am working on a couple other things.

I'm going to make my website updates after the pledges for May go through and will be sending out that Special Edition link for anybody who broke the 15 dollar mark.

Once LA is done, I will begin working on my Lily/Dana story that takes place during the events of Book Three. While Dana will be dealing with issues revolving around her current state of (un)life, Lily will be dealing with the demons of her past. Their tale promises to be a fun romp across the United States as they try to track down some lost magical goods that might restore Dana to life.

That's it from me. I hope this month goes great for us all!



I really do love both the main HfHM series and it's first spin-off 'the Last Arachne', but I am so jazzed ( and erotically excited too! ) about this summer's Dana/Lily's girls gone wild adventure. I expect it to be a real hoot and half, I can scarcely wait for it! Gratefully yours, TTFN


I really cannot wait to see what happens in both stories. I read all of the current chapters for the last Arachne and I already got hooked. I would like to know if you will be trying to catch up on hfhm because outside of patreon, we are still on chapter 38. If this is intentional then please disregard my rambling, I just can’t wait to see what happens.


I am reading hfhm through Wattpad. I’m sorry if it seems like I’m rushing you. That’s completely not my intention. I know that you said that you were a little behind and I just didn’t know if you were still sticking to the two week per chapter for hfhm or, since you are currently working on other amazing works, this has changed.

Annabelle Hawthorne

Asking isn't the same as rushing :) Sometimes I get behind and will hyper-focus on writing to keep up. As a result, something I meant to post on Tuesday gets forgotten about and then posted on Friday, or Sunday, or the following Wednesday. I even have someone on Discord who sends me a gentle nudge if a chapter posts on Lit and I forget to post it on Wattpad. (Cause I acknowledge my own airheadedness) Lit also has a slight delay between submitting and posting. It can be as long as a week sometimes, they still have to vet everything that gets uploaded.


I think I understand and I think I speak for all of us when I say, we appreciate the hard work you put into everything you write. Just make sure you don’t over work yourself so that you can continue delivering us hot steamy stories. On an unrelated note, I was wondering if you were still doing that gift thing for patreons who confirmed donating 15$. I am extremely interested in trying to get on with that while also helping with what I can to show support.

Annabelle Hawthorne

I will also flat out own that real life often gets in the way. I once had a weekend with family events where I wasn't even home to post. Missed my Friday deadline, the weekend was screwed and then had work Monday and Tuesday. As for the Special Edition, that's a permanent feature that lets me give a special thanks to my Patrons. At the beginning of each month, once pledges have been processed, I send a message out to anyone who has hit the $15 dollar mark. For now, it's just the Special Edition of Radley's Home for Horny Monsters (in ebook form). However, by the end of the year, there will be a couple of other e-goodies in the pool :P