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Hey all! As part of our 1st goal celebration, I am uploading the second part of the Iceman’s Wrath FOR FREE! It’s my way of giving back to all of my awesome patrons! I hope you enjoy it!

A Cold Glass of Water

Jason enjoyed the peace and quiet, cleaning up after his daughter’s guests. Sometimes it bothered him how messy they could could be, but he found that his daughter’s standards of cleanliness were not often up to par with his. Years sharing a station with other men and women had instilled a “cleanliness is next to godliness” routine for him. Once he finished wiping down the counter with Clorox wipes, he defrosted a steak, pulling a couple of cool beers out of the fridge to enjoy while he waited. He grilled outside, bringing it inside when he was done. Despite the setting sun, the air was still angry with heat, and his beer became lukewarm in minutes. 

He ate his dinner in front of the television, watching Game of Thrones on TV. The house was finally starting to feel cool once more when the power went out again. Jason fumed in silence, staring into the dark void that had been his TV.

“Fuck,” Jason muttered, quickly moving through the pitch black home to find flashlights. He didn’t allow burning candles in his home, a lesson brought about by the first. Fatality he had ever seen on the job. An entire family, gobbled up by the flames of a candle that had tipped over in the night. With the AC off, the house became a small oven, the temperature outside just over a hundred degrees and creeping ever inward.

Naomi returned with her friends, Megan and Maria, from the movie. Immediately complaining about how hot it was, the women moved their sleep over to the basement to keep cool. Jason helped Naomi set up some flashlights, then showed her how to use a camping stove to cook the girls some popcorn. They vanished to the basement for the evening, the sounds of giggling occasionally permeating the floorboards.

Jason sat in the living room, wondering if anything could be done about the constant outages. The heat was simply too much, and his bedroom was well over ninety degrees, due to its west facing windows. Confined to the living room, he made the best of it, reading an issue of TIME magazine by the light of an LED lamp he used for camping.

The giggling downstairs slowly became muted, and a blurry eyed Jason finally drifted to sleep, fantasizing about the smooth curves of Brianne’s body beneath his fingers once more. He wanted to kick himself for not using Brianne like the cum rag she was, but knew that it would have been a huge mistake. 

The house was engulfed in smokeless fire, the flames casting odd shadows in every direction. Before him she stood, Brianne in her cheerleader outfit, bending over just enough for the skirt to creep up her backside, the wet lips of her pussy gleaming in the firelight. He wanted to walk toward her, bend her over, fuck her until she begged him to stop, but the flames were too hot, singing his naked skin every time he walked toward her. Like a fog, his dreams faded in and out, the image of her body just beyond his reach.

He opened his eyes, rock hard and sweaty. The sun was long gone, the stars being led across the sky by the glow of the moon. It was the middle of the night, and he could sneak away to his bedroom to fall back asleep, but not before rubbing one out to the image of Brianne. Standing, he took a couple steps toward the stairs, suddenly aware of how dry his mouth was. A nice, cold glass of water sounded like an amazing idea.

Carefully moving around in the dark, he turned the corner into the kitchen. Seeing the figure at the sink, he stopped.

Megan stood in front of the sink, a chunk of ice held against her smooth neck. The light of the moon backlit her body, her modest cotton sleeping gown nearly transparent in its light. He stared at her slender silhouette, mouth agape as she shifted her weight from one leg to the other, her hips cocking to one side. Loose, red hair scattered the moon’s light, casting an eerie glow across his kitchen. He could see the faint raised lines of her panties, the tight curves of her ass visible through her gown. Shifting once more, her body was no more than a trapped shadow, awaiting liberation from its cotton prison.

She sighed, turning to lean against the counter. The ice she had liberated from the freezer had melted against her skin, creating several rivulets of water that ran down the front of her gown. Not only did these rivers cause her gown to cling to her breasts, her hard nipples were prominently displayed through the tight fabric. Opening her eyes, she saw Jason and jumped, her breasts bouncing delightfully beneath the fabric of her gown.

“Oh, Mr. Dawes, you startled me.” She held the ice once more against her neck. “I got really hot, I didn’t mean to wake you.”

“That’s okay Megan, I’m just coming for a drink.” He stepped closer to the sink, bumping into her on accident, watched her widening eyes travel down the length of his body. Following her gaze, he realized that the unthinkable had happened. The tiny button on the fly of his boxers had come undone in his sleep, and the act of walking into the kitchen had allowed his erection to poke through. Even worse, bumping into her had released the beast. Wordless, he looked at Megan, then back down at his dick. He couldn’t help but flex it, suddenly aware of how cool the room was compared to the confines of his boxers. 

