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Hey all!

I took a break from editing (and writing - getting a bunch done today!) to drop by and drop this here:


If you have a second, check it out and give me some initial impressions. The site is fairly simple, and needs to remain that way (it's really just an author's page after all). You will also notice I have a lot of blank spaces (images) to fill. Those will come as I get closer to book launch.

The Hall of Caretakers page is where I would like most of your energy focused. I tried to keep the tiers reasonable, but am open to suggestions.

This site is one of the first big steps. Just a few more and we are ready to take Radley's Home to the next level!

Have a Happy Monday!



I like it ............. That is amazing that over a hundred thousand people have read that first chapter in the first nine months it has been online. You should be proud of that for sure.


Couple of thoughts: the color is a little too bright and harsh on the eyes. I might recommend going with someone more like a pastel blue if that's the sort of thing you want, or maybe making the background white with the header being blue instead. I'd also generally recommend putting the menu bar at the top (maybe with social edia links at the bottom). Also while I like the idea of the large text front and center, I might tone it down a little and maybe increase the size of your name/logo a little. On the books page I would decrease the size of the image, and maybe put the book description to one side with the image on the other. Lastly it seems like the actual content of each page leaves a somewhat significant gap between the page specific content and the header. I'd recommend either shrinking that a little or putting in a separation line to make the space seem smaller. Beyond those things I like the site so far!


Loving it. Well done


Mobile iPhone X isn’t terribly good


Again on iPhone. If you scroll to the bottom of the about page the picture become the background of the main page ( it shows up behind the main landing page text). This isn’t bad behavior but should be consistent over all the sub pages. I’m also not a big fan of scrolling to the bottom scrolling off back to the main page.


My comments are from the perspective of being involved with web development for 20+ years, so please take this as constructive criticism. If this was 1998, or even 2004, this site would be marginally acceptable. In 2018, it will do more to damage your brand with people who might have read a story and decided to look for more information or someone who stumbled upon it than not having any sort of web presence. This is your chance to make that first impression, and like the old shampoo commercial says, "You never get a second chance to make a first impression". The best advice I can offer is to find someone, perhaps even one of the Patrons, who is able to create a “skin” for a content management system (CMS) like Wordpress. This will allow you to have a unified look across all your pages and add material as if you were editing a Word document. You can also include sections that mirror your latest Facebook post, Twitter tweet, or Instragram post, and again, it is done seamlessly once it is setup. Please don’t take this as someone just hacking and slashing what you’ve done, but rather I hope you take this as constructive criticism from someone who has “been there and done that” with regards to websites. This is your brand, your online identity, and it will be how your readers and prospective readers will “see” you. Using a modern CMS will give you incredible flexibility and room to grow and expand, while presenting you and your material in a professional manner. Ideally, you want to look like Nora Roberts (<a href="http://www.noraroberts.com/)" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.noraroberts.com/)</a> instead of Ling’s Cars (<a href="https://www.lingscars.com/)" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.lingscars.com/)</a> (though I have to say that Ling certainly has a…memorable…website). One site that I worked on about eight years ago was Churchill Lodge, <a href="http://www.churchilllodge.org/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.churchilllodge.org/</a> , which really shows off the less is more/flat look that is desired today. If you have any questions, please message or e-mail me and I’ll be glad to help.

Annabelle Hawthorne

I'm good at criticism, and appreciate the thought you put into it. I'm going to see if I can streamline it better. This is why I let you guys see it rather than launching it concurrently with Book One, I want to hear these things.