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Hi all!

October was a fantastic month, let's see if we can top it in November!

November is NaNoWriMo. I don't have time to write a novel, but Home for Horny Monsters will easily be novel length after I finish the Book One story arc. When this happens, not only will you be the first to know, but I will be making certain that my Patrons all get a free copy of the finished ebook when it releases. I couldn't do this without your support, and I am constantly trying to pay it forward. You guys are awesome!

The next chapter of HFHM is scheduled for the weekend of the 12th. I am looking at three posts this month, and the extra week of lead time will: 

a) enable me to get a little ahead (I really do only write in my limited free time)

b) allow my artist to catch up to me (I have Dakzper working on two pieces right now)

c) allow me to watch a couple episodes of Stranger Things Season 2 (I loved season 1!)

I have some more stunning fan art to share with you. I will post it later this week to keep morale high as we float toward the next chapter release. If you think you get anxiety waiting, imagine how I feel-I'm the sucker who is trying to keep up with herself!

Sarah is hands down the winner of the Big Bad poll for Book One (unless a ton of people join last second and vote otherwise). Not only can you expect an epic showdown, but I will tie up a couple of plot threads I have deliberately left dangling.

One last thing. In the past, I asked if there was anywhere else I should be posting my work. To be honest, I am at the point where I don’t have time to post anywhere but Lit, because every other second is devoted to writing. I would love it if my Patrons could talk me up in the various dark corners of the internet, because I know there are plenty of people out there who would love my monster girls as much as you do.

Have a happy November everyone!



Can't wait to see the next installment of Monster Girls. No seriously.. I can't wait!!!!! ...lol.. Keep on writing, you are doing great!