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Hey all!

By now, many of you have gotten a chance to read the latest chapter. I hope that you liked it, many of you have been waiting very patiently for Beth's chapter to post.

I'm asking you about the art I had posted. I thought it would be a fun surprise to embed story art right in the middle of the post. But I want to hear what you think! I'm not asking you about the art itself, but the act of putting it in the chapter, so let me know in the polls! Not every piece of art will be story specific, but the ones that are will get stuck right in, creating illustrated erotica. I am trying to take my craft (and my story) to the next level, so I thought this would be a fun way to do it. If enough of you like this, (and I hit the next goal), I would really like to have artwork retroactively done for previous chapters as well.

Let me know! This was a wonderful month, much love to my Patrons for your amazing contributions! Expect a November update later this week!




Loving the art Annabelle :)

Annabelle Hawthorne

I’m super glad! I want this page to become something special for my Patrons and I hope this is a good start!


The art is great, but sometimes one is stuck with little bandwidth, so it can be a problem if embedded in the story.