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Hey all!

Okay, so an impromptu update!

First things first, I am thankful for this random act of Naia Desktop Wallpaper! Today's beach theme is a Skinnii original, perfect for cooling down the space behind all those icons you swear you will organize someday! Don't forget to like this post if you grab it, I want to see how many people are taking them!

So a pretty big update in regards to the rest of the year. The next chapter I will post will be Iceman Ch. 3. I've had the scene for this one bouncing around my poor skull for three weeks now, and I am taking a brief step back from HFHM to get that written out. Spoilers-a certain Latina is about to learn some valuable lesson before going to college.

Based on my notes, HFHM Book One will be wrapping up in three chapters. I have a ton of things happening in those three chapters, and want my full attention on them. With any luck, those three chapters will be landing through December. Sprinkled around these chapters will be the Top Secret Project.

Now January. I plan to finish up Iceman while working on putting Book One together for its Amazon release. Iceman will become its own novella on Amazon, but that doesn't matter because Patrons will get a free copy anyway. Once Iceman is done, I will be writing Unearthly Delights or Fucked Up Fairy Tales, which, just so you know, actually happen in the same universe. This will also give Dakzper the time to go back and draw previous chapter art for me. I am determined to create something special on Amazon by combining his artwork with my stories.

You can let that sink in now. Once Iceman is done, I will be focusing on the monsterverse. Switching over to the new side project will allow me to further develop the monsterverse (it doesn't have an official name, I'm just rolling with it) and create some more interesting polls for you to choose from. Naia and the girls will be back in Book Two, and the roster will continue to expand  with some amazing new additions to the house. 

Have a great week!





Both are lovely, but the other is more the stuff of fantasies.


Hi Annabelle one of my other favourite Patreon authors is Tefler. He writes a naughty space odyssey. I think he needs Skinnii’s services. John Blake’s girls are significantly under drawn