Don’t scream, don’t scream, he pleaded mentally. Megan’s eyes met his, her cheeks red.

“Is that… did I do that?” she asked.

“Er…” He fumbled over the words. Technically, no. Then again, he had been checking her out. Shit. “I don’t know what to say.” He fumbled with his dick, trying to push it back through the hole, but it was too big to fit back through without taking his boxers off. Fucking around with Brianne had been one thing, but Megan was on the opposite end of the spectrum. She was the girl he wanted his daughter to be like, the one he knew would hold her hair when she was sick, the one who would never abandon her at a party. Frantic, he tugged out on his boxers, hoping if he went partially flaccid that he could make it work.

“Uh uh.” Megan glided forward, wrapping the head of his penis in her cool hand, sparking it back to full stiffness Shocked, Jason stared into Megan’s green eyes. She stroked him softly, a sly grin on her lips. Gone was the polite valedictorian who would bring over chick flicks and popcorn, the girl who would help him out with dishes when they were done eating. Her gaze was predatory, and she was waiting for a response.

Dad Jason and Wild Jason stood on the sink, appraising the situation. Jason looked to them for guidance. They looked at each other in an attempt to come to a consensus, heads bowed in secret conference.

“Fuck her!” Wild Jason shouted through cupped hands, gyrating his hips for effect. “See if she makes quiet noises or loud ones!”

Dad Jason shrugged. “I’m not even entirely certain we’re awake. Go for it.” He held up both thumbs.

Jason looked away from the counter, his eyes finding hers. “You are eighteen, right?”

“Six months ago.” She popped the piece of ice in her mouth and squeezed down hard on his shaft, rolling her wrist toward the base, sending a shiver up his spine.

“Pill?” He asked. She nodded. “Good.” Running his hands across her shoulders, he caressed her cheek. “I never expected this kind of behavior from you of all people.”

“That’s because some people are all talk,” she mumbled through her ice. “Learn to tell the difference.” She crunched on the ice, then knelt down. Caught off guard, Jason nearly fell over when she pulled his dick into her mouth, the sensation of hot and cold intermingling all across his cock’s head.

“Shit!” He hissed as the school valedictorian began working his shaft with her hand. He wished he could see more of her, the dim light of the moon simply not enough. She gazed up at him with those penetrating green eyes of hers, eyes begging him for more. Her free hand snaked up through his boxers to tug at his balls, and he grabbed a fistful of her hair with his right hand, bracing himself against the wall with his left.

He had been with a couple of girls who had attempted the ice trick, but clearly Megan had perfected the process. The front of her mouth was ice cold, but the back of her throat was hot, and she pulled him all the way in, her lips touching the base of his shaft as he forced her downward. Instead of pushing him away, she clawed at his ass, pulling him in. He could feel her swallowing, her throat tightening around just the top of his dick. He let go of her hair, letting her work his cock furiously with her mouth, his eyes on the ceiling as he basked in the pleasure that his daughter’s friend was giving him. How many people had fucked her mouth like this, had experienced the sheer pleasure of her ministrations?

He chanced a glance at the counter where Dad Jason and Wild Jason sat. Wild Jason cheered him on, fists pumping in the air. Dad Jason was holding a beer and gave him a salute.

“Who taught you this?” He asked her.

She sucked his cock as she reached the end, letting it leave her mouth with an audible pop. “My step sister taught me.”

“Wait, your step sister?” He vaguely remember mention of an older sister of Megan’s.

“Yeah. We took turns practicing on her strap-on. Then we would fuck each other with it.” She sucked him back into her mouth, blowing several fuses in his mind. Jason let out a moan, clamping a hand across his mouth.

“You… oh yes… you fucked your step sister?”

“My parents won’t let us date,” she explained around the edge of his dick. “So we did it to take the edge off.”

“I… um… oh shit, yeah.” She rolled his balls in her fingers, licking the underside of his penis, her tongue gently caressing his frenulum. The step sister thing was weird, but also hot. Had he ever seen a picture of her sister? He tried to picture them together, losing what few brain cells he had left.

“Hey.” Megan had stopped, her intense eyes on him once more. “I want you to eat my pussy.”

Jason let those words sink in, the sudden demands of a woman half his age. When had they learned to be so direct, to express their desires in such a succinct way? Jason nodded, and he helped Megan stand. He spun her around, lifting her onto the counter so that she sat in front of him, legs splayed apart, white cotton panties visible in the moonlight.

“I never thought I would be doing this,” he admitted.

