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Hey all!

I'm sure most of you have seen the apology letter from Patreon, but the short version is this:

They are not changing the fee structure anymore. Here is the official post.

For those of you who would rather see it in meme form, I made you one.

All joking aside, here is the important takeaway for my Patrons:

If you changed your pledges already for this month-Do Nothing (Until January)

If you were one of my patrons who changed your fee structure to avoid fees, please leave your pledges as they are until next month. If you decide to switch back, you will get billed for my last post on top of whatever you changed it to. For example, if you went from 3 one dollar pledges to 1 three dollar pledge and try to switch back, you will end up paying 5 bucks this month because of the 3 dollar fee for last chapter plus two more.

If you didn't change a thing

Then nothing has changed except you aren't paying those fees now. Thank you for continuing to support me.

If you bailed

Then please come back. At least finish out the month and see how the story ends :D

For those of you who upped bids in order to help me out when several of you left, thank you from the bottom of my heart. I won't be offended if you readjust them.

Take care of each other!




Keep up the great work (loved the meme btw). No change here. Status has been quo'd

James Thornton

Thank you for being a courteous and understanding creator. Also thank you for sharing your interesting take on this fantasy ride we have all been on. Have a happy holiday season and a wonderful new year.


Jesus, what a cluster fuck. Thankfully, I'm in a position where this wouldn't have matted much, but the whole thing was a fail from the start. Glad they seem to be listening at least.


Saw a post on AvE's channel, a quick check of Patreon's twitter and came right back here to re-pledge. Glad they decided not to go through with their changes.


Hi Annabelle, thanks for keeping us up to date. It was doubly handy for me as I did not receive Patreons backdown email. Thanks also for sharing your literary work with us - I am loving Mikes adventures.


F them and the horse they rode in on.