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Hey all!

So I have a favor to ask. I am figuring out a few things regarding ebooks, and put together a sample that includes the first chapter and image of Book One. What I need from you all:

1. See how it looks on your devices. I am particularly interested in how it looks on various kindle devices.

2. The image. Should my pictures be located mid chapter where they occur, in the chapter header, or do you think it depends? I just don't want to interrupt reader flow.

3. Any other useful advice related to making an ebook.

That's it! Hope you all have a great weekend. I am bouncing back and forth between editing and writing, so the next chapter will be with beta readers sometime next week at the latest.



Looks good from here. (iBooks on a MacBook Air) I agree with pix where they occur in the text.


I personally think wait till the end of the chapter and show a naked picture of the new or featured monster in said chapter


On a desktop it's easy to read, but I use a 40+ inch tv screen so that may not be the usual case. It was fun reading the chapter, the image was a nice inclusion. Maybe have some character art featuring the focus of a chapter? Naia, Tink, etc.


Good on Kindle for PC (converted to mobi) -- will try on regular Kindle.


I'd put n the pictures as they are relevant. Breaks up the text.

Annabelle Hawthorne

That might be the case for some chapters. Just depends where the image fits. Some images are SFW, others are very NSFW.


Ok well that’s fair i just personally hope each monster gets a full blown picture either SFW or NSFW doesn’t matter long as we know what the monsters look like


My kindle couldn't read the ePub, had to convert to mobi and only issue I can see is a strange page break at the image, not sure if this was due to conversion.


Likewise to above, on a big screen ePub was fine, using Edge, or whatever it defaulted to. I haven't bought many eBooks, that was mainly my late wife. So I'm limited to my buying books from Humble bundle, which offers the book in PDF, ePub and Mobi as separate links. Not only does it negate the need to convert, it gives you a quality check that its ok.


Redid the conversion to the "old" mobi version and strange page break is gone. I used Calibre as my converting tool.

Annabelle Hawthorne

Okay, so it looks like if I upload this to Amazon, it will be converted to a .mobi file which should open just fine on Kindle. I am away from the computer right now, but I will try to have a testable .mobi file for those of you wondering why you are having trouble. Also, keep in mind that I am planning to make the book available on platforms other than Kindle. ePub just happens to be the format that you upload to most retailers, while some (like Amazon) do the conversion.


epub is easily convertible (at least on a PC, dunno about macs) to mobi -- or about anything else -- using Calibre, which is a free program.

Rick Barker

Loaded it to a Nook app on an iPad. Font was huge. Hand to turn the font setting down to smallest size. Picture came out fine. Hope this helps. Really enjoy the story.

Rick Barker

Oh it format stayed an ePub


Tried on Kindle app for IPad and did not work. Incompatible format. Worked on Bluefire reader app but picture(s) did not appear. Personally, I would prefer picture with in the story at the point where the event occuring in picture is happening or character appears.


Kindle can'r read epub. Need to convert to .mobi -- use Calibre, which is free.