“And I’ve masturbated to this too many times to count.” She grabbed the back of his head, pulling him forward. His nose pressed against the fabric of her underwear, and he inhaled the sweet scent of her arousal.

“You sure are bossy,” he informed her, running his hands across her ass and thighs.

“That’s how I got through group projects in HS,” she informed him, gasping when he pushed his tongue into the fabric, exploring her through the thin cotton. “Bossy, bitchy, whatever gets the job done.”

“I think I like this side of you,” he told her. Sliding her panties off, he stuffed them in the silverware drawer, lifting one of her legs up to give him more room. Kissing his way down her stomach, she let out tiny little moans as he neared her pussy. She was certainly bossy, but he needed to make certain that she knew he was in charge. She tried to push his head down, but he shifted to the side, biting her gently on the hip.

“You sure are taking your time,” she muttered. Jason smirked, his mouth nibbling the skin of her inner thigh.

“Some things deserve to be savored,” he told her, circling the outside of her pussy with his thumb. Megan arched her back, hissing silently when Jason moved his mouth onto the delicate, wrinkled flesh just above his thumb. She ran the fingers of her left hand over the back of his head, her right hand on the cabinet behind her for balance. Jason’s thumb pushed her warm, wet folds apart, sliding slowly into his daughter’s friend, his tongue teasing at the edge of her clit. She pushed into his hand, but Jason withdrew-this was his game now, and he had no intention of ceding control. He used his free hand to fondle her breast through her nightgown, marveling at how soft and supple it felt. Her hard nipple rolled between his fingertips, and he swirled his tongue around the upper folds of her pussy, squeezing her tit to gauge her reaction.

It was a subtle difference, but one he had been waiting for. Capturing her nipple between his thumb and finger, he gave it a light tug. Her hips bucked toward him, and this time he let his thumb sink the whole way into her, rubbing the back walls of her vagina. Megan clamped a hand over her mouth, stifling a small shriek.

Perfect. Jason grinned, his lips kneading her flesh as he worked three different erogenous zones. Pushing down with his thumb, he found a smooth portion of her vagina, rubbing up and down while he lightly sucked on her clitoris, pulling it out of its hiding spot. Squeezing her breast, he caused her to let out several more silenced shrieks, her hips moving on their own. Her juices had soaked his fingering hand, and he cupped his palm, coating his pointer finger to get it nice and wet.

“Mr. DaWWWWWES!” Megan’s whole body tensed up when he pushed gently on her asshole, his finger sufficiently wet that he slipped it in just past the first knuckle. Gently rubbing the thin patch of skin that separated his fingers, he hungrily devoured her cunt, her fingernails clawing into the back of his scalp.

“Mr. Dawes,” she whispered. “Mr. Dawes, fuck me.”

Jason paused. She wasn’t in charge here-he was. “Say please. Beg for it.”

“Mr. Dawes, please fuck me,” she whispered, her thighs shaking beneath her. “Please fuck me, Mr. Dawes, please fuck me until I cum, I’m so close, please, I need to cum. I’ll do anything, just please!” Her voice was rising in volume, and he didn’t need her summoning the others.

“I think we can arrange that.” He stepped back, rubbing his cock in anticipation. The counter top was too high, so Megan slid off, turning around and wiggling her ass in his direction. By the time he lined the head of his cock up to her soaking wet pussy, she was rapidly fingering herself, her hips bucking in anticipation.

On the counter, Wild Jason and Dad Jason were both waving giant foam fingers, cheering him on. He slid into Megan with almost no effort, and she arched her back, pushing into him. She felt amazing, her warm pussy gripping tightly to his shaft as he pumped in and out. He slid his hands around her hips, and then up her sides until he was grabbing both of her breasts through the front of her gown. She was just the right height when she was on her tiptoes-using her free hand as support, he was able to fuck her standing up.

“Oh shit oh shit oh shit,” she whispered to herself. The eerie light of the moon scattered their shadows, the kitchen smelling of heat and sex. Megan came first, shoving her hand into her mouth and letting out a high pitched squeak around her fist. Jason redoubled his efforts, his balls tightening against his body.

“I’m about to cum inside you,” he whispered in her ear.

“I want to swallow it,” she whispered back. Jason stepped away, giving her room. She dropped to her knees and pumped his dick with both hands, taking him into her mouth. She pulled one hand away to stroke his balls, working his shaft with the other as she swirled her tongue around his dick hole. As much as Jason wanted to make her work for it, between earlier with Brianne and the hot, eighteen year old pussy he had just fucked, it wasn’t meant to be. He blasted the inside of her mouth, and she dutifully swallowed it, making loud gulping sounds.

