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Hey all!

This week is Thanksgiving week (for those of us in the states). We had a tradition in my home where we would say something we are thankful for. I know it's a bit early, but I will be busy with family this Thursday, and figured I would share the love early.

I am thankful for my readers, the people who like my stories so much. I was so nervous when I uploaded that first chapter to Lit. My friend (who I am thankful for, but I see him in person) kept telling me that it was better to try and fail than to wonder what could have been. I love knowing that people enjoy (and probably even get off to) my stories, because it means that the weird stuff in my head isn't that weird at all. It's just new, exciting, and clearly we all have IQs high enough to properly appreciate it :P

I am super thankful for you, my Patrons. I am not making a living doing this, but I am having SO MUCH FUCKING FUN! I love the support you give me, and I love finding a way to pay it back. I truly enjoy working with artists, and seeing my girls come to life for everybody. Maybe, someday, this can be a full time thing, but for now, I still enjoy where I am at.

I am thankful for my artists. Dakzper's art will be incorporated into the book once it is done (I have an obsession with an Illustrated Edition-ever since the Illustrated Harry Potter Books came out, I've been in love with the idea). However, I am especially thankful for Skinnii. Skinnii started as a fan, but the amount of work he puts into his art shows. He is officially on the payroll now, as I am utilizing his talents to give you all something extra.

The 500 dollar mark is still a bit off, but I have some projects (in the background, never mentioned) that Skinnii is doing for me as part of the "extras" I am exploring as part of this process. During the process of working with him, a few things happened:

1) Skinnii and I made Lily together. I wanted a succubus, he messed around with some models, and I gave her the ol' Annabelle Twist. He made the original concept art for her (for me). While my canon characters have to be designed a certain way, I am figuring out how to set up a higher-tier for Patrons that would allow them to contribute ideas to monster development. I made it work with Skinnii, and once I have a process in place, I will give you a more detailed post about it.

2) He came up with the idea of making Wallpapers to share with you. This is the first of a few which I will be spreading out. Yet another way to give back to the community which supports me so much. HFHM started out as a simple story, but the world keeps expanding, and I am hooked on exploring it. I already have this one on my desktop rotation, I love it!

3) He is still working on the secret project. I hope everybody loves it :D

4) He became someone I could bounce ideas off of. I'm not sure how I would make this work on a larger scale, but I love the sense of community it gives me. As he put it, the "sexorcism isn't every day work conversation. Not like you can bring it up over donuts." Feel free to use that community page to talk about the chapters, etc, because the chances are that I will probably drop by to chime in!

Woo! Long, spontaneous post is over. That being said, if you download this wallpaper (or just think it's awesome), can you click the like button for me? That will let me know how many of you liked it.

Take care of yourselves and each other. Tell others about the Radley Home. I'm off to start writing, and hope you enjoy this special treat.





Annabelle thanks for being awesome. Your enthusiasm for building a fun community is something others could learn from. Have s great Thanksgiving.