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Hey all!

Looking through my notes, the Iceman's Wrath will wrap up after its fifth chapter. Right now, I am absolutely swamped with ideas, and I need your help to decide which one to pursue! (While it may seem strange to deviate from HFHM, being able to work on something else is the key to getting through writer's block, so we might as well enjoy it)

We have a couple of options to choose from. I will go into a bit of detail for each one. These categories will easily become a collection of shorts that will post here first and eventually find their way to Lit. 

Unearthly Delights - Do you remember that storage unit of Emily's? Well, turns out a couple boxes got sold from it and their contents are now out in the world, causing trouble. These stories will be mostly one shots - kinky ideas involving cursed magical items (and sometimes monsters!) that will be their own self contained story. These stories will loosely tie in with HFHM, and will take place in the same universe. I will be doing polls to see which item pops up next.

Fucked Up Fairy Tales - I will be giving readers the opportunity to choose from some selected fairy tales that I will rewrite Annabelle style. These tales will largely be one shots, but I could see a couple being a few chapters in length. Little Red Riding Hood will be the first FUFT, and then it will open up to Patron votes for each next chapter.

This poll will run for a LONG time to give everybody a chance to think of what they want. I hope everybody has an awesome holiday season!




What to choose when you're a fan of both options...


I think the spin-off idea works best. Perhaps do it in a similar way that they did Friday the 13th, The Series back in the 90s with one or two recurring characters who get swept up in the first artifact (perhaps they also find a manifest of what was sold, but not where it originated from) and they try to track down the artifacts until they can return them to someone who can properly store them.