He sighed when she pulled away, his dick shining with her spit. He helped her to her feet, and she put her mouth on his, her tongue finding his own. He held her tight as they kissed, and he marveled at how much cum she had kept in her mouth, spitting it into his own. No stranger to a surprise snowball, he accepted it, finding humor in her act of defiance.

They kissed for several minute before Megan broke it off.

“That… was something I will remember forever,” she said, trailing a finger down his chest. “I’ve fantasized for a long time about what it might be like, but never thought of something like this.”

“I feel the same,” he told her, squeezing her ass. “You are pretty amazing at this already.”

He could see her cheeks darken in the moonlight, the shy valedictorian returning to her body. “Thanks, Mr. Dawes. Um, can I have my panties back?”

Jason smiled, gently stroking her jawline and thinking of how she had made him swallow his own cum. There would be a price. “No, you may not. Those belong to me now.” His voice had a slight edge, an unspoken dare for the teenage girl.

A sly grin crossed her lips. “Then perhaps I can earn them back from you sometime?”

Jason nodded. “I’ll be waiting.”

Megan filled her glass with water once more, chugging the contents and placing it back in the sink. She paused to peck Jason on the lips before walking through the basement door just outside the kitchen. Smiling to himself, Jason filled his own glass with water, pulling her panties from the silverware drawer. Smelling them, he was instantly reminded of her scent. Humming quietly to himself, he climbed the stairs to his room, and stuck her panties in his nightstand. Staring at the ceiling, he pondered his good luck as sleep overtook him.


The next morning, Jason was up before the girls. The power had kicked back on in the middle of the night, and the house was finally cool. He was scrambling eggs and frying up some bacon when they finally emerged from the basement, bleary eyed with pillow lines on their faces. Jason already had plates set for them on the table, and Naomi planted a kiss on his cheek as he used a spatula to slide hot bacon onto the serving plate.

“Thanks, dad,” she told him, giving him a hug. He kissed her forehead, allowing her to join her friends at the table. Maria was unusually animated, the pretty Latina on her second cup of coffee already, talking about the college she was going to. Naomi sat next to her, and Megan sat across from them, the quiet redhead nodding politely, gently splitting a piece of bacon in half down the middle. Jason took the empty seat next to Megan. His thoughts were on the events of last night, but he had decided the best course of action was to pretend that nothing had happened.

“I poured you some coffee, Mr. Dawes.” Megan slid over the ceramic mug. “I heard you like it with extra cream.” She emphasized the word cream with a gently arched eyebrow, her green eyes sparkling. Jason looked at his daughter, who was looking at a picture that Maria had pulled up on her phone.

“In that case, let me return the favor.” He slid some extra bacon onto Megan’s plate. “I would hate for you to leave here without getting filled up.”

The sly grin was worth it. Megan’s eyes flicked over to her friends, who were still lost in conversation. She lifted the hem of her nightgown, pulling it higher along her thighs until she revealed that she was still naked underneath it.

“You’re always so good to me, Mr. Dawes.” She let go of her nightgown, her pussy disappearing from view. Jason choked back a laugh, turning to listen in on Maria’s conversation.

“What’s the name of this place, Maria?” he asked.

“Canisius,” she informed him. “It’s in New York.”

“I guess that means I won’t be seeing much of you around here either. Everybody’s leaving me,” he joked, biting into a piece of bacon.

“I’ll still come visit on the weekends,” Naomi informed him. “I’ll have laundry to do.”

Jason sighed. “Oh, that’s fantastic. Reduced to a laundromat by my daughter.”

“I might drop by to get my laundry done, too.” Megan informed him. “So there is that.”

“That’s… why wouldn’t you go visit your parents?”

“Ugh. Her step dad is such a creep,” Naomi said. “Nobody likes going over to her house because he’s just gross, and he will stare at your tits the entire time you’re there.”

Jason let that one sink in. Maybe Megan’s step dad was creepy, but he wasn’t the one actually fucking around with his kid’s friends. “Sounds like an asshole.”

“He is.” Megan licked bacon grease off her finger. “He’s the reason my step sister and I can’t date. He convinced my mother that it wasn’t proper for us to be involved with boys while we were still under their roof.”

“You don’t talk about her much, right? I don’t remember any mention of her.”

“They’re the same age,” Naomi offered.

“And they don’t get along. Like at all,” Maria added. She poured herself another cup of coffee, emptying the pot. “Things are always tense when she’s around.”

“You don’t say?” Jason cast a suspicious glance at Megan, who didn’t react. Was her whole story a load of shit? Did it change anything if it was?

