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Hey all!

One of the benefits of being part of a community is I can ask you to help me out. Although I'm not quite done with Book One (yet), I have started doing a bit of research on what I need. Please feel free to leave comments below, or PM me if you are shy.

Title: Do I call the book Radley's Home for Horny Monsters, or does this story deserve a different title? Keep in mind that this is officially a series now, so I need to figure out a series name.

Keywords: I apparently can pick 7 keywords or phrases to help people who search for it on Amazon. I definitely need some help here, I am shit with SEO.

Patron Edition: When I am putting everything together at the end, I want to make a special Patron Edition eBook for everybody that only you (my Patrons) will get. What could I put in the Patron Edition to make it special for everybody?

If we get a few options for some of these things, maybe I will do a poll. Some of you give me great advice, and I want to take advantage of that.





A larger scope might not be bad, you might want to have prequels or sequels. Anyway, back to testing. Perhaps post stories on Literotica or other sites with different names and see what the results are? Another site might be a better option since you are now a known commodity on Literotica.

Annabelle Hawthorne

I intend to have sequels and spin-offs as of right now. As for ‘Zon’s limit on porn, it look like I am pretty far outside of who is getting shut down.


Monster friends with monster benefits

Annabelle Hawthorne

If my book became a cartoon, I would demand they call it "Monsters with Benefits!" (The exclamation mark is mandatory)