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Hey all!

I've been absent from the site for a bit, so let me give you the news on what is what.

First, book news! I have officially hired an editor (Ms. Lucy Felthouse) for HFHM! Once I finish some revisions on the story/dialogue/etc, I will be sending the manuscript off to her for polishing. She came highly recommended, and has plenty of experience in editing erotica.

Second, chapter news for this month. Iceman Chapter 4 should be out sometime around this weekend. My writing schedule took a massive hit this month, which I will elaborate on later. I am still hoping to produce three chapters this month. However, as I am already behind schedule, I may only manage two posts this month. Instead of working on Iceman 5, I will be posting HFHM Chapter 13 as my second post. I want to make sure that everybody gets their monster fix for the month. If Iceman 5 doesn't happen by the end of the month, I will just have to play catchup later.

Okay, so I've been behind schedule before, but never this bad. The reason for this, unfortunately, is that I became the victim of identity theft at the beginning of the month. Not the "someone stole my credit card" type (that happens all the time), but the "someone is opening bank accounts in your name" type. Several hours have been spent filing police reports, contacting credit bureaus, etc. In short, I'm fucked. Forever.

While I am no stranger to writer's block, I will be up front and say the whole situation has me depressed. It's a problem I can never fix, and it will never go away. It's been really hard for me to be in a good headspace and write the sexy stories you deserve, and losing so many hours of my life because a piece of shit human being doesn't want to make an honest living has been hard to cope with.

Worst case scenario, you will still get HFHM Ch. 13 by the end of the month. Next month, I will soldier ahead with my three planned posts, which will all be monster related. Next week, I will unveil the Big News, and reveal my master plan for 2018.

Be good to each other!




That's terrible! I'm loathe to say it but you might want to look at your family as the culprit. The same thing happened with me. Found out that it was my dad and that Identity theft is commonly committed by family members. :-(


Identity theft is like rape, you never really recover as it is always on your mind. My preference involves something very lethal happening to the bloody thief but I am a bit biased as I know people that have had both happen to them. As far as knowing you off your game, I get that. Did some writing but after my divorce seven years ago, I can not really get back in the groove. Kind of why I joined the "$10.00 club". Any help I give to you may help me also.


I really can't imagine what your going through there really isn't words I hope that you still have good days keeping your mood up is hard I struggle with chronic depression so that part I kinda get (in so much as nobody's depression is really the same) also would totally understand if writing is hard for now


Wow, that's fucked up. I hope you get this situation solved so you can have some resemblance of peace of mind. And don't worry about meeting deadlines on your stories. I'm sure the others will agree with that. Get your personal life sorted. Always you first.


Sorry to hear that -- identity theft is a real bummer. Been there.

Annabelle Hawthorne

That was suggested. However, the person who is doing all the thieving is using untraceable phones, an IP address that bounces, etc. so I have nothing to go on.

Annabelle Hawthorne

I appreciate all the support I am getting from everybody, you are awesome!


I am sorry to hear that. I hope the bastard who is responsible for this is caught and incarcerated for a very long time. Please take your time. We’ll will all be here to support you.


Echo everyone's comments Annabelle - really sorry this has happened to you :( Hope you get it all sorted as well as can be.


😞 all my best. Congrats on the new editor and publishing. You should be proud if your work here.


I'm very sorry to hear that Annabelle. I'm a musician so I also know how writers block can be amplified when times are tough. I may have a piece of advice, although you very well may have done this already. First off, obviously, make sure you call your banks and credit card providers. They will give you credits to use, and then wait for your money to me spent to catch the subject. Another important thing you can do is wait about a month, and then request a check for your credit score. Things to look for at this point are changes in your name, social security number, and other information that is important for your personal and financial life. Hope this helps, and good luck 😊🤙🏻


Thinking of you. A virtual hug coming your way