“She’s a fucking bitch.” Megan informed him. “My parents make us go to the basement when we fight, so that when we yell, it doesn’t bother them as much.” She sipped at her coffee. “They’re so desperate for us to get along, they’re making us share a dorm room.”

“Wow. That sounds really annoying.” Jason picked up the coffee pot. “Well, I have the spare room. If it isn’t too weird, you are always free to stay in Naomi’s room when you are in town. Even if she isn’t here.”

“I just might do that.” Megan turned her attention to Maria, who had pulled up a picture of the quad on her new campus. Jason walked into the kitchen, placing the coffee pot back in the coffee maker. He dug in the cabinet for a new filter, then filled it with fresh grounds.

“Hey dad.” Naomi slid her arms around his stomach, squeezing him tightly from behind. “Thanks for being so good to my friends. You don’t have to be, but you are. I love that about you.”

Dad Jason sat on the counter’s edge, right on the spot that Jason had eaten Megan out. His head was hung in shame. Wild Jason was patting him on the back sympathetically. Should he tell her?

“How serious are you about that thing you told me yesterday?” He asked, keeping his voice down.

Naomi smiled. “Dead serious. I’m a liberated woman, I’m not afraid of sex in all of its forms. Go out, have fun, enjoy yourself. If I had realized that the Iceman was my fault in the first place, I would have said something sooner.” She dropped her voice really low. “You totally should have fucked Ms. Kazowski, by the way.”

Ms. Kazowski had been Naomi’s English teacher this year. It was only her second year teaching, and Jason had felt obligated to go in for Back to School night, as well as conferences. It was a small enough town that he had wanted to meet the teachers who had been teaching his daughter for so many years. Janet Kazowski had flirted with him on both occasions, and he had run into her several times at the grocery store. The chemistry was definitely there, but Jason had held back.

Either way, hearing his daughter speak to him in such a frank manner caused Dad Jason to throw himself off the counter. Wild Jason looked over the side, shaking his head in disapproval at the crumpled figure below.

“I… um…why?”

“She was super tense all of spring semester. Super bitchy, totally needed to get laid. I probably would have gotten an A in her class if she had been a little more relaxed.” She punched her dad in the arm. “Maybe you should look her up sometime. After all, I’m not her student anymore.”

“Um, sure. Maybe I will.” Kazowski had been pretty enough, but his mind was on the redhead in his kitchen. Would she really come stay on the weekends? And if she did, would he get a repeat of last night? “Now go keep your friends company. I’ll be out in a minute.” He pinched at her butt, something he had done since she was little. Naomi jumped away in the nick of time, like always, shuffling back out to the dining room.

The girls finished their breakfast, vanishing once more into the depths of the basement. Jason washed the dishes, pouring himself another cup of coffee. The basement door opened behind him, two hands snaking around his waist and grabbing his dick through his pajamas.

“Whoa, hey!” Jason turned around, and Megan pulled his face in, her lips on his. He opened his mouth more in shock than anything else-last night, everybody had been asleep, but now the risk was simply too high.

Jason returned the kiss, pulling her in tightly. It couldn’t be helped. She broke away from him, running her hands down his body until they rested on his hips.

“I’m coming back the third weekend of September,” she informed him. “I can be here on Friday, and I plan to stay until Sunday evening.” Stepping close to him, she grabbed his dick again through his pants. “And I hope that this is going to spend most of that weekend inside of me, one way or the other.”

“I have a job, you know.” Jason ran his hands up her side, holding her close. “I might not be home that weekend.”

“I already checked,” she told him. “You have it written on your calendar.”

“Oh.” Well, she was the valedictorian for a reason. “To be clear, this isn’t a relationship.”

“Last night was the first time I felt like I was with a real man,” she informed him. “And until I find one closer to my age, I intend to keep fucking you.”

“You’re starting to sound bossy again,” Jason warned.

Megan smirked. “And I’m counting on you to put me in my place.” She kissed him one more time, biting his bottom lip playfully. Footsteps on the stairs caused her to float to the other side of the kitchen, pulling a soda out of the fridge. Naomi and Maria walked out of the basement, dressed for a trip to the mall. Naomi gave Jason a quick peck on the cheek, and he watched them leave from his front window.

“I think it’s going to be an interesting year,” he told Wild Jason, who stood on the table by the front door. Wild Jason gave him a thumbs up, then resumed chest compressions on Dad Jason’s limp body.

I hope this was a fun surprise! Our regularly scheduled program will return next week!



Do you have a .doc or epub version? Makes it a fair bit easier to read it on my phone than a long post like this.


I really like "Wild Jason" and "Dad Jason", the chest compression bit had me needing some myself.